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Master Chief

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Everything posted by Master Chief

  1. OMG Thanks for the reply, but not sure that is what I wanted to hear. Why so long, were you trying to reclaim substantial charges or something?
  2. Thanks coledog. I didn't until they started squirming and asking for information I'd already supplied. Thought I'd made my SAR request watertight with the included proof of ID etc.
  3. Ok, does this sound about right? Just want to make sure before I fire it off to Citi in the morning. Thanks. Dear Sir/Madam, With reference to my recent Subject Access Request dated 28/10/2010 and your subsequent letter dated 04/11/2010 requesting proof of ID/address. Please note that the information that you request has already been provided along with my original Subject Access Request letter. Your attention is drawn to page 2 & 3, whereby I included a copy of a recent British Telecom bill showing my full current address details, in addition to, a copy of my passport and my full UK photocard driving licence, which also shows my current address. The inclusion of these proofs of ID/address is referenced on page 2 in paragraph 1, and I fail to understand how or why this information has been ignored. Except for the possibility that perhaps it is an attempt to stall the progress of my request and, as such, I would therefore like to make an official complaint to your company on that basis. You have a statutory obligation to accept my complaint and deal with it in a proper manner. I expect a response within four weeks of this letter and if this is not a final response, then a final response should be forthcoming within a further four weeks. I respectfully request that you acknowledge receipt of my complaint and provide me with full details of your statutory complaints procedure by return. In addition, if you are not the person that deals with these matters, I also request that you immediately pass my complaint to the relevant person/department within your organisation. I don’t accept that the proof of ID/address provided to you along with my Subject Access Request is inadequate in any way, shape or form. However, to comply with your request and to ensure that my SAR is expedited within the regulated time frame, I am including a further copy of my latest BT bill with this letter. You are reminded that under The Data Protection Act 1998 you have a legal obligation to comply with my request and within 40 days of receipt. My original request was received at your offices on the 29/10/2010; you now have 29 days (as of today’s date) in which to fully comply. I look forward to hearing from you in due course. Yours faithfully,
  4. At stupid judge for moving the goalposts! But, I'm learning thanks to you guys 'n' gurlz and that's gotta be worth a big smiley
  5. I think you may be missing the point a little bit, from my short but very educational visit to this forum, my understanding is that to comply with a cca request the creditor/dca, can provide a 'reconstituted' agreement; which if fair and proper entitles them to chase you personally for the debt! And, ergo, update your credit file accordingly, But, and it is a big but, it does not give them the legal right to persue you in the courts, because for that they would require the 'original' executed (properly signed with prescribed terms etc) agreement. For you to change the details on your credit file you would need to approach the credit reference agency and the ICO, but ultimately it would probably require a court case to determine if the information on your file was indeed correct or not. Then the onus would be upon you to prove that the debt never existed, rather than the DCA/OC proving it did. Which I believe the latter to be the most advantages for persons such as ourselves. As it stands, and I think that the duration between posts suggests this, the DCA isn't going to take you to court, because they can't. But, this doesn't mean that the debt doesn't exist, in which case they are entitled to reflect this in your credit file. I would perhaps go over the suggestions made in earlier posts and look at other ways to resolve this, i.e. default notices etc. The fact that the original DCA has tried to pass it on to others suggest that they don't have a proverbial leg to stand on! It is late and I probably should have gone to bedy byes several hours ago, so I may well and truly be off the mark. However, rest assured, if I'm wrong or missed something, the awesome people on here will be right there to put you in the right direction.
  6. Thank you BB & SF, duly noted and action under way. Much obliged, MC
  7. OK, but surely I would have to wait until after the 40 days to complain on that basis. Unless it were to be a pre-emptive strike, "I know your going to be late, so I'm going to complain now" lol
  8. On what basis do I complain? They requested information I had already provided? Thanks
  9. BB & SF have pm's. Aplogies for the intrusion, but felt I should explain further. MC
  10. Great, well I'll just comply with their request and keep my fingers crossed! Maybe consider a formal complaint too, just to pi** them off some more! Cheers
  11. Yep, good point. I will remain focused, calm and objective. Bloody gas bill will be sent first thing Monday 1st class recorded (as everything else has been). I just hate the way you get fobbed off with stock letters. Ask a reasonable question and they just send you a form letter in reply, or a copy of the last letter they sent you, grrrrrrrrrr bloody frustrating!
  12. Thanks SP, fair points raised. I don't suppose for a second they would stump up and pay as they clearly have difficulty reading, let alone writing a cheque out.
  13. Hi Coledog and thanks for the reply. I don't want to be too specific for obvious reasons, but I can tell you that they are truly a crudite compnay of the first degree.
  14. Hi all, I have been having some difficulty with a well known DCA, harassing phone calls and the like for more than several years and after the last call from them I found this site and decided to fight back. The DCA in question have been in clear contravention of OFT guidelines on more than several occasions and I have now lodged a formal complaint with them. In addition I have CCA’d & SAR’d them, for which I am waiting a replies also. I also SAR’d the OC Citi Cards, originally A N Other credit card company taken over by Citi Cards. I understood from posts on here that Citi Cards have proven to be obstructive with SAR’s in the past, so to ensure they had all of the information necessary to proceed with my request I enclosed copies of: Photo Driving License, Passport and a recent utility bill. Both the driving license and utility bill showed my current address. I received a letter today stating that as my address was different to the one they had on file, could I provide them with a copy of a recent utility bill (or other stated proof of ID) showing my current address. Er, HELLOOOOO, I’ve already done that! I even referred to the proof of ID at the end of the SAR letter and, unless the recipient was a complete muppet or very visually impaired, there is no way on this earth that you could miss the ID provided. So it’s clear to me that the letter I received back is purely a way of stalling and being obstructive. I am self employed and charge by the hour or pro-rata increments of an hour, as this additional and completely unnecessary work that Citi Cards has requested will take up time that I otherwise could be using to earn, would I be within my rights to charge them for the time spent meeting their unnecessary request? Thanks in advance, MC
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