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  1. Here's my recent experience with wonderful HomeServe after ten years with them on two policies and I have never made a claim..... Received this letter last week.... "As a valued customer of HomeServe introduced to you by United Utilities we wanted you to be aware of an easier way to manage your cover for home emergencies. As a customer with more than one policy we would love youto have one policy, one payment and one number to call in an emergency - keeping eveything simple for you. Call free on....." I have two policies, one for plumbing/drainage and one for electrics. It's not much money but they are quarterly payments at different times and when I renew I can never remember what I'm supposed to be renewing. Yep it's easier to consolidate into one monthly payment so I rang them. The agent told me she would combine the policy and said "let me re-cap on what you are covered for..." and reeled off a load of stuff. She then said the combined monthly direct debit is £18.50 so I was ready to have the change made. Just before I did I had a quick look at the two policies I have now. One is £11 a quarter and the other is £16 a quarter. This works out at £108 a year and the new policy works out at £221 a year ! I asked her why the policy had shot up and she told me I was being covered for more things. "What other things ?" I asked. It was in the list of "let's recap on your policy" statement she made - very cleverly hidden in the mounds of stuff she read out was the extra stuff. I read her the letter and said "it does not saying anything about selling me extra stuff on the letter. Just to combine policies." She replied "oh yes that may be mis-leading". I'm not bothered about the £18.50 a month. I am bothered about being tricked into paying them more money for stuff I don't need and been sold it in the most devious way possible. Ten years I've had a policy with them and this is how I'm treated. I told them to shove their policy and I will look around elsewhere. What is this country coming to - it's just rip-off after rip-off everywhere.
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