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Everything posted by nick7602

  1. it appears I am being charged twice per month because I am on Standing Order? the following was agreed by the Octopus Energy Operator Hi Lisa, That's nots not a problem, I can see you have been paying by bank transfer, do you want to continue doing this or do you want to set up a direct debit. Kind Regards, Beth On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 at 04:35, I have previously written to you regarding this account explaining I have been in hospital and my husband has mental health issues and he didn’t change our account number on our standing order. As he is on benefits and I am a low paid key worker we can only afford the £110.00 we are currently paying as we are struggling with our rent and council tax increases too. I have updated our account to the correct number as of now Sorry about this confusion but I have written to you previously with no response Kindest Regards
  2. Hi DX Interesting point, Im not sure, but I will try. Bank mentioned to send an SAR, you wouldn't by chance have a template would you? Kind Regards Nick
  3. Morning Bank Fodder Thank you I will, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this, Im very very careful with my debts and know where the last pound is going from our budget account, so as you can imagine I am shocked, we are still paying Octopus?? Kind Regards Mr Kinson
  4. HI And Good Morning I am disabled person and registered disabled. My energy supplier Octopus Energy allege we owe £467.16...... We informed Octopus we were moving away from paying Direct Debit due to the ridiculous fluctuating amounts taken from our budget account each month, we set up with Octopus a Standing Order the amount has been taken from our account each month with no issues, there wasn't any debt carried over when we dissolved the Direct Debit and set up the Standing Order, yet we keep getting debt letters through the door? My Wife has E Mailed phoned and contacted Octopus Energy, but we still keep getting these debt letters, when its clear to us that we do not owe this money, today we have received a Final Notice which is crazy, the letter states that we haven't made contact when we have, and we have the E Mails to prove it. So Im lost, we have never missed a payment to Octopus, all we did was move to a Standing Order. Kind Regards Mr N Kinson
  5. Good Evening DX Thank you, lets see where they go with this, and thank you for your very kind help it is most appreciated
  6. Hi DX Thank you for coming back to me. Am I allowed to keep the money then, I thought it was theirs? Kind Regards Nick
  7. Hi dx, thank you for responding I spoke with the Barclays Fraud team yesterday, and they blocked One Call Insurance, surprisingly the money came back into my account this morning. When I first cancelled the insurance which runs out in July I was originally quotted £445 to terminate the agreement early I was shocked, however talking with the operator we managed to get the amount down to £130.67, as this has come back into my account should I contact the insurance company now and set up a payment plan to pay back the £130.67 or wait to see what the Insurance company do?.... my feeling is they will put the amount out to a debt collection agency Br Nick
  8. Apparently One Call Insurance can claim back the outstanding amount because of something called "continuous authority" within their terms and conditions even though I didn't agree to a PayPal transaction, this is how unsecure Paypal is sadly This I never thought in a million years could be allowed to happen, it feels like legal theft Nick
  9. Hi Uncle Thank you for responding to my complaint, I have as mentioned raised this with the Fraud dept of my Bank, who experienced first hand the level of distress this caused me, I have a mental health condition which severely affects my speech when in a stressful situation or suffer Anxiety of any kind, which this caused me this morning, I am registered disabled. Im appalled that this could happen and that Paypal could be used in such away Kind Regards Nick
  10. I took out insurance with One Call Insurance for Motor Vehicle insurance, I sold the vehicle so no longer needed the insurance cover, tried to cancel the insurance cover and was told that I would need to pay £455 as they were an insurance broker?...... I managed to get the claim down to £130.67 after messaging one of their online advisors, I was told to contact their collections team, I obviously wasn't quick enough........ the nextday I received a letter..... and this morning I woke up to find that One Call Insurance setup a bogus Paypal claim and took the £130.67 from my account without my authority? apparently it was an automated collection, a couple of years ago I paid a one off payment for household contents insurance. because I had forgotten to delete the transaction One Call Insurance were able to claim the £130.67 back I am lost for words seriously..... Paypal have raised a dispute and I raised the concern rightly or wrongly with my Banks Fraud team
  11. Ok guys thank you so much, I will mark this down to experience, and next time put a holding deposit down......it is quite sad because I did want the car......but his voice mail confirmed he would hold it and there wasn't any need to give a deposit.....had he have said because of the interest its advisable to put a deposit down I would have done..... Anyway it obviously wasn't meant to be.........thank you all for coming back to me it is very much appreciated Nick
  12. Hi Guys I opened a whats app dialogue with a trader and struck up a good rapore......I was Px my car against his car....and with the Whats App Dialogue he sent me a voice mail to confirm he would hold the car for me for a couple of days, and that he wasn't into taking deposits, but was happy to keep the car for a few days......... I confirmed this morning that I would be viewing the car tomorrow....with a view to purchasing on Saturday.......later this morning the trader confirmed he had sold the car?........surely the whats app conversation is a written document confirming the identity of both parties and forms a contract Kind Regards Nick
  13. Hi Lads Sorry I have gone off on one, went off grid for a while. since we have been in this property, we have had two previous estate agencies, and the third agency sent a copy of the new tenancy agreement, which was supposed to have arrived by post for signing, to date this has never arrived and we have never signed the new agreement, so Im assuming we don't have an agreement?
  14. Thanks Buddy, I will contact my regimental association se if they can help
  15. Yes, I just think he is shallow, anyway I thank you for responding, the doomsday letter has been sent out to me apparently, I will take it to the council see if they can help in someway, one minute i was doing ok the next im told pack up....and move on......im all over the place mentally now....
  16. Good Morning Everyone Is it possible someone can help me please? I have been with the same landlord for 12 years, in 2018 he discovered I am suffering from CPTSD, after he noticed I was sleeping in the box room, the wife explained it was due to me being ill, the wife mentioned to him that I was suffering from CPTSD, he panicked and asked "but he is still working" which I was at that time, 2019, saw me lose my Job after the company I was working for managed me out of the business by gas lighting me, What is Gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves. Gaslighting - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG I then couldn't pay my rent for 4 months, I turned to the RBL, who eventually after a length battle involving my MP paid my rent arrears.........But now the dye was cast, the landlord at that point I believe decided to get us out of the property......... Friday the 28th of May 2021.......the Landlord informed us that he wanted to retire, and he was selling the property, I used to work with my landlord some years ago, he worked as a contractor, it is clear that he has spent the rent we gave to him for al those years and not provided a pension for himself, I have mentioned this to other estate agents who have stated that he must be mad to sell up.......so I dont think he is.....he just wants rid of us because im ill My question is, I have CPTSD and this has been diagnosed Iam registered disabled, what are my rights, what can I do.....I have a short space of time to find affordable accommodation Please Help Nick
  17. Original loan was £5000 unsecured over 5 years, 28 payments remaining, he wanted to extend it back up to 5 year.........the bank offered him £6700 to clear his credit card and the bank loan, £135 per month from the original figure of £121 One debt of two years old and one debt of 15 months
  18. My son was offered an extension to his current loan, with Barclays, they saw him as a good risk due to surplus money still in his account each month, the extension was to include his Barclay Card, all finances including external credit loans and personal circumstances were taken into consideration, and they still saw him as a good risk....... he was declined today....He didn't ask to have his loan extended but they said he was pre approved and they could help him and he would be financially better off, which is true he would be.......apparently his outgoings were to much in relation to his income which is totally rubbish..its only 47% out goings So we would like to make an official hard hitting complaint Thanks to all who read my jottings
  19. Who do I complain to at Barclays


