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  1. I would like to put my own experience on here. On Wednesday our water pipe in the attic burst, causing a massive flood throughout all levels of our house.. We called Homeserve and after waiting about an hour for somebody to answer we were told that we would receive a call back from someone in a couple of hours. Attempted to call them back on Thursday, nobody was answering the phone. Again attempted to call them today and got through to someone.. We were then told it had been passed to the Home Plumbing Department and to call them on another number.. So that we did, and were given the answer that nobody could come out to us until January 4th!!! We have not had water since Wednesday and we're expected to do without until January?? I told them that this was unacceptable and they said that I would have to call Homeserve back and ask for another plumber. So again I was on hold to Homeserve's 'emergency' line for another 20 minutes until they finally answered and told us they'd find another plumber, promising that someone would ring us within an hour. 3 Hours later still nothing. So I called them back, again... Only to be told that "we cannot find anyone to deal with your problem - You will have to find a plumber yourself and send us the bill.. But we only pay up to £150 for this type of work" So, thanks to homeserve messing us about, we have now been left to find our own plumber, at 3pm on Christmas eve.. My father is a frail old man who suffers with heart problems and I myself am currently on crutches.. We have no transport of our own and we are left to manage on the charity of a few local friends who are trying to keep us supplied with bottled water, although this does not allow us to wash clothes or ourselves! So thanks Homeserve for ruining our Christmas! I can guarantee that we will not be re-newing our cover with them again.
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