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Everything posted by Myfamily

  1. No, because as Ericsbrother said this could take 2 years! and I don' trust them anyway after the dispatches program about them - so far in all case complaining about first plus they have sided 100% with first plus! crazy!
  2. Hi Ericsbrother, Yes I really need to but am just struggling with how to begin, any idea? Can anyone help with a letter or something. also is there any rule or regulation I can quote- have been checking around but cannot find anything If I sell Can I instruct my solicitor to pay the loan balance not the costs as they are disputed?
  3. hi supervillain, well I have the statement of costs from the court hearing and the figure was £30,182.20, the settlement figure sent 4 years and 1 month later is £36,538.50! what I also don't quite understand is the last letter I had from them in Nov 2017 said the balance was account balance is £65,802.15 and arrears were £23,337.83, in their settlement letter they say the account balance is £64,892.15 and accrued interest is £38,258.58 - they don't give an arrears amount, is this supposed to be included in the accrued interest figure?? none of it makes sense
  4. Thanks dx - how do I account for any payment that have been missed since the court case though?
  5. Hi Super villain, I see what you're saying but I would understand that in a standard SPO but in this case the judge did mention costs in the trial and said that they would be decided at the next hearing and that it would be an unusual case because although they won the possession part I won the unfair contract term part. I suspect most of their costs were on fighting this part, I don't think £36,000 is reasonable either!. I don't know but maybe someone else here does - as guide in a standard possession hearing where the bank wins how much are costs normally?? also the breakdown they provided for costs was just slightly over £30,000 how is it now £36,000 4 years later - are they adding interest?? are they allowed to do that?
  6. thanks Sgt, but I really need to get the ball rolling here - looking to get them paid off asap! I really need to know if I'm barking up the wrong tree by saying that the court costs that they are asking for are 1) not reasonable and 2) are not to be paid by me as the court didn't order it?
  7. I assume I send this is to elderbridge who are now administering the first plus loans? - they're not a dca or anything. they have been through the courts to have they name put in place as claimant instead first plus for our old case as well. what are your thoughts on the costs question? - can they charge them? - they were not ordered by the courts - they did submit their costs claim but they were not discussed at all and as I said the judge acknowledged this in the trial and said that she would discuss costs at the next hearing but that this was a kind of win win on both sides. cost were not discussed at all in the final hearing, and the court docs amount do not include them either.
  8. Hi all, It's been a while with this one. but I will hopefully soon be able to pay this loan off. The problem is I asked for a redemption figure, which they came back with £36,000 in court costs from our case 4 years ago. in this hearing, trial and last hearing (Jan 2014) they gave the court a breakdown of costs amounting to £30,000. at the trial in 2013 - the judge said the costs were reserved to the next hearing and that "this is going to a rather unusual situation where there will be a sort of win both sides," we won the argument that the term in the contract allowing them to vary the interest rate was unfair but they did still get the SPO as we were still in arrears after they had re-calculated our loan. Now as far as I can see the costs for the SPO would have been very low as all they had to show was that we were in arrears, their breakdown shows that they spent a lot of money on partner solicitors, associate solicitors and assistant solicitors. the trial in oct 2013 was a few hours long yet they're claiming 17.50 hours! including travel (£2,887.00) the assistant solicitor costs are 28.50 hours costing £4,700 and so on. No I believe that most of their costs were on fighting me on the unfair contract terms argument, and as they lost on that front the should have to pay their costs for it. where it gets complicated is that in the hearing in 2014 there was no mention of who the costs were awarded to - they were not discussed at all, I e-mailed the court and they said "the court did not order either party to pay costs in the orders they can see." can you tell me what you think about this? also it's gone from £30,000 to £36,000, seems like they are adding interest - are they allowed to do that? any advise greatly appreciated.
  9. Just worried about about making contact with them, last payment of £1 was approx. April 2015, can they re-start anything? or should it be off my file by now?
  10. yes that's right, on Noddle it's only showing me back to Jan 2012 (I suppose because that's 6 years ago) showing a 6 so if that was the first time it went to a 6 then I would think it would have been 3 in Nov and should have shortly after that been defaulted? but the default date field says Jan 2014. the timeline shows the 6's from Jan 2012 to Feb 2014 then a D in March 2014
  11. sorry I might have confused that point, apologies. The default was entered by Barclays as far as I remember and then it was passed to Link
  12. Hi All, Sorry has been a while with this one, I never managed to send the default notice to the CRA's at this time, had other things crop up! looking at it again now, As I have just checked Noddle and Link were reporting a 6 on my file since at least Jan 2012! and up to March 2014, the default date on Noddle is Jan 2014. so for an extra month it showed a 6. I could be wrong but shouldn't they have defaulted me long before Jan 2012? Also I believe my last payment was in April 2015, so when would this account disappear from my credit file. I recently had a letter from Link after nothing for a good couple of years, the first just addressed to me at my address, saying they haven't heard form me just checking my address is right and can I contact them, I didn't. then another saying that £xxx is still owed and this will not go away and can I contact them.
