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  1. hiya repo threat thanks for your help! in response to your Qs... Yes, finance was taken out as private individual and according to their own documents, regulated under the CCA. And no, one payment short of being a third (crafty buggers ) Hope you dont mind if I dont go into individual figures on the net. Thanks K x
  2. Hi everyone. Last week my partners car was repod from the hotel car park which he owns. Lombard finance had not issued a default notice or a termination notice. When the repo company came first thing in the morning, my partner was away and i was still in my pjs. They demanded that i see them and showed me a repo notice. I told them that he was not here but I would call him. At 9am, I had to take our son to school. They moved out of the driveway and off the property. By the time I got home, the car was gone and the neighbours told me that the police had attended while the comany removed the car. We have called Lombard to let them know that they contravened sections 87 and 92 - not issuing a default notice and removing the car from private land, both of which they have contested. They have passed it on to their legal dept. We have also contacted the police chief constable to ask for the officers' names and a report. They have not responded yet and we plan to write a letter giving them 28 days before we contact the ipcc. If anyone could offer me any advice on how to proceed at all, I would be so grateful. I especially need help re: writing the letter before action. Thanks in advance Kx
  3. Hi wannabedebtfreesoon! I have spent all day reading all 75 pages of your thread! It has given me so much food for thought. My partners car was repo'd on Tuesday under similar circumstances as you- without a default notice and off private property. I am currently writing the Letter Before Action and thought yours was excellent. I was wondering whether, in hindsight, there would be anything that you would omit or add to yours? Was there any other source, apart from CAG that you found particulally useful and do you know of any past judgements which may be helpful to use? Do you have any further news on your claim? Im so inspired by your determination to go all guns blazing against a big company. Hope you dont mind me picking ur brains Thanks Kx
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