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  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond Caro..I really appreciate this. To date have not received anything whatsoever regarding the amount owed...it was in the POC that I saw the breakdown...originally I was told its for Service Charge ...I found out the major works was included as I said when I received the paper work. Caro honestly with my health as it is ...I am unable to negotiate anything right now...if they have not followed due process then bullying should not have been their response when I called. I would have thought that they would have reissued the invoices at the time they were aware of my address amd not just sent the request for payment for the deed of covenant...I'll take my chances with the Court - hopefully there will be a reasonable person to hear the case....
  2. Thanks Caro.....I contacted the Council in June 2010 to find out what why i was sent communication at my Tenants place...and gave them my address to send communication to and my phone number ....no one got back to me .... at no time during that conversation was I told they were not aware that I was not the one living there... Surely if they could find me now why not then... This just goes to show how inefficient the system is ...all my dealings have been with them regarding the Tenant from Introduction to Payment and recent renewal....and to my knowledge at the time I sent in all the paperwork required. When I phoned them to discuss the letter I received at my home address in January 2011 I spoke to the most obnoxious person ever - and still was not given the means to pay - who kept insisting they would take me to Court...which I am more than happy to defend myself on ....what they did send me was the paper work to complete a deed of covenant to cover the Tenant and a demand for money ....which i paid.....i'm not emotionally fit to argue with a systemic clone and would rather an impartial view on this ... I appreciate your advise ...but surely going to Court should not be the Council first srep at resolving the matter either and gives an indication of what I'm dealing with ..... Yvonne
  3. Morning Caro - thanks for responding ...No Section 20 notice...yes I have acknowledged the claim - i'm fast running out of time to send in my defence....which is regarding the Service Charge I never received the documentation and belive 1 or 2 of them are now outside the 18 month window for payment and that having not recieved the Section 20 ...I'm not liable for that cost either - I'm not sure if my defence will stand up in court though ...hence the request for advise....
  4. Hi not sure if you received the information I posted the other week....would appreciate some feedback please...thanks
  5. Really grateful will attach particulars of claim - finally scanned the document....Thank You - Good Night !!!
  6. Thank you Mould - really grateful... I did not understand the question from 42man - thanks for the clarification. Brief Details of Claim: Unpaid service charges, interest and costs in respect of property Value £6,533.66 together with £261.84 interest due under the terms of the Lease Will try and scan main page ....
  7. I hope some one can help - here's a bit of the background to my dilemma I let my council flat to a council tenant via Councils the Private Letting Scheme in 2007 In 2009, it occurred to me that I had not received a Service Charge bill – I went onto their website to see if I could check what was due – and was unable to do so I had no invoice number. I was ill from January 2010 , diagnosed with Cancer Feb/Mar 2010 and admitted to hospital until June 2010. I spoke to the Tenant in June 2010 and was told I had mail from the Council, asked her to let me know the contents – she said it was with regards to Service Charge – I took the contact details from the letter and called the Council to query why the mail had been sent to tenant. The person identified on the letter not available so I gave the person on the phone my current address and phone number …for the person to contact me. I started Chemo in August 2010– until December 2010… Then out of the blue I received letter from the Council in January 2011 threatening Court Action if the outstanding Service Charge was not paid in full…called on the day I got letter – just before 17:00 to query why this action as no bill/ invoice had been received by myself and the amount owed was not stated in letter ….told council was not aware of my address to send information to me to …asked how they had then managed to send this letter to me …was told they had looked for me ….asked how much I owed was told £6000.00.. I was told there was no evidence that I had informed them of my tenant and as such I had let the place out illegally. I found it strange as the tenant had been insitu since 1997 on a 3 year tenancy and her rent was being paid by the council…to the best of my knowledge I had submitted all I was meant to at the time and so did not understand how they could not have contacted me – as they had just done… The person I spoke to was very unhelpful and kept repeating the threat of legal action to which I said okay I’d see them in court….if that was they only way to resolve this 3 things have happened since then 1. I received documentation to obtain an under lease – which I have sent a cheque for £140.00 to obtain 2. My tenants rent has been suspended – without any notification as to why – chasing that tomorrow 3. I have been sent the Court Papers - I would like to go to court to defend myself on this as I never received an invoice/bill. From the papers I see they have also included major works of about £2500.00. I honestly don’t have the emotional strength to argue with the Council and as such would rather an independent person resolves the issues for us . Can someone please advise me on my rights before I send back the relevant documentation to the courts. Thanks Mikita
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