  13. Hi Dragonfly. Yeah the dreaded red ink not too worried about that but just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing nothing when I should be pointing out their errors etc. I would have a go at Lidls but I'm not really sure what to say, I'm sure they'll only say " well you should have entered your reg....blah blah blah!"
  14. another letter received! any thoughts on how or if I reply? Athena - lidl final demand.pdf
  15. Oh dear I don't remember what I bought that day at all! I have not had any further letters from them yet either, but also sold the car shortly after getting the first ticket, I assume they don't re-check keepers names and addresses though, but thought I'd have a further threatening letter by now. Should I be writing to them then to say their paperwork is rubbish?
  16. This is the e-mail I sent to moriarty law. "I am very disappointed to receive your letter saying that you have applied from judgement in default. I had thought that I had set up a standing order but apparently I hadn't completed it properly, which led to the payment being missed. It was a genuine error and I feel that it was un-necessary for you apply for judgement in default. A simple e-mail to me would have been all that was needed I could have checked and made payment straight away. I am going to make full payment today, so can you please send me a receipt for that and ensure that the court is advised not to proceed with the judgement. I do not want to see this appear on my credit file." and this is their response "Thank you for your email. We are sorry to receive your complaint, the contents of which have been duly noted and as such we wish to confirm that late payment letter was issued on 27th September 2017 confirming that the payment as due 22nd September had not been received and requesting that further contact/payment be made. Unfortunately as no response was received, Judgment was entered on 10th October 2017. Please be assured however that as payment of the full outstanding balance has been received within one month of Judgment being entered, the Courts shall duly remove the CCJ from your credit file. Whilst we are unable to confirm precisely how long this process shall take, we are aware that the Courts are operating under a backlog and as such the process may take as many as 4 weeks to complete. Further information regarding this may be obtained by contacting the County Court Business Centre directly on 0300 123 1056. Please be assured that your case has now been closed on our system as Paid in Full and a notification has been issued to the Court to confirm as such. In the event that our Client has registered a default in respect of this debt, we further wish to confirm that said default shall, within the course of 30 days from receiving payment, be updated to show that the debt has been settled by way of payment in full. Thank you. Yours sincerely, " I am not very happy with their reply to be honest, I did not receive a letter, and I'm not sure I believe that they sent one - as I received other letters from them - so why not this one - they also had my e-mail address so why didn't they e-mail me, as we had conversed before in that manner? Any thoughts?
  17. Hi Erics, The NTK is in my first post. attached is a pic of the sign, there are a few in the car park, but all fairly high up! athena - lidl sign.pdf
  18. Its just says have to receive it within 14 days, and I did it was about 6 days later?
  19. 1 Date of the infringement 10/09/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] issue date is 15th Sept 3 Date received 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] no Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up 7 Who is the parking company? Athena 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Lidl , Bexleyheath For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure, please check HERE IPC
  20. Lidl - Athena Civil parking charge notice received. I admit I'm probably very late dealing with this but just had a lot on. I did shop in Lidl that day, its a new shop and it was the first time I had been in there since it opened. I have attached the parking charge notice and photos of where I'm supposed to enter my reg number. The picture coming down the escalator to the car park there is one small sign and screen. No sign at all on the doors leading from the car park into the shop, perhaps to tell you that you have to enter any reg numbers into a machine. The picture by the tills (with two people blocking the screens) is where you can enter your reg number but you can see with people there you can hardly notice it and there is no sign on the wall above them to see either. I was only there for 36 minutes in total! I paid in cash and cannot find my receipt. any advise please Athena CPCN.pdf
  21. Thanks dx. I will pay it tomorrow. Do I need to send anything to court or moriarty tell them?
  22. I've just had a terrible year really and I just wanted them to go away, I thought I could just get rid of them in 6 months and that would be that, then stupidly somehow didn't manage to set up a standing order properly and here I am! attached is the letter from Moriarty law and the court, I have read that to have it set aside will cost £255, which I don't have, I can pay the ccj in full tomorrow but I want to make sure it never reaches my credit file! ccj letters.pdf
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