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Everything posted by Myfamily

  1. well nothing now but originally I had not made the payment on the mortgage but then I used the payment for the secured loan to pay the mortgae so now I've broken the arrangement on the secured loan (basically robbed Peter to pay Paul)
  2. I don't know, I was just getting into such a state with them saying that he owed it, he was getting housing benefit too and they started writing to me about an overpayment, just got into a panic over it, I'm stresses - husband stressed, kids stressed - just had enough! secured loan are Elderbridge (formerly first plus - I have other threads on my battle with them!!)
  3. well the secured loan co have been in touch, saying I need make payment or contact them within 10 days. I am stressing - I don't' have and I obviously don't want to take out a loan - I don't think I could anyway. I only did the last one as I was being hounded by my late father in laws Housing association over arrears on his rent, and other things that were left behind when he died. any help please
  4. Hi Ell-enn - so sorry it took me so long, the suspended order was made in Jan 2014. I think the secured loan Co will write to me and try to intimidate me, I'm not sure they'll go as far as court after last time but I can't be sure, it does depend on other customers court cases which are coming up soon. Do you think I should write to the secured loan Co and explain anyway?
  5. Have missed a few payments in the past (I am not sure how many) I think the arrears are about £11,000. Yes there have been possession proceedings, they have a suspended possession order . I am making payments toward the arrear - £67 per month. This is complicated though. the company are as corrupt as they come - I was taken to court for possession and in that process I fought against the unfair clause in their contract and partially won, in that the loan was originally variable but mine is now fixed at the rate it was when it started.
  6. yeah we're waiting to see - if not we will sell I suppose, but we've been told we should be able to re-mortgage at maybe not the best rate but better than the one we fixed at hopefully. The solicitors letter said to make the missing payment within 7 days. The secured loan due date was 28th April
  7. We can, we both work. but there's been a lot happening in the last few years which have made it very hard. the last few months being the worst what with father in laws death, funeral - car repair etc. We do have equity in the property but are on fix deal till next year, so if we sell now we will have an indemnity payment of about £15,000. we want to hang on and re-mortgage to clear the secured loan and anything else we have.
  8. Sorry Ell-Enn, must have missed that. The actual mortgage payment is around £1432 (I think - haven't got the exact amount in front of me) I pay £68 on top for arrears.
  9. Hi Ell-enn, Not sure that you've understood my last post. I have made the payment for my mortgage by using the payment that was due to my secured loan company and anything I had left in my account. My mortgage payment is £1500, my payment for secured loan is £900.
  10. Hi Ell-Enn, ok things have changed slightly. Got a letter from the solicitors for Santander (pretty quick this time!) Hubby got paid the other day and the only thing that had not been paid out yet was our payment for our secured loan, so possibly stupidly I have used that to pay the mortgage, along with whatever I had left in our account, just about made up to the right amount. Obviously it now means that I have robbed Peter to pay Paul and I'm sure I will get a letter from my secured loan company. The payment to them is £900. in a precarious position with them too where we have missed payments. (I have other threads on them) so I now need to deal with them. Any help would be great. I cannot call them, as I have refused to speak to them on the phone due to previous conversations being unrecorded and then used against me. I have also recently told them not to call me as they suddenly started calling me at work - which I was very upset about.
  11. HI Sorry, Ell-enn, I didn't get a notif that anyone had replied. I normally pay £1500. Get paid next on 15th May
  12. Sorry typing on my phone and it auto corrects to total rubbish sometimes. I don't know what to do. Please help. I might be able to pay about £300 I think. At least it's something??
  13. Yep Dx, you are right I'm a complete idiot! Desperate times etc. I am desperate to get out of the circle of cheap believe me!
  14. credit file was bad - I did fib a little though in the income and expenses, it only asked for my contribution to household and so one - not good I know. Payment to PDL already gone about 2 weeks ago so won't be able to reverse , and with the other stuff that happened re car I couldn't cover the full payment now anyway.
  15. Hi Ell-enn it has already gone out of my account, it went on 13th and the mortgage was due on 18th soon already late! We trying to figure out what to do
  16. Hi, Hoping Ell-enn might be around, need help again! Missed this months payment, need to tell them why, but worried.! Basically, after the death of my father in law an the car repair, I didn't quite have enough money to cover it all and I (stupidly!!) took out a pay day loan it was only for a small amount(£400), and was paid back the following month but as happens with these things, I could not afford a large amount like that, so I took out another, obviously higher to cover the original amount and interest, and again the same thing the following month, until this month when they took out £912! I know this was stupid but then to top it off, the car had to get new brake pads and discs! Now I just want to leave the payday loan as paid but it mean that I don't have the money there to pay my mortgage! I could take it out again but I will get the same problem next month. all my other bills have gone too so I have no money at all to pay anything towards it. don't know how to tell them this. Can you help??
  17. sorry I forgot to update this thread. I emailed Lowells and suggested a Tomlin order. which they agreed to and was all signed off. I suggested the order be for the balance on the statement minus any overlimit and late fees, and also referral fees, so total was about £500. Many thanks to all here who helped with this
  18. I would like to chase up these guys as I've had no reply to my e-mail but they have been and cleared some of it as explained above but also further damaged my fence. Any ideas about what I should write to them?
  19. some time ago I took out these payday loans. I couldn't pay them back. Stopped paying, and got a few e-mails and default notice from them payday express, but not payday uk. Yesterday received two letters from BWlegal one for each company, enclosed is an assignment notice from the company, then a letter from PRAC financial (never heard of them) and finally the letter from BW legal saying that they can give me a 10% discount if I pay now I have looked on my noddle report, and these two are showing up under CLOSED ACCOUNTS - updated on 01/01/2017, with account end dates of 09/12/2016 for both . Payday express is showing as satisfied and 0 balance and Payday uk showing as settled and 0 balance. Are BW legal just trying their luck here??
  20. Hi All, Well I wrote to my local council and explained the issues. Last week I was a way for some of the week and in that time, someone has been to the area behind my fence and had a bit of a tidy up, they have pulled over a lot of the ivy that was growing over the top, but in the process have pulled down another 2 panels (unless they were already broken by the weight of the ivy - I can't tell as it was totally covered! ) , it's not finished by any means - it's still a mess back there but nothing else has happened. I have not had any written response from them about what they plan to do about damage to my fence or the issue with the path leading to my garage. Any thoughts? Myfamily
  21. Hi ericsbrother, sorry ot sure if I've mis understood - should I just write to my local council then and they can pass on if they have the details anyway? are you able to help with a letter at all please?
  22. mmm, might have just got complicated, I went to the land reg and it tells me that the person who own the land is LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL of County Hall, London SE1. that is obvisouly not my local council - what do I do now??
  23. the fence is my responsibility, but the road behind and land behind is a public footpath/road that leads up to woodlands and runs between my garden (behind my fence) and the cemetary on the other side. it's a dirt road which stops at the house at the rear of the cemetary (behind my fence) then becomes a footpath I have never been told that I have any responsibility for that footpath/road. I have a big enough garden and house to look after without going over the other side of my fence to clear their land, it's not just a kittle bit of rubbish, it's thick with bramble and ivy.
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