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Everything posted by surrey_36

  1. Thanks DX - is a SAR the best way forward for both of these debts. Ive got in a bit of a mess with it all and think i need to start from scratch!
  2. Thanks for reply DX and Renegadeimp - I got a court date through back end of last year and it terrified me the thought of losing my house over this. They did indeed successfully scare me! Due to covid the court date was cancelled (big relief) and I was advised to try and settle the matter directly with them. I have sent SAR but the info they sent doesnt date back as far to the beginning. Am I in my right to send another SAR?
  3. I have sent Coast an Income & Expenditure to hopefully organise a token payment to them but they have replied asking for : 1. 3 months Bank Statements and proof of income, wage slips or benefits' 2. Is 1st charge mortgage on an interest only or repayment and what's the remaining term. I don't feel comfortable sending this information at all especially given the unbelievable tactics they have used before (contacting neighbours) - leaving Royal Mail while you were out cards to get you to call them etc) However, not so long ago I had court date from them and I don't want to go down that road again, the thought of court is too stressful and brings me very strong anxiety. I would like to come to an arrangement with them (albeit very small/token as I am struggling on a single income with 2 children) Thank you to anyone that can help me on this
  4. Can anyone offer me any advice in regard to equity. I have small debts but one 20K secured loan. I am in arrears with my mortgage by about 7K and I just wish i could get to the equity in the house so that I could clear this amount. I cannot see how this is possible because of the debts my credit rating is terrible, but if the debts were cleared my credit rating would repair. I understand Equity release is for over 60's (Im 48) - I have an Interest Only mortgage that comes to the end of its term in 9 years - so will need repaying by then! Can anyone advise me if there is anything I can do in terms of accessing equity? My mortgage is with Kensington Mortgage Company
  5. I have located the proof of postage from 10th April when I posted my paper tax return but HMRC will still not allow me to have the self employment support grant. The second application is now available and they are now saying that I am not eligible for this either. I think its very unfair to not allow me the grant when I have in my hands the proof that i posted to them way before the deadline date!
  6. Update on SEISS (Self Emplyment Income Support Scheme) - my application refusal as I was not eligible as my tax return was not received by the deadline. I contacted my local MP's office and they have been dealing with HMRC on this matter. I was over the moon that my mum manage to finally locate the proof of postage from the 10th April and my local MP kindly sent this over to HMRC on my behalf. When I initially spoke to HMRC on the phone about this they indicated that as long as I had the proof of postage then I would still be eligible but in HMRC's final response to the MP yesterday they state: "Had you provided a recorded delivery receipt, we could have tried to trace receipt of this document as we would have had to sign for the document. Proof of posting only shows when the document was posted and not when we received it. As previously advised, we cannot be held responsible for documents held up in the post. Our system clearly states that we received this document at midday on 29 May 20. I regret therefore that we cannot overturn our previous decision that Ms XXXXXXXXXX is not eligible to claim the SEISS grant. I know that Ms XXXXXXXXXX will be disappointed with my reply and I am sorry for any upset this may cause her, but we must adhere strictly to the guidelines set by the Treasury department and we cannot accept a late return in order to claim the grant." To say im upset is an understatement! Ive been unable to work for months and although I am eligible Im not. Whats worst is that we have turned my parents house upside down looking for this proof of posting and the amount of time taken to write letters/emails has all been a complete waste of time.
  7. On 10th April 2020 my mum posted my Tax return for me (Computer was not working and was unable to file online). I went online - applied for the government grant : the system said 'im not eligible because I had not submitted my return. PANIC. I called them and they advised they had not received it and I had to do it again. I was self isolating on the 10th April, so Mum had to post the return for me. She got proof of postage but cannot find it - She thinks dad might have binned it Mum wrote a statement to whom it may concern (Shes a Pastoral Assistant at our local church) stating she had posted on said date. this was posted together with another return. HMRC wrote again and said Im not eligible "This is because you had not submitted your Self Assesment tax return by 23 April 2020" I called HMRC - I kindy asked them to review this decision given my circumstances, the fact that I was following government guidelines and self isolating due to C19 symptoms, unable to get to the post office and the fact that it was posted. Also asked them to consider several unfortunate circumstances that I have at home (single parent/kids have no father so therefore no contributions/kids in counselling following horrific trauma with their dad/child being assessed for Autism - and of course the fact that I will be unable now to work until September). They said they would review. Another letter received today again 'You are not eligible for the scheme, This is because you had not submitted your Tax return by 23rd April' I called them again just now, he said there is Nothing you can do! Your not eligible and that's that. I asked them what they needed for me to be eligible- would they accept an Affidavit from my mum ,what about a witness statement from the post office? He said all I can do is write a complaint but this wont change their decision. I don't need to say what a nightmare this has landed me in. I was completely reliant on this and did everything I was advised to make sure this was sorted well in time! Can anyone assist me with a complaint, he suggested that it would not change their decision but..god I wish I could find that proof of postage!!!
