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  1. The problem is that I didn't return the bit they sent to me personally, I thought they have that information... they will send me the letter asking for my licence et al soon....... I should have thought " Why they sending this, I will ring them!!" However the fact still remains that I still provided them information that I was the Driver!!
  2. Hope there is help here!! I received summons for failure to provide Driver information contrary to section s172 The Car is a Company car. However it can be seen from the proof they sent me that I did provide information that I was the Driver. When I rang the Police they explained that although I had provided the information that I was the Driver I had only done so in my capacity as a company representative. And I didn't as me personally in my private capacity!!! As perhaps you can understand I am somewhat confused as I clearly did provide the information. But I can also see that I didn't comply with their process. So faced with this I now need to get some advice as to whether I have or have not provided the information to the satisfaction of the law. Or am I just "guilty" of not jumping through the hoops? JPAP
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