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Everything posted by surrey_36

  1. How does this look - not much to reclaim -, but every little helps off the debt! Read on one of the previous threads about put interest on at 8% - is this correct? CISheet NEW 8%.pdf
  2. There doesn't seem to be any of the legal stuff in the SAR. I had to go to court years ago with GE Money and I had a suspended possession order that ended. This must have been over 10 years ago. Since the mortgage was taken over by Kensington. The SAR includes the all the transactions from GE Money as well as all the Kensington account - all in the one sheet I uploaded. Should I be including all of these on the CISSHeet? Or Just the charges from Kensington? On the CISSheet what do I put as the Interest? Thank you
  3. Yes with GE money - then Kensington took over the account. I’ll have to check the SAR from Kensington as I can’t remember the full story of the legal fees - I think it was threats that went away with payment plan but I’ll double check
  4. Full statement attached as not sure what can be included on the CIS sheet, doesn't look like there is very much to claim back?scan_reprographics_2022-08-15-11-23-21[29254]-compressed.pdf
  5. One very big box received with SAR. Going through statements and completing CISSHEET
  6. WON. Went to court and Coast were trying to pursue loan on a pre -credit agreement that they were trying to pass off as a recon copy of the loan. They were unable to produce the original or recon and so they accepted 3.5k settlement (down from 17K). Incredibly relieved for this to be over and cannot thank CAG/DX/Renegade and others from the team for their ongoing support on this over the years. Without CAG's help over the years i don't know what would have happened to me. I cannot thank this group enough for the advice & guidance over the years.
  7. Yes there has when they were GE money I will SAR both Should I respond to their request for bank statements by telling them i disagree with the charges and want to sort that out before entering into an arrnagement?
  8. I know ive been useless.. i should have got this sorted donkeys ago What should be first port of call - a fresh SAR request? Should I write and say im contesting the fees before we setup an arrangement?
  9. they have said that unless i get bank statements to them , they will be unable to setup an arrangement and if theres no arrangement they will start legal proceedings Surelyif i start reclaim procedure they will just issue me with a legal proceeding letter?
  10. hi DX - I never got round to it ( I'm stupid i know!), I just wanted them off my back with the repossession threats and so I came to arrangement which through covid etc I had to break ( no income). Trying to setup again now back in full time employment but they are insisting on bank statements. What's best way forward - i don't want to end up in court in a situation where there is a risk, as mentally I couldn't cope!
  11. My Kensington Interest Only mortgage is in arrears by about 7K. They have been pretty good over the last few years since death of partner, low income ,covid etc. Just got myself back into full time employment and completed their income & expenditure form with my new income and outgoings etc. Having spent an hour on the phone to them, going over everything that was included on the form, they decided at the end of the call that they wanted copies of all my bank statements before they would consider a payment arrangement. I was a bit annoyed about this as they said unless i give them the statements then they will proceed with legal proceedings. It was my understanding that legally i don't have to send them my statements but I don't want to rock the boat as i do NOT want to end up in a repossession hearing, which is something that happened recently on a secured loan (that nearly put me in an early grave through stress and worry!) Is anyone able to advise me what's best to do - if I give them my statements its going to cause such complication and as they will see money come in that my sibling's have loaned me and parents have loaned me. My income will look much more than it is and there will also be outgoings for things like days out with the kids, occasional pizza's etc thats not been mentioned on the income/expenditure! I'd be really grateful for any advice! I definitely dont want a legal process started!
  12. I think the case will be dismissed unless they can provide the recon The original agreement is illegible and they need this be able to create the recon? How can they create recon if they cant read the orig
  13. Court again recently after adjournment. They dont have a reconstituted copy, what they sent me as a recon is actually a pre finance document. (I didnt realise this wasnt a recon) We have advised this to the court and the court have given them 7 days to produce the document (Ive been asking them for 11 years) they are now trying to negoiate a settlement. Are they allowed to even take me to court in the first place without a loan agreement or without a recon?