    Son was promissed an extention to his loan to cover a Barclay card and loans, bank gave him false hope the consolidation of the loans would have freed up £126 which would have helped him


    Instead the person making the comment passed it to another branch, who declined the loan extension...even though he has a lot of money each month surplus in his account according to the bank this made him a good risk because he can easily pay for the loan extension





    Thanks to all for reading


  20. Im Joshuas father Im authorised to speak on his behalf due to Joshuas Autism, I think going forward I need advice about where I stand today, in the previous threads things have become very confused and I don't think that it will help us in any way referring to those threads, perhaps if we start again might help all concerned and get a result, so if we just deal with the facts, or should we start a new thread and delete all previous what do you think BF?? Thank you very much for all your very kind help
  21. Hi BF Sorry just got your message crossed, here is the dealers response
  22. Hi Guys as a matter of some urgency I have had contact from the dealer who is taking a very sever high ground attitude quite wrongly in my oppinion, I would like to attach an E Mail sent to me this morning in confidence is there any possible way of doing this?? Kind Regards Nick
  23. Hi Manxman Thank you for coming back to me, the report highlights various suspension component failure, such as all four dampers need replacing, the springs are ok the dampers need to be replaced and other stability supporting components, the report states the failures, but doesn't actually say un roadworthy, im sure that if I asked the company supplying the report that would mention it was un roadworthy at the point of purchase, one concerning point they mentioned during the investigation was the rear anti roll bar being heavily corroded, and the fact that it is known if they fail it will have dire and fatal consequences. Im not trying to get the dealer to pay for the brakes it was my decision to get those fixed along with a couple of electrical starter switches, this was necessary for my mom to get to work and make the car safer than she was. I agree the dealer and I got off to a bad start and I'm keen to mend bridges, I have mentioned to him already a couple of favourable options where he can recoup his money possible by claiming VAT back from receipts, and if he agrees I will again contribute, in short I will take the bigger hit financially, im trying to work with him as opposed to upsetting him and the negativity that brings, I guess we will have to wait and see now, I don't think I can be any fairer than I am at the moment and I hope he can see that, and if all else fails I will reject the car back to the finance company, I have to sadly draw a line under this situation as we are spending a decent amount of money on HP for this car. This is only my oppinion and that is the dealer knew this car was Modified and he knew that the car needed work doing to it, it was stated to us by the saleman that all cars receive a service and a pre delivery inspection before a customer picks the car up, this could not have been done because when I mentioned the brakes had travel on them I was told they are sports brakes and take a long time to heat up, the brakes were complete useless to the point of being scary at times, further more we checked the MOT history on line and the failures we have today were an MOT advisory some years ago, the next two MOT's showed no faults with the chassis this gave us confidence along with the brilliant reviews on the dealers website to go ahead and purchase this vehicle, the truth of the matter is the first report we had done by a reputable independent service specialist highlighted issues previously found on the historical MOT's, we were also told that the car would have a service this wasn't done either because had that have been carried out they would have found the engine modifications that my service specialist has found....we are not dealing with a shabby company here if the reviews are to be believed, so I'm quite convinced they took this vehicle in as a part exchange realised it was modified and tried to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Im very down hearted about the whole thing really, we took the car thinking we had bought an older car but one that had been through Car Quays servicing and PDI checks and with the brilliant reviews this gave us confidence to buy, even now the dealer in his latest email to me is on the defensive.....stark contrast to the brilliant reviews on his website. We Will See What Happens......im sick of bartering for a car which was mis described to me in the original advert and sold to me in an un roadworthy state....this cant be right Kind Regards
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