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Everything posted by aboo9395

  1. Hi I also am having a few problems with lending stream,I have offered to pay them £420 in full to settle a debt that i took on months ago and they are saying I owe £520 now,this is my last pdl to get tid of,has anyone had any luck getting them to take a lower settlement amount?Im hoping they will take the £420 if I stand firm and insist that thats all I will pay,surely £420 in one go is better than a larger debt spread over a long period of time?
  2. Can I just jump in and say that I have finally managed to get rid of all 5,yes 5 payday loans so it can be done!I found the best way to deal with quick quid was to use the live chat service on the website,i only ever got them to agree to a 3 month payment plan however,I also have an email address for someone at wonga.com who seems to actually talk sense if anyone needs it.good luck everyone,this website is the only way I managed to get out of the horrific cycle,it can be done!!!x
  3. Around 12 months ago I received a letter threatening me with face2face coming round and was so panic stricken that I agreed to pay crs £50 per month.I came to my senses fairly quickly and cancelled the direct debit but they are still harassing me,in setting up a payment plan have I made a formal agreement with them?I have since written to them explaining that i do not,nor did I ever acknowledge the debt i was simply bullied and frightened into setting up a payment plan.
  4. I just wondered if anything else happened regarding face2face and where your situation is at now?
  5. I just wondered if you had any more info regarding Face2face?I have been following this thread for a long time and am now being threatened more than ever with face2face,my original debt was for £89 with lifestyle fitness and to date,crs are demanding £392!
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