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  1. Oh well, the court didn't want to take any responsability so the stay remains. So we carry on with the great waiting game
  2. At last, after many phone calls and a letter of complaint to the court, they have found our paper work and last week we were granted a hearing for the removal of stay on our case against the woolwich/barclays. So roll on 08/05/08. If anybody has any advice then please let me know. Mind you if all goes well this week we could all be looking forward to the stay being lifted
  3. Well I have completed my request for the removal of the STAY. Here's hoping. Otherwise things do not look good for us.
  4. Well we finally got a response from the court today and its been put on stay until the test case has been resolved. I know you can appeal against this on hardship grounds, so does anyone have any info or help they can offer with regards to this. If so I would be very greatful. Thanks
  5. :-| Hmmm, Well the court are not even sure now if the AQ has been returned as they made an "admin error" when keying the return of our form and Barclays some how have until 3rd Sept. Then the court will write to them giving another 7 days. If not returned then, their defence will be struck out. Why put dead lines on the return of forms if they are going to give the banks longer. If it were us we would have lost by now. Our justice system sucks. The little guy always draws the short straw. Lets hope things move in the right direction, I suppose its only 10 days then the judge decides what happens anyaway. Just so frustrating
  6. Hi, do we complete this form as if they had done nothing, because the only thing they have missed is the allocation questionair. Just want to make sure we get this right. I know its only 2/3 weeks until the district judge gets involved so don't want to get anything wrong at this point. Please advise:confused: Thanks
  7. Well we completed our AQ and returned it by the given date of 10/08/07. But Barclays did not, it seems that banks make the rules as they go along. It turns out, it now gets passed to the district judge who will write to Barclays in a weeks time giving them another 7 days.:o How unfair is that. I know if we failed to meet the dead line that would be game over. Oh well at least its not on hold and our court is still pushing forward. Only another 2/3 weeks and will will hopefully have an answer. Will keep you all posted to what happens.
  8. hello anyone out there?? urgent questions regarding N150 AQ. 1) in d section witnesses- do we put both of one of us in there and what do we put for " witness to which facts"? 2) in H section it asks " Do you intend to make any applications in the immediate future"? yes or no ? WHAT????? do we?? Help please druids:D
  9. Hello again we had a letter from barclays this morning saying they are going to ask the court for a stay. Kerryanna, whats this hardship clause you mention and how can i find out about it? Do you think i might be able to use it too as we are on a debt management program (trying to catch up with everything after hubby was out of work for 6 months last year!) and 4 kids Filing my AQ still in morning tho! druids x
  10. Hi everyone. Just a quick question with regards to the AQ I am currently completing. In section D it asks for the amount of the claim in dispute. Do we enter the figure we sent the original claim for, or adjust the figure to include interest up to todays date ? Thanks:confused:
  11. Hello there just been reading your thread. I hate this waiting game too we are all playing!!! they are quick enough to take the money! i've just receiced my AQ from High Wycombe Court and have till the 10th aug to submit it so a little way behind you. don't know yet if it's even going small claims or fast track as it's over £10,000. will keep watching to see how a fellow woolwich/barclays survivor does!!!! good luck Druids
  12. HELP, please i'm having a bad day.......since i had my bump to the head some days things just don't make sense and typically it's now and when i look at the A Q and it's just jargon to me!!! can someone please walk me through it or at least point me in the right direction. Really apreicate any help
  13. Helloooooo everyone, Sorry between poorly kids and myself not too great i've let things slide here. SORRY !!! Well they Acnoligded on the last day that gave them till last friday. They then entered there defence with minutes to spair over the internet ( didn't know they could!). So just today we received our Q and A but with todays announcement i guess it's pointless. Where do we go from here?? Feeling a little dispondant we REALLY need the money sooner rather than later as things are a little (understatement!) tight and i cann't find a job that fits round hubby's work and kids that won't cost me all i earn in child care fees. Sorry to moan, a little stressed And the KIDS are on school hols so i know some of you know whats that is like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Hello, i'm just starting a claim (well 3) against abbey for my parents and was looking for some advice /info on how abbey are handling their claims. Are they likely to close the accounts? have they closed any? what seems to be their time scales and system? Druids36 Woolwich-N1 Served 22nd July 07 Halifax 1- N1 pending Halifax Cards 2 & 3- S.A.R. Non-compliance sent
  15. ok i promise only 2 more questions tonight ............. how much does the non-compliance order normaly cost ? and i get that you send it to the bank but am i right in thinking you complain to a third party too and if so- who and how ???????????? don't want them to get away with out a telling off! druid (running on caffeine)
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