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Everything posted by nick7602

  1. Hi Stu Thank you for your kind words and understanding, to many people don’t understand or want to understand really. I have already put together an SAR from a document on your website so its just waiting to be sent, I really appreciate your advice and comments and the excellent advise mate. Today we went to view another property which we quite liked, the reason for viewing is as you can imagine based on recent events with the agent, land lord and neighbour, since we took out our tenancy last year we have had to suffer a very damp property and black mould which has destroyed a lot of my mine and my wife’s clothes, we have an electronic humidity gauge in my wifes room which is showing 71% moisture, we constantly have chest infections and colds. We furnished all the information to the Landlord last year and the agent plus a damp mould expert came out and assessed the property, the report from the expert was quite damning and made recommendations which as you can imagine is expensive to fix, however the Landlord and the agent have only completed the cheapest and, a small portion of the repairs, which I believe is a breach of contract as the property is not being properly maintained in accordance with the signed contract. We are considering just walking away from this property citing breach of contract, and the damage and illness plus intimidation we are and have experienced to date? Just prior going out today we have now found the ceiling in two bedrooms soaking wet. Thank you Stu for all your very kind help and all the guys and gals on your great website, the help is outstanding
  2. Hi Stu Thank you for the info about the Landlord being registered with the local council private renting dept. I have photographed and shared my information and incident timeline with the Agent and the Landlord, however as I think I have previously mentioned the Landlord, the agent, along with the neighbour are working together, I’m pretty sure of this now. The recent meeting with the neighbour and the landlord which they thought I couldn’t hear at the end of the drive, the eviction date was mentioned by the Landlord to the neighbour after the neighbour asked, the Landlord also went on to ask the neighbour “ has the Agent been in contact with you”?....to which the neighbour replied yes, all regarding the same issue. I thought it was illegal to use a third party to apply pressure to another tenant on behalf of the Landlord and Agent which results in the complainant terminating their tenancy early? I understand and am fully aware the pressure they are applying to me and my family through the neighbours’ actions, and like you say I just walk away and log the incident, I’m in the process of transferring all the timeline data to the incident log which you kindly sent me. The neighbour stating to me about being a Solicitor in America, I to actually thought well how would that work here in the UK, she also went on to state that she has family members who are involved with monitoring the dark web, she was I think inferring that she can get hold of sensitive data, now that did make me smile. The GP was furious with the actions of the neighbour and asked me to seek advice, I was also referred for therapy again, the GP has a poster stating they are Mil friendly regarding mental health issues, I will contact Veterans Gateway and the British Legion, I have used SSAFA in they were quite good I did contact one well known mil charity when this first started, the one I was actually referred to by the GP, the chap on the other end made me feel like I was wasting their time when I explained my state of mind and situation, its tearing the family apart really, we came to this location to have peace and quiet, and to walk my dog and not bother anyone and try and attempt recovery…. The constant threat of losing my home is destroying me……..Im just so sick of it mate……sorry
  3. Hi Stu My agreement is an assured short hold tenancy, for two years, with a break and review after one year, the review happened in October 2023. Tenancy started really well, I decided to be as friendly as I could with the neighbour and used to wash her car for her, this was good for me to as it gave me something to focus on and helps with the anxiety side of my CPTSD, about January the neighbour verbally attacked couple at the end of the drive for using our drive, the verbal attack was vicious I had to intervene, and tried to pull the neighbour away un successfully June time the neighbour came out on the drive, whilst I was chatting to my son, about a car is boss had lent him for the weekend, we were told in no uncertain terms that our tenancy would be terminated, in October but it wasn’t, the whole family including my wife had this incredible vicious argument with the neighbour, who wanted to know about our contract etc, which we didn’t tell her, so bad was the argument and the intimidation, such things like each time I go out of my home the neighbour comes out, moving of her car to make it difficult for the family to use the shared drive, she has sworn at me, and she has said loads of vile things, the result is that this whole scenario has made me seek medical help from my GP who was furious. its gotten so bad that the whole thing has made me feel desperate, yes I am that low, to keep injuring my brain in this manner cannot be right…….which is why I asked for help mate….but it is getting way to much for me to cope with Property is in the Wyre Forest Kidderminster Area, and Wyre Forest is the council, I live in a private rented bungalow, and each bungalow is set back so you cannot see each other’s front door. Police advised to keep a timeline, and we have a police incident number. I have not informed the councils anti-social behaviour team, but I will do, nor have I contacted the British Legion or Vets Gateway Log and films are kept in order and in folders with time stamps, as it has shown through conversation that the estate agent and the landlord along with the neighbour are working together, do you feel it is wise to share this information to them? it appears to me that the Landlord is using the neighbour as a vetting tool to gather information about her tenants, why else would you keep such an obnoxious neighbour in that property, she has already had the previous tenants thrown out of this bungalow, although the neighbour is an alcoholic, she alleges she used to be a solicitor in America. Thanks for the heads up about the camera, the neighbour and I have a large, shared drive, and the discussion took place at the end of it
  4. Hi DX......because my security camera has a voice recording function as well as video when it is activated
  5. We have new, information, the landlord and the agent have told the neighbour behind our backs our previous two addresses, and that they intend to serve notice on me in August to terminate my tenancy agreement for no reason at all, other than the word of a drunken alcoholic neighbour. Please please please can I have some help guys
