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Everything posted by Fielder

  1. Thanks Suffering, sounds like you have had dealings with Blemain yourself. Did you reach an agreement with them? Hello Tor I have uploaded the statement that came from Blemain, as you can see they have amended some of their charges and these were returned, some charges have been added too!! As you can see, they have not broken down the charges just shown them as a lump sum. And as far as I can remember I accepted and signed for the return of £1,541.01 plus some interest that was added. Thanks, Fielder After your comments about Monarch I have just had a look at the letter I had from Monarch when I redeemed the loan. Surprisingly the amounts charged for a letter are different and it doesn't really bear any relation to the statement I had when I SARed them. Looks like they have altered the amounts but kept the total the same, sneaky. I have uploaded the letter so have a look and compare, please
  2. So it seems that I need to go back to them and get them to breakdown the charges, as they should have done when I SARed them. I have letters from Monarch which I could try to relate to the charges on the statement they sent.
  3. I have attached letter from FOS, sorry upside down again!! I'll get the hang of this one of these days.
  4. The dealings I had were initially with Blemain for a SAR, then when they didn't respond in time I contacted the FOS. Then dealt solely with them. The FOS sent a letter to me with the offer from Blemain. The charges refunded by Blemain to me (quoted from FOS letter) "some of the charges that it applied to your account were incorrect, and it has offered to refund these" The rest of the charges amounting to over £3,000 were considered fair. This figure does include I think, charges made by Monarch. Although this is not made clear in SAR. The SAR from Blemain gave lump sums, as in - Post-monthly legal fees £?? and Administration fee £?? (I haven't included amounts on purpose). I understand that as I accepted an offer through FOS I may well not be able to challenge the rest of the fees. But, I feel as the notice for repossession was at fault (which I have included in previous post number 155), I may be able to have some compensation and able to challenge fees regarding this action by them. I can upload the settlement proposal from FOS. Shall I exclude figures as well as my personal details? Another thing, it seems two separate threads I have had with different finance companies have been merged. So a little confusing as to what has happened. Many thanks for your time and advice, Fielder
  5. Thank you for your comments. I will write to them I am determined to try and get something back. Please can someone direct me to a letter template I can adjust to suit my needs.
  6. I have attached the signed contract I received from Blemain when I did SAR, think it is upside down! Hope you can read it. Thanks The top of the agreement got chopped in scan it reads; Fixed Sum Loan Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 secured on ..... Also, date I signed was 1st October 2005
  7. I will look for the contract. And upload. Thanks. Never thought about suing. I will need a very competent solicitor I think.
  8. I applied on-line for a loan through Freedom Finance. It was a secured loan with Blemain from November 2005 till September 2007 for £25,000 they added an Arrangement Fee of £2,470, they sent me the documents and I filled and signed them at home. The loan was to pay some arrears on my mortgage, pay an overdraft and for us to buy a boat (don't laugh). I re-mortgaged and paid the loan in full £36.350 in September 2007. In May 2006 my husband lost his job and by July I had missed a payment, by January 2007 I was five months behind, Blemain took me to court and court added £12 a month to clear arrears plus monthly payment. I continued to pay this until the loan was paid back. In August 2007 Blemain made a mistake and did not allocate two months of my payments to my account and they re-possessed my property. I had let the house in May 2007. The bailiffs (I suppose) broke in, changed the locks, cut off the power supplies and put the property with an Estate Agent. When I heard about it I called Blemain, they admitted their mistake and the tenants were able to move back in. Very, very stressful time. After the loan was repaid I had a solicitor write to them asking for an explanation and some compensation, never had a reply. In 2012 I contacted the FOS they managed to get me £1,541 for unfair charges, this is part of a total of £4,393 charges and £2,100 in litigation costs. Reading through Wp3's thread I realise now that the default notice they sent me was incorrect, it stated that I had fourteen days from the date of the letter, I think this was wrong. As they made this mistake I'm wondering if the actual contract is correct. So, I am hoping that someone look through the contract and see if all was OK and to get some advice on what to do now. Hope this is clear, many thanks
  9. I would like to have my CCA with Blemain checked to make sure it is correct and the calculations too. If I scan it in is there someone who would kindly look at it for me? Thanks
  10. I had a loan with Blemain from November 2005 to September 2007 for £27,470.00. I have had some success (through the FOS) in claiming some of the charges, but not all. Reading through the threads on this site and Welshperson3 I think I can get some more as they didn't comply with the correct procedure when they tried to repossess my home. I am writing to them to complain and don't really know where to start with the letter. The loan was CCA regulated. I have sent SAR and eventually got the documents, I think it was unfair that they didn't send the repossession letter with a full 14 days notice, it was just from the date of the letter. So if that wasn't correct then the subsequent legal charges added to the account shouldn't be there. I think!! Where to start is my problem is anyone able to give me some guidance please?? Thanks
  11. I asked MBNA for a signed copy of my credit card agreement about three years ago. They did not send me the copy within the required time limit. I wrote to them saying they had not complied with the data protection and so not to contact me anymore. I hadn't heard from them until about six months ago, now the supposed debt has been sold to a debt collector. I cannot find a copy of the letter I sent them, any ideas what I should do now?
  12. Yes. The template is not appropriate for me. I thought I was missing something!! Will send letter to mc and wait again!
  13. Also, when I went to court to suspend the repossession the judge said it would be reviewed in three months time. The three months is up and I am waiting to hear from them with the date. So the information I need from mortgage company is really important. I would like it before I have to return to the court.
  14. "You can request a copy of your original agreement that will have all terms and conditions and they should provide it i would be unenforcable if they fail to comply as part of the CCA you can request this and you have to enclose £1.00 or a £1.00 postal order -" Reading back over the posts in this thread I am not quite sure what millabbie means by the above, any explanations please?
  15. I have not had the information I requested from the mortgage company on the 19th July. They sent me a letter after I made the formal complaint saying they would reply soon. But, so far, nothing. What shall I do now? It has been at least eight weeks since initial letter. Is it time to contact the FOS?
  16. Thanks for the support. I really want to keep at it and try to get my money back. As they caused me so much anguish when I had this mortgage with them. I would love to get the charges back as well....
  17. I have spoken to the FOS this morning and the person there gave me the name Allianz the company who took over the business of this broker. She recommended that I send details of my claim to them. But I seem to think that I am wasting my time, as the advice I am getting on here is it's too old.
  18. Thanks Jerry, The earliest mortgage I had was redeemed in 2001, I have just SARred (is that the correct grammar?) them and their reply did not include a redemption statement. Although I had a list of all payments.
  19. I have had a few mortgages over the past years and always re-mortgaged and paid early repayment charges. When I have SARred the mortgage companies recently (for charges, PPI et cetera) there has never been any mention of the early repayment charge, or, admin fees for early repayment. I am sure they added them. Should a SAR disclose this information? If not, how can I get this figure?
  20. Just done a little more research on this and I rang the FOS helpline 0800 023 4567. They told me who had taken on the responsibilities of the broker who sold me the PPI originally, they found the address of the company and told me to contact them. Sending the same letter, questionnaire and spreadsheet. If they do not respond I can then go back to FOS and they will look into it. How effective they will be, remains to be seen. But, worth a try!
  21. Oh dear!! Well it was worth a try. It's a shame mortgage company didn't ensure broker was doing his job properly. But just more of the same, get as much money from the stupid fool as possible!
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