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Everything posted by joncow75

  1. Now i've got all my credit card charges and loan charges refunded that I know I can get back, time to work on my PPI. Aqua credit card and the shambles that are Halifax Bank have paid back my premiums quite easy so now for a much tougher nut to crack - HFC I don't take PPI out on anything as I have good sick pay, and for years had an income protection policy with HSBC that covered me for anything like that, along with Mortgage Protection and life insurance. Having finally managed to get statements from HFC for 3 credit agreeements I have had in the past (outside the 40 days and nothing else from my SAR - I had to chase to get this much too) I have checked all 3 had PPI included (surprise, surprise!) so I have pulled together my payments. I have used the Compound Interest Calculation sheet. Is this the right one as normally I just try and claim the 8%? The compound sheet makes a massive difference to the numbers. Agreement 1 - First Payment July 2004. PPI Total £231, interest £761.33 (26.16%) total £992.33 Agreement 2 - First Payment Aug 2004. PPI Total £116.95, interest £353.01 (26.4%) total £469.96 Agreement 3 - First Payment March 2009. PPI Total £144.63, interest £0 (0%) total £144.63 I definately had an income protection policy at the time the first 2 agreements started and as HFC is part of HSBC now, they should be able to confirm that. On neither occasion was I asked if the insurance was suitable, or it would have flagged up that it wasn't. The latter was for a sofa bought in DFS that was originally set up by my girlfriend but she failed the credit check in store and I ended up having it set up in my name buut out of her bank account. I've noticed that the PPI is ticked on the agreement and I have signed it, but the policy was never discussed in store. Firstly I want to check that it is HFC I go after and secondly do I fill in a seperate FOS questionairre for each one (but put all 3 in the same envelope) Many thanks
  2. Hi Angel,Just as a heads up, I have managed (hopefully) to get all my charges returned from BPF after first going to them direct and getting a 50% return, then going to the FOS. BPF caved in without too much hassle and only around 4-5 weeks with the FOS. Certainly worth bearing in mind if you don't fancy a court battle to start with. My thread is on here if you want to have a look - very similar story to yourself. Don't give up, you will get your money back!
  3. No problem Slick, as soon as it arrives and the money is in my account we can get this changed. Many thanks to yourself, hopefully it also gives a little bit of encouragement to others who feel BPF have hammered with excessive charges.
  4. An update on my battle with Barclays Partner Finance, and a good one at that. I had a telephone call from FOS on Friday morning that they had an offer from BPF that they wanted to discuss with me. When I rang back the very helpful bloke I spoke to, told me that Barclays would be willing to pay back all the charges that they had not done so far. Obviously I am very pleased that this has gone through so quickly and Barclays have seen a bit of sense. Fingers crossed I should have a letter come through in the next couple of days and I'll get my acceptance back out in the post as soon as it arrives. Result! It means the outstanding amount show against the account will go, and just over £100 should be coming back to me. Thanks to everyone for their help, couldn't have done it without you
  5. Just a quick update, had my initial response from the FOS and then a follow up to state they were investigating. Have been told it could take up top 12 weeks to get a response as they are a little snowed under right now. Not to worry, as long as I get the result I want then I'll be happy. Gone back to paying the (now) £17 per month so as not to have more late payment markers on my credit report! Lets see what BFP response is
  6. Hi themagician, I know someone who has put their request for a refund of HSBC Mortgage PPI around 10 weeks ago, and she hasn't heard anything back yet, so you are not alone. Mine went in last week, so maybe Easter will be when I expect to hear anything!! Good luck
  7. Just as a morale boost, I applied for my PPI to be refunded onto my old GM Credit Card now owned by Beneficial Finance. As "a gesture of goodwill" they paid it back, no arguments or hassle. Took 2 letters in total. Money went back on around 28 days after acceptance letter receviedGood luck!
  8. Against everyone's advice I've gone to the FOS with this one for now. After breaking up with my gf this week and ending up having to move out of the flat we share, I don't have the monry for a court fight at the mo. Lets see what happens with this, and I can always use the court option down the line. Fingers cossed BPF decide to refund as they won't want an investigation. At least I know they will get a fine from the FOS just for my complaint