  6. I live in rented accommodation, I have informed my Landlord and estate agent, however recent events have shown that the agent and Landlord are very very friendly with my neighbour accepting gifts from the neighbour, I suffer with mental health issues, namely PTSD, my Neighbour knows I have PTSD, and is wilfully intimidating me, and I don't know what to do, I have kept a time line of events along with security camera footage of incidents and intimidating behaviour and informed the police, none of my family including me understand the reason for the intimidation the result of all this intimidation has made feel out of control, I have attended my GP and explained what is going on and she was furious and asked me to seek advice but it seems like I am now fighting the Agent and the Landlord along with the Neighbour who incidentally is an Alcoholic Please help
  7. Thank you Homer67 it was just that bit of advice that I needed......I will attend the offices.......thank you again
  8. Hi Guys Please can you help me, allegations and threats were made to my family by our immediate neighbour during a heated discussion, it was stated that our current rental contract was being terminated in October, "we have a 24 month contract with a break clause in October", the neighbour who also rents from the same Landlord and Estate Agent as us, went on to narrate events at a recent private confidential meeting my family had with our estate agent and Landlord..... we were shocked at the level of private information being divulged by our neighbour, that only the Agent or Landlord could possibly know. We have requested on three separate occasions a meeting with our Estate Agent by E Mail who keeps fending off the proposed meetings, and wont meet with us, we have done nothing wrong, the threats of losing our home in October has tipped me into massive anxiety and depression, bad enough to seek medical help from my GP, who has referred me now back to my clinic for help What can I do guys, Im at my wits end Kind Regards Nick
  9. I was incredibly annoyed that an insurance company could help themselves to my money from my bank account without my authority just because I paid by PaypaI, ( BIG MISTAKE) I had dialogue with Onecall through the Chat Portal, and it was agreed at the time to set up a payment plan after they gave me a ludicrous settlement figure of £455, which was reduced after with discussion to £130.67........ incredible I took the policy out in July 2022, which was for £640 worth of insurance £576 worth of repayments were made which should leave a balance of £64 to pay off.......the rest has got to be the cancellation fee £391?..........??????... it makes me sick....they know my personal circumstances.......and yet they still push this crap
  10. HI DX, please could message me, I just need to understand your thinking and need re assurance that I am not digging an unnecessary deep hole with these people Thanks
  11. Threatening Court Action Now? This is basically what they are saying now We are the debt recovery department of One Call Insurance Services Limited. We are contacting you about your unpaid balance of £155.67 following the cancellation of your insurance policy with One Call Insurance. As a result of the non-payment, and as detailed in the terms and conditions of your policy, we have included a handling fee of £25.00 in the above amount. You may have to pay default sums and interest in relation to the missed payments referred to in this notice. Please contact us if you would like fu rther details. This notice does not take into account any payments made after the date of this notice If you choose not to contact us, or to co-operate, court enforcement action will be taken against you and additional charges will be added to your file. To avoid any further action, you should choose one of the following payment options and respond to us within seven days from the date of this letter.
  12. Thank you Uncle I will say they haven't updated the Bill yet however......but it is soon after Bank Holiday
  13. Hi Guys Here is the response from Octopus, after the pre amble of Im sorry etc from Octopus. here is what they are saying sent the 4th of May to me.
  14. yes you guessed it they are still pursuing the £130.67, have stated they will not re apply to the bank to claim the amount, after the bank re paid it to me, One Call go on to say that if the alledged debt is not paid within 14days this will result in action being taken against me? Kind Regards, to all who read this
  15. Thank you Unclebulgaria for your kind help and understanding
  16. Hi Avatar I think you have hit the nail on the head, my wife and I have had words, seems that she spoke to Octopus and they gave us the recent STO number because of confusion so a new Account number was set up for this recent address, however she omitted to tell me that when she spoke to Octopus they alleged that they haven't receive a couple of payments. On checking the bank account, all payments have been received by Octopus..even though a couple are not showing on the Bills How should I play this guys?....there has been a mess up it seems....by Octopus....clearly we owe money but Im not convinced now its the amount stated by them
  17. Hi Uncle Jan to March our payments of £110 are missing for the bills?....the government money payments have been included but not my payments?
  18. Hi Guys I have attached the bills sent to me by Octopus Energy for you all to look at Octopus Energy Billing 2022 to 2023.pdf
  19. Good Morning: UncleBulgaria, Brassnecked, And Bazooka Boo. Thank you Unclebulgaria for your advice yesterday of which I am now considering, also sorry for the late reply. Brassnecked, Thats interesting, no I haven't been submitting meter readings, although the meter readings sent to me by Octopus don't seem to far away from the current meter readings, ( Octopus Estimated Reading 56661 ) ( Live and Current Reading: 56534 ) Bazooka Boo: We cancelled the DD, and set up a SO due to the fluctuating monthly bill, this was agreed by Octopus, and an Email trail exists as can be seen above where Octopus agreed to the £110 monthly payments, however Octopus have now sent a threatening final demand letter, stating that we have never contacted them, when we have, and we have phoned them numerous times with a plethora of conversations, thankfully my wife has always reverted back to E Mails as proof of contact....and we have the email to hand stating they agree to £110...... So do you think I should press ahead with the complaint to them , or just cancel the SO and complain as suggested by Unclebulgaria above........
  20. Hi I am being charged £125 to £132 every two weeks, so my £110 monthly payment which was agreed by Octopus Energy on the 12th of April is in effect going nowhere, I-am actually increasing the debt by £147 each month Im just so worried now, as you know I am disabled.......i really don't know what to do.....I just cant afford £257 per month on just electric
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