  14. Update: In court last week. Coast were represented by Council, neither TLT or Coast were present. They were pursuing for possession/eviction - the judge granted a 2 week adjournment, due to personal circumstance and the fact that I had proof that I had to tried to contact them to negotiate a deal to which they did not respond. The court were also concerned that the court helpdesk advisor (that has been helping me the case and came into the courtroom with me) also contacted them and they also did not respond to her either. The judge was not impressed with that and basically gave me a 2 week adjournment to go away, contact Coast and try and negotiate a deal. There was a complication, the judge said that really if following protocol correctly she should grant the possession as Claimant pointed out that the loan had become fully payable and that a full demand for payment had been issued. I wander if they are referring to the end of the contract because if so that is not until 2022. I contacted Coast straight away and was connected with someone from Target to negotiate and was advised that no offer would be accepted and that only full settlement of the loan would be accepted which is around £19K. No mention of the illegal charges on the account was mentioned in court as the Citizens advise legal advisor suggested this may only complicate things in the courtroom that day. Having a good look at the original very difficult to read original agreement and the recon copy it looks as though amounts are different. For example original loan agreement says advance amount is £15000, the recon copy says advance amount is £16500.00, including different monthly payments. Requested from Target a letter of authority to allow someone else to negotiate on my account. They said they would post last week and still not arrived. They said they could not email this, sent email and been trying to call but no answer from Coast Finance. No letter of Authority has arrived and no answer from phone as of yet! (25 mins on hold!) Supposedly back in Court next Tuesday but awaiting notification from Court.
  15. I'm not sure what terms they are going to negotiate, I did mention that there were lots of illegal charges and fees on the account that needed to be deducted with interest but they didn't agree. My parents can help but they are retired and in their 80's and they are both unwell. So they can help but not much. A few years ago Welcome offered me a settlement figure of £3.5K - I would have snapped that up then if i could but if they were to offer similar now I would definitely ask my parents, i don't think they will offer that low though (If they do at all!)
  16. Thanks Ell-enn for this very helpful info - the arrears balance is around £20K, that's including all their fees and charges, recent legal fees etc. Last payment was made quite some time ago possibly 2+ years ago. I had contacted them and asked them if they would accept a significantly reduced settlement figure and that if it was reasonable i may be able to ask family to help but they did not even respond to this and continued with their court proceedings. The lawyer is going to try and negotiate with them over the next few days. Mates rates for lawyer so thats good news although this is not their area of expertise.
  17. Hello Ell-enn, thanks so much for looking at this I have received; 1. 'Notice of hearing' with date and time confirmed (approx 3 weeks time) 2. Also received (i think at the same time) 'General Form of Judgment or Order ' stating the judges names and the court address also states 'IT IS ORDERED THAT' : Because this order was made without a hearing, any party may apply for it to be varied, stayed or set aside. Such application must reach the court within 7 days of service of this order. 3. Letter from HM Courts & Tribunals Service: "We have sent you this pack because the claimant (your landlord or mortgage provider) has applied to the court to evict you. "You must act now as you are risk losing home etc etc" Contact local duty advisor etc 4. Letter from TLT stating they have been instructed so start re-possession proceedings relating to the above property. With details of the Court date and time etc. 5. Another letter from TLT 'Notice of Substantive Hearing' with date time of hearing That's the lot!
  18. A lawyer has been dealing with this (as I was struggling to deal with this alongside my current PTSD trauma counselling.) - now have Notice of Hearing which says " A Judge has decided that this case should proceed to a possession hearing, you must attend this hearing, if you do not the order may be made in your absence. If you are unable to attend for any reason you must contact the Court or the other party immediately. It goes on to suggest that seek legal advice or get myself representation. I advised the lawyer that there were legal charges on the account but i don't think this has been mentioned to the court in previous communications. I have been advised today that the worst case scenario is that the full debt will have to be paid immediately - if that is the worst case I have no idea how that will happen given that I have £287 to my name. I'm having PTSD trauma counselling at the moment and passed this over to family to help who involved a lawyer to help with but fear that this may have been wrong decision
  19. Received from 'Debt Recovery Plus' an letter stating that legal recovery actions will begin if i do not respond within 7 days.
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