  8. I have received the letter from Coast with an income and expenditure and their request for 3 months bank statements but i have not received the SAR they promised to send, I keep chasing this! Ill write again and request they send it
  9. Ill just copy bulk of doc: "Our solicitors were instructed as a result of legal action that took place in respect of outstanding arrears on your account. In accordance with the terms and conditions of your loan agreement, the legal costs incurred below have been applied to your account. This fee will not attract interest and will not affect your current arrears balance. This will remain on your account until you pay the fee or when your account is settled."
  10. 2 weeks ago a car went into the back of me when i was stationary. All OK and despite a massive shunt into the back of us, only one visible neck injury. I had only had the car for 1 week therefore the policy for 1 week.. I called my new insurer Hastings Insurance and asked them what the process was as it was not my fault. They said you need to log it online. I did that - the only method was by submitting a claim, Called and ask them if that was correct as I didn't want to make a claim, it was not my fault. They said this was the way to go so I logged all the details online as instructed. At the moment I have a hire car which was delivered the next day via Enterprise. Hastings called and advised that CoPart would collect my Micra on Monday (Monday just gone). I asked Hastings if at any point i wanted the car back I could do that they said that would be fine. (My plan was to have the car assessed and 'buy it back; and get it repaired) Received a text from Hastings saying my car was assessed and marked as Grade B, no longer road worthy, and no i cant buy it back. They have offered £675 for my Nissan Micra. My Micra was extremely clean, 61K Miles, Full Service history had been in our family for years and taken good care of. Hastings advised that out of that money unless I have a new car to go onto the policy they will have to deduct the £450 for the rest of the year outstanding on the policy meaning that from this I would end with about £275 and no car. So to get a new car I will have to ask my parents to borrow some money to buy a new car to get it on to the policy (which Hastings have given me 2 weeks to do!) I asked Hastings what was happening as this felt like I was claiming on my own policy but it was not my fault, they explained that the other driver had not admitted liability (although it was certain they would have to) and that until the claim was settled with a final cost they would not be able to claim these costs back from the other drivers insurance company. Also can anyone recommend a good lawyer to help me with legal costs? Sorry that this is a long post I just get the feeling that something is out of sorts here.
  11. Thank you London1971 and PeterBard, I have received a letter today with an invoice for £800 approx for their legal fees for the recent adjourned court hearing. Yes they have been bullying me for a long time. they have used some shocking tactics such as calling my elderly neighbours to ask them of my personal details and work situation and also leaving 'While you were out cards'. CAG has helped me immensely throughout this over the years. The saga continues. I wish i was in a position to just settle this up. Should I be sending them 3 months bank statements as they have asked for?
  12. Thanks for advice on this. Bank Fodder yes you are absolutely right , I need to be more aware.
  13. An update on this thread , received a letter from Coast requesting: Completed Income & Expenditure & 3 months bank statements - I did make a mistake and spoke/or rather listened to them on the phone and they repeatedly used the words 'court hearing', several times if this information was not received. I requested they put the request in writing and also included the SAR information that I have been waiting for. I have also sent a letter by recorded delivery requesting this.
  14. Last year I received a speeding fine, and had to send off my driving license which was not received back. Around 3 weeks ago I had to drive up to Ilford in London via the Dartford Crossing. # I had to collect face masks for my local church that were delivery food parcels. I received a speeding ticket - so annoying! Ive gone to fill in the form and realised that I have not received back my licence from the previous one. I must sound like a terrible speeding driver but Im absolutely not I have a old Nissan Micra thats like hairdryer! These two times iv'e been on roads that i'm not all familiar with and these roads surprisingly have much lower speeds than youd expect for 3 lane motorways!
  15. Hello CAG - I'm sorry for not updating this thread before now. Its been a crazy few weeks with the kids at home - very difficult to get on with anything! Good news - I received a letter from TLT Solicitors saying that the Court Hearing had been cancelled and they advise that I go back to Coast and make an arrangement with them. So, without the full statement of account, I'm now going to write to Coast requesting again SAR/Statement of account so I can go through all these charges and put the spreadsheet together.
  16. I cant get through to Kensington - 2 hour wait time! Do you think it might be a good idea to call TLT solicitors and explain that I written to Coast and asked them for the SAR - so I could calculate the charges that were incorrect and then setup the repayment with them - is it worth a phone call to them or not? Also worried that I have not filled in this court form yet (N11M) - I think I have 28 days!
