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Michelle Bayley

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  1. Thanks, I did go in the next day and the manager, despite saying he was going to be there wasn't but by being VERY persistent but remaining polite I did get my refund.
  2. I Monday I went into my local cash converters with the specific intention of buying a 5th generation ipod nano. Preferably I wanted either purple or black but if the price was right was willing to buy any colour. I saw 2 16gb nano's on display in the window for £69.99 in black and purple. There was no mention of what generation it was so I went into the shop looked in the display cabinet and saw that amoungst other nano's there was a green 16gb 5th generation nano (for the same price). I spoke to the person behind the counter who 1st checked the purple nano, he didn't know what 5th generation was so I explained to him. It wasn't so he checked the black. Whilst this was going on we had a conversation about the fact I was looking for a 5th gen purple or black 16gb. Neither was so I told him that I would take the green one as that was. He got this from behind the cabinet and we processed the sale. All of this was witnessesed by another of his collegues who joined in the conversation. The receipt stated only 5th generation. On getting home I plugged it into my computer only to find it was 8gb not 16gb as the price card had stated. I went back into the shop today where there was a different set of staff in including the store manager. There were iniatially refusing a refund but I was persistent so they called the person who served me at home. He gave a completley different account of our conversation saying we only spoke abou tthe generation not the gb. I explained that he was mistaken and a further call was made. The store manager was extremely polite as was I. He told me that if I came back Friday he would get me a 16gb 5th generation but that I would have to pay more money. I told him I wouldn't be doind this and I either wanted what I thought I had been sold or a refund. I explained that the person who sold it to me really didn't know what a 5th gen was so if he had priced the item could have made a mistake and that if he was willing to lie to him on the phone I would go in tomorrow and let him lie to my face. I'm not willing to leave this and accept what they are saying because I know 100% they have made an error. I know i'll have some right's but does anyone know exactley what they are?? Thanks
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