  9. I might do both, just so they get their fine for a FOS complaint first, lol!!
  10. To me it looks good, but i'm not expert. i gave up and signed the acceptance sheet and they paid ,y £79 into my account. Not sure if I have the stomach for a fight with Egg, but would love to see the reply you get
  11. Hi Slick, There is nothing outstanding on PPI now, all sorted - just default charges now. I suppose now the charges are much lower, my court fee will be a lot lower. I'm going to wait till I get a statement from them so I can be accurate with what is outstanding. If I do go down the court route, I don't want them to have any comeback that my numbers are wrong
  12. Right been a while for an update, but I've waited patiently up untill Friday when I rang and told them the 40 days was up. Spoke with a girl a little later on who told me what was going to be in my letter (which arrived today). This is broken down below. Surprisingly I then received a letter on Sat telling me they needed more time (this was dated Fri, but obviously send before I'd rang up). Goes to show that 40 days is just the time most banks wait before doing their investigation in a couple of hours, lol I complained I had been charged £20 for a D/D return despite this showing as £15 in my agreement. I received an apology and a refund of £30 - the differece between £20 and £15 I complaned my charges where £22.50 and this was a disproportionate charge and not in line with the OFT Report, nor was it in line with the OFT debt collection guidance 2003 as it was actually higher than my payment. I was told that the OFT report only covered credit cards, and that BPF were entitled to charge this fee!! No refund I complained the I had been charged every 15 days on a late payment despite nothing in my agreement showing this. I have received a refund of £585 which is 26 charges of £22.50 I complained that I was charged PPS and wanted this refunded. This they did as they did not have a copy of the tel conersation from when it was alledgedly added. £103.32 plus 8% statutory interest with the PPS cancelled A charge in the right direction but not quite what I was looking for. There is still an outstanding balance of over £350, made eniterly of charges that come to around £470. I'm pleased that a big chunk of this is now gone, so I'm happy to go down the FOS route for the rest. I'll go back to paying the £17.94 for now to stop charges and ultimately get more back in my pocket. BPF have given me their Final Response so I can go down that route. I'm pretty sure the FOS will not like the £22.50 charges
  13. A see the disappoitment is spread around then! Sorry to hear that lhmcr1, but can't say i'm too surprised. Had you gone down the FOS route before or are you just going straight to court. Not sure how much difference it will make if the FOS made a ruling - will the court just agree with them, as I'm pretty sure Egg will argue this.
  14. Thanks for the advice Slick and DX. Letter ameneded and sent today, PPS letter drafted, and managed to get a Fax number so i'll fire it over this afternoon, and follow up with a registered post letter.
  15. Well Friday came and went, then Sat, Mon and Tues and no post from BPF. Spoke to someone on Tuesady night to express my annoyance that I hadn't received a response as promised, she was actually quite nice and understanding, and more surpisingly didn't ask me to pay the outstanding payment from August. I asked her to make a note that I had been charge for PPS again, despite the fact I had already highlighted I had never asked for it, and wanted it cancelled as of then. my LBA is written out, I am asking for the 8% statutary interst as they are not currently charging me interest on the charges. All the interest was front loaded. As far as I am concerned they still owe me money, and I want it back. Adding the PPS I never asked for and the interest will give me a nice £170ish in my pocket. I'll take the £79 overpay though just to end this sorry state. Barclays Partner Finance PO Box 2501 Cardiff CF23 0FP Account: XXXXXXXXXXX Dear Sir / Madam I refer to default charges and PPS applied to my account which I have requested you pay back. I wrote to you on 8th August 2011 making the original request for a payment of £1065 in settlement of my charges claim and £103.32 for my PPS claim. As I have not received a response despite a promise I would receive a letter on 2nd Sept by one of your representatives, I am writing to inform you I intend to claim the full amount claimed together with interest up to the date of judgment and court fees in the proceedings through the county court. This is based on the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations, as I believe these default charges are unfair and not proportionate to your costs, and therefore the court will rule in my favour. As I am sure you are aware, the Office of Fair Trading also stated in its April 2006 statement into credit card charges that it considers charges are at a higher level than is legally fair. The fact that the vast majority of charges you have levied are not even shown in the terms set out by Barclays Partner Finance shows that the account has been run unlawfully I have attached a full schedule of the charges with this document Without prejudice The charges and interest I have claimed above now total £1,162.56 however, if you are prepared to pay to me £1065 within 14 days of the date of this letter (and, for such purpose, time shall be of the essence), I am prepared to accept this lower figure in full and final settlement of my claim, and avoid unnecessary court fee’s and interest for Barclays Partner Finance. I obviously accept that this money would be put against the balance of the account with the remainder returned to myself. On top of this I request the return of the £106.19 PPS that has been added to my account. I have not agreed to this, signed for it or had any discussion on the matter. This money has been taken illegally and should be refund immediately. If this is done I will have no need to raise this issue with the FOS. If my previous letter was not clear I want the PPS stopped on this account immediately None of the agreed terms in my contract have been followed and punishing someone for a charge higher than the payment even when paid less than 24hrs later is nothing short of immoral and according to the OFT, a breach of their code. Barclays Partner Finance where taken to task in 2008 for their £22.50 fee’s and promised the FOS that they would reduce them. It seems that they are in breach of this agreement and have been for 3 years. Furthermore, I shall submit a Consumer Credit Act 1974 complaint to the OFT upon the basis that you have failed to comply with the OFT's direction of 5 April 2006 and are therefore not a 'fit and proper person' to hold a consumer credit licence under the 1974 Act. If you do not understand what this means then seek advice from your legal department.I look forward to a full response to this letter within 14 days, otherwise I will commence court proceedings to reclaim my money. Yours faithfully, joncow75 How does that sound? I love the last bit, which I found on an older thread about Clydesdale Finance from a few years back Thanks in advance
