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  1. hix

    atos medical form

    Hi Alex, my advice to you would be... be as "transparent" and honest as you possibly can and try not to over-evaluate it too much. I had my ATOS medical done at my house as i have anxiety/agoraphobia, and he did ask some prying questions about it. though i think this is necessary now due to the amount of people claiming anxiety and the amount of people who ACTUALLY have it, they have to figure out whos genuine somehow. But dont worry about the medical too much, if you find it hard to speak about certain things then they will probably notice this and it will only make you appear more genuine, after all, avoidance is a common mechanism for anxiety sufferers. hope this was some help, take care and let us know how you get on:-)
  2. hi tomtubby, thanks for your advice, i have completed and handed in both the N245 and EX160 forms. Should i have done an N244 form aswell?
  3. Ok thanks PT, just filled in an printed off the forms. Ill have to get someone to take it in and explain due to my agoraphobia and (almost) depleted stock of diazepam:!: ill post any news on the situation here, thanks again. Ben.
  4. Thanks for your reply ploddertom, No, this notice has been an absolute shocker to me. I feel like ive not even been given an option to pay in installments. ill get straight onto this N245 form, i dont want to sound stupid, but what exactly will this form do? Thanks again.
  5. Hi, can anybody help me with the following... This morning i received a Notice of Issue of Warrant of Execution stating that unless i can pay £629.80 to United Utilities Water then bailiffs will seize my goods before the 14th December. Prior to this i have had no correspondence with United Utils regarding any payments even though the notice i received states "you have not made payment under the judgment as you were ordered". I'm currently unemployed and receiving Employment and Support Allowance for anxiety/agoraphobia so there really is no way i could get this amount of money. Has anybody else had a similar problem? is there a way to make a payment agreement now? Thanks in advance, and congrats on the best site on the internet. Ben.
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