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Everything posted by gordies

  1. 7. change last line, remove 'they did want to use the insurance' and add 'they have found themselves making a claim'. 8. The Claimant contends that the Defendant should have carried out adequate checks to ensure that the Claimant qualified for the product known as PPI. 19. Change defense to defence. Also, was the applicant forced to take PPI in order to gain the loan/card? Did you serve notice before action against the bank?
  2. Who are Blemain and what debt are you paying to them? Need a lot more information please.
  3. The mere mention of 50% discount shows that they know they have no chance of collecting this. Do NOT speak to them, just ignore them until they reach SB stage. Their letters are just pure threatograms designed to frighten you into paying. Keep your head low and forget about them.
  4. First of all - calm down. Can you let us know how the debts are split? Has there been any penalty charges added to the account? Are you working or on benefits? All these things are helpful to help you in the right direction. Gordie
  5. 3. in here goes - STRIKE OUT ORDER as the applicant has no prospect of winning etc etc etc. 4. YES - this is to confirm you are attaching a Strike Out Order 5. Without a hearing is fine as the Judge will either grant the strike out or set out an allocation questionnaire 6. Can be left blank as you don't want a hearing 8. County Court Judge 9. The applicants details in here A strike our order is where you detail what you want to happen, in this case that the claim be struck out as having no justification and it being vexatious etc If you need help with a Strike Out Order then please shout. Hope this helps. Gordies
  6. so, one months notice it is then the deposit (bond) has to be protected in a Deposit Protection Scheme so the tenant should have details about that as well. hope it all gets sorted Gordie
  7. If a new tenancy agreement is not signed and the tenant remains in the property then a periodic tenancy is in place. A periodic tenancy carries the exact same terms as the previous tenancy. So, if it was 2 months notice on the signed tenancy then it is 2 months notice under the periodic tenancy.
  8. so, the wife had a signed employment contract and terms and conditions? it sounds like they are on a major wind up in the hope you lash out and do not defend their claim for some reason. is it possible to scan in the court letter (covering personal info of course) or typing up the exact wording of the claim?
  9. No no no no no - do NOT call them, only do it in writing. Always write and have an audit trail. If you call you will get pressure and maybe even forced into something that is totally unsuitable for you. Never talk to creditors, always do it in writing.
  10. Lack of Cabin crew is not an exceptional circumstance. You need confirmation in writing why the flight was cancelled and then take it from there.
  11. Looks very dodgy to me as they admit they do not have the original agreement so there is no way of enforcing that agreement surely? Sending the current terms and conditions means absolutely nothing. I am sure the others will be along shortly to give more advice.
  12. If you do not want to use MCOL then you can submit forms at your local County Court BUT the hearing will take place at your clients nearest County Court under normal circumstances. The amount in dispute dictates the type of claim that will be made. Without any more info we are stuck on how to advise further.
  13. They're not addressed to you so simply mark Not Known in big black letters and put in post box. Why get yourself wound up?
  14. If your GP keeps giving you 'sick notes' then you will stay on ESA at assessment rate. Best of luck with your appeal.
  15. First of all the onus is on the retailer, not the manufacturer. I would put it in writing to them formally rejecting the goods as not fit for purpose. Give them 7 days to rectify. It may be worth talking to your card issuer as even small purchases can be protected in some instances. If they do not play ball I, personally, would go and stand outside the store and tell everyone going in how shoddy their goods are - this might get a response Let us know how it goes. Gordie
  16. Remember you have a 2 year warranty under EU law so go and wipe the floor with them !!
  17. IF they have checked, and it is a big if then they could mean the land registry, your credit file, the voters roll etc. OR they could be just phishing to see if you reply.
  18. Ok, dont panic. Fill in the G24 and appeal. You will have to send in sick notes when the existing one runs out and as you are appealing you will still receive the assessment rate of ESA as long as you send in sick notes. I would recommend getting representation from the local CAB or Law Centre if you have one. Get your appeal GL24 off as soon as possible and then you can submit any further evidence you have to strengthen your case as the DWP can reconsider your situation before it reaches appeal. Do not give up hope, this happens all the time. best wishes, Gordie
  19. My SAR was the best 1200 pages I have ever seen. Identified so many 'maladministrations' and provided me with a copy of an internal document the DWP had previously claimed did not exist. Well worth the trawling through the paperwork for me
  20. You can wait several weeks for the DWP to process the arrears but you can phone them and chase them.
  21. Your first port of call is the Court. You must be sent a POC otherwise you have nothing to defend. Get on to the Court now and tell them you have never received the POC.
  22. Smells like a speculative invoice to me! Can you scan it up on to here? Don't pay it at the moment until you can let us see it.
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