  17. thaks Uncle Bulgaria, appreciate your advice, I did try calling Kensington today but the call was cut off after holding for 70 mins! Ill try again tomorrow.
  18. Hi Ell-enn, I have been making the mortgage payment for the house for the last 7/8 months - including a small amount of £20 towards the arrears. I am also paying council tax (although this months payment has not gone through). There are no other loans, only small debt with Vanquis. Have defaulted on 2 small other loans. Otherwise nothing being paid out that does not need to be (apart from Netflix and my Microsoft Office Subscription) - otherwise we manage on the minimum. Not bought any new clothes or shoes for a long time. We are healthy and that all that counts but we don't want to lose our home that's for sure Hiya Dx Im pretty sure It was phone calls rather than letters, but ill check.. I remember they called and were extremely friendly and offered at one stage a payment of £3k to settle the debt- which if I had of had that I would have done Hi Peter Not really any other debts. Only small credit card about £600 - couple of other accounts defaulted (not massive amounts about £1300) Value of Property Quick Sale £250 Mortgage £170k +£50K i owe to my parents for paying for building work a while ago. I really don't even want to look at housing options I really will find that incredibly depressing. to be honest I'm so stressed out about this whole thing and worried about my parents and family at the moment that, I'm really thinking about just contacting the TLT solicitors and talking to them about what I need to do to get out of going to court because I really don't think mentally i'm in a strong enough place to be able to handle that at the moment. Its been a tough ride for a while
  19. I haven't told them but if its recommended I do then that's what ill do I really don't want to risk my little house, it would just devastate us and we are so settled. I have a bit of equity too - so I really just don't even want to go to court - that's going to be so hard with my anxiety!
  20. Thank you for all your replies and time, extremely kind given the current situation. Situation today for me financially - like many I cannot even pay my mortgage, council tax etc because i'm not able to get into work. Even If I was still earning I would not be earning enough to offer anything near the month payment instalment. (I am single parent to 2 young children who no longer have contact with their father for horrific reasons) - as a result I don't receive any maintenance so difficult situation trying to support the three of us, work and support my children through their emotional difficulties following trauma. Im pretty sure my mortgage company will offer payment holiday (hopefully!) and council tax too but i'm worried about this. Does this mean that unless I can offer the monthly payment somehow the house is at risk?
  21. Thanks DX and Ell-enn - Yes the form is N11M 'Defence Form' (Mortgaged Residential Premises) This is regarding a loan that is secured on the property Today I received a letter from the council saying that as my house is going to be reposessed did I want to discuss housing options with them, Coast are definitely winning, im at a complete loss with this and everything
  22. I am looking at the defence to fill in and wont be able to complete It properly as I still don't have the copy of documents from Coast with original agreements, statements, correspondence etc, on the defence I have to give figures and details that I will need the statements for etc. Just wondering if I should send Coast a copy of the letter I sent them on the 15th Feb which they ignored and then send me the court hearing. Copy attached! Letter to TLT converrted from JPG.pdf Do you know how long I have to file the defence? I cannot see anywhere on the letter or court forms where it states, im hoping its 28 days!
  23. Thank you all for your replies and offers to help! Im extremely grateful! I had family trauma in 2017 which left me unable to work and although I continued to pay Welcome/Coast I believe there was a question as to whether their contract was lawful, I understand there is possibly errors. I was trying to deal with this last year and to be honest I did not really give it any priority as I did not think they were in a position to take me to court. The last payment to them was in June 2018 which was a gesture payment of £10 per month. They had been contacting me offering to settle the loan at a considerable discount but I have been in severe financial difficulty for a long time now and only really recently back to part time work but even now I'm still struggling and getting by on minimum, so I have not been in a position to be able to offer a payment. I sent a SAR request and twice they have posted me a CD, the first did not work, the second did work but when I tried to access it again recently it would not let me in. I asked them to just post me all statements from the beginning of the loan and although they did send this the statement was incomplete and only went back a few years, not back to when the loan was taken out. I wrote to them recently and asked them to resend this information urgently but the next thing I receive is the court letter.
  24. I did not think they would go ahead with a court hearing , I have called Crawley Law courts and they have confirmed the court hearing. I'm in a bit of a panic to be honest I do not need to be going to court I really have got so much to deal with at the moment, I did not expect this to happen I wrote to them 15th February after I received their letter stating they would take me to court if I didn't pay in full in 7 days. I wrote and told them that their CD is not working or at least that the code was not working and that they had not sent me all the statements as per my previous request and could they please forward these, next thing I know I receive the attached. claim for possession.pdf
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