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  1. I do appreciate the protection that is offered by automatic renewal, but this is just a smoke screen and counter argument for what any intelligent person can see as a con to extort monies form unsuspecting individuals. Quite simply all autpomatic renewals are instigated at a much higher premium than the previous year, even though details have not changed and no claim is made, this is purly in the interest of insurance companies and is realy tantermount to legalised theft. Also why should I have to go to the cancallations department to try and get a better deal,by your very statment your are addmiting that insurance companies are trying to rip people off a policy should have a price and not be open to negotiation. It is not surprising that so many people make false and exragerated claims as they feel what is good for goose is good for the gander. It costs a lot to gain a customer so when will an insurance company realise that it is likley to make more profit in the long run by retaining their good customers by not trying it on at renewal times. Growing your customer base is growing your business and present as an industry you revolve your customers. Dumb Dumb Dumb.
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