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  1. Hi there, it seems I am one of the many dissatisfied customers of Homeserve. After writing them the complaint bellow I contacted them about the parts they are waiting for. I had been told they should arrive within three to five working days. I said I have now contacted Trading Standards about their appalling service, but was told the delay regarding the parts was excusable because of the adverse weather conditions - they are not to blame!!!! Here is the complaint I sent them on 22/12/2010, (excuse typo which should have read 24/7): "Hi there, my boiler stopped working on Friday 10th December but I was unable to get through on your 27/7 999 emergency line till Saturday 11th December. When I got through on Saturday I was told someone would phone me back. No one had phoned by 9pm so I called again, only to be told that I should have been informed that the call back would be in 24 hours!!! When someone called back I was initially offered a callout on Thursday 16th December but since I have no hot water or heating I got this changed to Wednesday 15th December. The engineer phoned before arriving around 12noon. After having a look inside the boiler he said he needed parts in order to repair it. He said he'd be back with the parts the weekend. I heard nothing about the progress being made so called your "hotline" (you have got to be joking) and was later told that parts would not be available for 3 to 5 working days so I should expect the engineer to return next week. Well we are now into the middle of that "next week" and no one has contacted me. I contacted the 999 emergency number yesterday and was told I could have the loan of two fan heaters and that someone would contact me before these arrived. It is now 12 noon and no one has called! Why is it that I am having such a problem with Homesure when my friend, up the road, called them for a repair and got this the very next day. She did not have a Homeserve policy so had to pay £240. It seems to me your engineers are quick to grab passing trade but treat policy holders, on the other hand, like dirt! I will be contacting the finances ombudsman as soon as I've sent you this email. I will also be contacting the BBCs "Watchdog" about the appauling treatment I have received from Homeserve and Homesure." jeanjeannie38
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