  16. Hi angel_islington. You'll find many people in the same position as you, including myself. Barclays Partner Finance are a complete joke. The fact the FOS took them to task on their £22.50 charges in 2008 seems to make no difference. The fact they charge £22.50 twice a month, despite this not in their terms is even more of a shock. Nothing this company does can even be classed as legal. Personally I am waiting for a letter that was promised today (and hasn't arrived) then it will be off to court. I don't believe for 1 second I will get any joy out of these, and the fact you have been in discussions for a year just reinforces that thought At least I was lucky to get a copy of my agreement and charges list without much issue (they have actually sent me the charges times now!). I didn't pay for it either Let us know how you get on, hopefully with a few of us on the same road at the same time then we might be able to help each other out
  17. First charge was around Dec 08. When I can get onto a decent conection i'll compare the two. This is my agreement btw http://freepdfhosting.com/a608f63cec.pdf
  18. Hi Slick, i'm just going for 8% stat for now. Adds around £100 extra to the charges that are on there. The threat will hopefully help them to just resolve my issue. I know what you mean on payment. 've missed it by 1 day now so they have already thumped another £22.50 charge on. I'll wait till my letter on Fri before paying. I've actually found a few articles on the FOS challenging BFP / Clydesdale back in 2008 on their charges and they supposidley reduced them to £12 in line with the OFT report. Seems thats a total load of b@**. Not sure how financial companies are still flaunting the findings from 2006 in the FOS face. Makes a bit of a mockery of the whole thing!
  19. Hi Slick, just as a follow up from your comment on SAINTDP's thread, I did get a letter stating something back in 4 weeks. I've been drafting another follow up today with my charges plus interest added in (which I didn't ask for originally) and a "14days to respond" ultimatum. I thought i'd drop them a quick message to see where my complaint was, and was told that I would receive something on Friday from them. I wasn't told what was in the letter, but was told it had information in it and not a 4 more weeks fob off. Decided to hang fire and see what the letter says. If not then its 14 days and filing in court. As there is "technically" an outstanding balance on the account of over £1k they would be expecting a payment today. As I've paid more than the agreement I will not be using my money to pay this amount rather I will use it for court fee's. Not sure if this is the wisest decision, however BPF have not followed anything in my agreement and by punishing me for more per month than my payment was, adding PPS without my consent and charging me even when 24hrs late, have behaved in an immoral way. I don't see how they could stand up in any court and say what they have done is correct
  20. Hi SAINTDP, have you managed to get any response yet from BPF? I had a letter back on the 9th saying I would hear something within 4 weeks. Was hoping you would be a few days ahead of me
  21. Well I've had a fairly quick response from Egg which is that as the FOS had found in their favour that £16 was not a disproportionate charge, they have again offered the original £79 which was the difference between £16 and £20 with a little interest. Very dissapointing - I hoped the change to Barclays may have lessened Egg's stance on this, however I can't say i'm too surprised.
  22. No-one had any joy with Egg then? Sent my letter off last week - but not exactly going to hold my breath that they will offer anything at all. Anyone who has gone down the court route who could offer some encouraging advice would be great
  23. Right, back on this again now. Pulled together a new updated set of charges which total £768 (although they do go slightly over the 6 year mark - I do know what they are and from when. Also amended the interest which brings the total to a healthy £998.90. With a balance on the card of £861 this shows that 89% of my balance is made up of charges alone! I've fired a quick letter back to Egg today that states I want them to reconsider - and that as I have an additional £206 of charges this is not covered ny their "Final Response" back in 2009. I've even offered them to pay me back £768 against the card balance (not arrears) so I can bring it down, as long as they come back in 14 days. If not then its off to court I go for the lot. Egg is the last credit card for me to get sorted (other than a PPI claim on a GM card which is ongoing). Does anyone know if Egg's position has softened since their buy out by Barclaycard who are very easy to deal with when it comes to charges?
  24. Letter sent yesterday, lets see if the offer of avoiding court and interest will get me a refund back and the account closed. Technically as I've finished paying the balance a few months ago, the last few late payments on my credit file should be removed as well, however I think that may be a tougher nut to crack. I'd be happy just seeing a 0 next to the balance with my overpayment in my bank. If I don't get the offer i'm looking for then I will be pulliing together all the interest against the charges and the PPS. Does anyone know how good BPF are at coming up with refunds or will I have to go all the way to court? There are a few threads on here, but a lot of them seem to stop without any outcome details
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