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Everything posted by downmum

  1. Can anyone tell me if I'm entitled to Maternity Allowance whilst being on ESA. I've been on ESA over a year now and have been awarded the support group. Im currently pregnant and not quite sure if it's worth applying. there seems to be conflicting information online so feeling rather confused. Thanks for reading and for any replies.
  2. hi Ell-enNana thanks for the response. we did ask for a breakdown but they said they can't provide it. just told us the monthly amount and referred to it as the interest not yet charged on the arrears. we have escalated our query to the complaints department but they gave us the same answer. were now waiting for a formal response in writting from them. the lender is ucb homeloans.
  3. Hi all, Wondering if anyone can help with this. we have had a suspended order on the property whereby we have been paying a small amount each month towards the arrears. finally last month we were in a position to pay a lump sum and clear all the arrears. now we are back on track with our mortgage payments. when making the payment we spoke in length to the advisor to ensure our normal monthly mortgage payment would remain the same. we have been assured that would be the case a week later received a letter detailing an additional charge on top of the mortgage payment. when we queried this we are told during the time of the arrears being cleared they did not charge any interest in the arrear amount this new monthly charge is added to clear that. We are totally at a loss as to why this had never been mentioned before at all. neither at the time of setting up the arrangement nor when we rang to clear the arrears. the more surprising thing is this amount is very similar to the arrear amount we have been paying off monthly. has anyone come across this before? If so is there anything we can do? thank you for your help..
  4. Good and useful points regarding keeping an updated file! We've requested reports etc from G.P which we will keep in the file also once we get them so it's a bit easier to refer to the next time we need to. Ruby - ur right it may be worth enquiring if we get to that stage. Every thing helps I guess
  5. Thanku all for the info We will make a call to them to find out exactly the length of time for support group. I'm hoping they adhere to the tribunal recommendation but as u all said it's not binding but fingers crossed! As for another esa50 I think if that happens then we will definitely attach the tribunal recommendation and question it if it happens straightaway. I must admit it's all so complicated but thanks for making me understand it & be able to follow it. Margaret - i will look at the link (thanks) when I can absorb the info properly. It looks interesting!
  6. Thanks both. For now we're just happy tribunal went in our favour. Having read the decision myself it also states on the letter "tribunal recommends xxxxx should not be reassessed for a period of 2 years". I'm presuming this is the length of time my friend will be in support group!
  7. Thanks RMW I'll let him know as he's been on appeal rate!
  8. Thanks Margaret. My friend won his appeal & he has been put in a support group! I'm over the moon for him Just now need to understand what happens now. I'm presuming they will back date any payments owed to him. How does the support group work? Is anyone on here that might know & shed some light? Once again a massive thank you all for the support & advice as it shows even at the last stage of prep everything helps no matter how small. I couldn't have done it without ur guidance on the site
  9. just looked it up online and reading through if the appeal is upheld and the correct scoring given to my friend then he should be put in a support group also!
  10. not sure what the criteria of the support group is.... where does one look for that
  11. just also wanted to say thank you to you all for the help and advice i found it really useful in helping prepare my friends appeal case.
  12. Quick question is each area scored out of 15 points as i have now gone through them all and have got a total fo 120 points my friend should have been given. From the threshold of 15 points to 120 sounds a lot to me.
  13. Only thinking of what can be used in absence of DR or Hospital Consultant Report if tribunal goes ahead as scheduled.
  14. just to add there is a medical report from 2010 - carried out independantly by his work place - which outlined in detail his health condition. Is it a good idea to use this as I believe it is still valid to his current medical conditions. admittedly it does not mention much about the care needs.
  15. Hi all, im trying to get some advice re esa tribunal for a friend who is in pieces at the short hearing date - only had 15 days to prepare. A big pack has arrived which contains all the paperwork from both atos and him and well its a minefiled. I cant understand some of the paperwork as their is a lot of legal jargon. Problem he faces - everyone including dr and hospital consultants are away over xmas and new year so he is unable to get any supporting documents in time. 2 questions really....... 1. Can we request a later hearing date 2. If the hearign still goes ahead how should we approach it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  16. thanks silverfox i will get a complaint letter together. are there any templates on sites that i could use?
  17. vanquis card services new user so please bear with me. I have a vanquis credit card and recently had a mental health breakdown due to which all my finances are now a mess. I have managed to set up payment plans with all my creditors by offering a payment of £1 to them. They all have frozen any further interest and charges on the the accounts also and not registered any defaults on my credit file. My creditors are as follows: Barclays loan/current acc barclaycard debenhams store card dorothy perkins store card mbna got a call from vanquis today stating they will no longer pursue the payments on the account and have accepted the £1 offer. They have however registered a default on my credit file and will not be freezing the interest and charges. I send my letter explaining the circumstances on the 2nd oct 2013 and had the breakdown july 2013. My last payment to them was in july 2013. I queried why they would not be freezing the interest and charged and they told be that was their policy. Is there any one who has perhaps dealt with vanquis or who knows what my rights are in terms of interest and charged can explain to me how to go about getting this done. A template letter would br great if one exists - can someone point me to it. Really appreciate any help
  18. sorry your younger brother is going through this. it's awful but they will only back date to the date of claim as nystagmite said .
  19. just a quick question about disabled person pass (freedom pass). does anyone know how long they are issued for? I've looked on the website and cannot find this information anywhere. thanks
  20. Hi Andie, I've been to a DLA tribunal for myself. the whole process was very stressful as it took 15 month and going in front of a tribunal to get what I should have provided in the first place. the panel is made up of 3 individual's. a representative from DWP, a Dr and a tribunal judge. the judge conducts the actual hearing and the other two also get a chance to add a few questions. majority of the talking in done between you and the judge. I took my dad with me for support ad he is my full time carer which helped. the judge I got was very empathetic to my situation. the questions are based around the time of application however so just bare that in mind. if you have any medical supporting evidence to want them to consider at the tribunal u can submit it directly to them but also take 4 copies of whatever u submit. eventhough I had submitted some additional supporting evidence the tribunal did not have a copy. so I gave them copies on the day. just explain in as much detail as u can your son's case. it is your oppourtunity to ensure the tribunal are given all the facts about your son's condition. Good Luck
  21. no nystagmite - he gets state pension. it doesn't bother me anyway as the money from Dla & basic premium gives me enough to get some outside help for him. we'll be able to get someone to cook/clean now for us. these are the kind of things we really need help with.
  22. so the form arrived & I completed it & sent it back... decision - I qualify for basic disability premium but not severe as i do not live alone. they told me to contact them once I'm in a place on our own. I told them that will never happy as my dad is my carer & has to be around me 24/7. must say i think its the most stupid law I've ever heard how do they expect people with severe disability to live on their own!!! anyway I'm done with it all now this was just an added bonus onto the DLA Premium so I can't really complain
  23. thanks nystagmite - I'll have to look into it once the form arrives. will Google it.
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