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Master Chief

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  1. Standing order cancelled, I'll be back when I hear from them.
  2. @dx100ukSorry, it's been a long time since I have trawled this forum and I clearly need a refresher. They are actually only 4+ weeks overdue with the CCA, I didn't send it until Nov this year, but obviously they are still in default. I kind of thought, remebering old threads on here that the whole challenging CCA's in court was dead, due to judgements being made more on balance - does the debtor actually owe it? Rather than missing/incorrect terms. I'm not trying to avoid anything, just ensue that the balance owed is correct. As it stands, they are asking for double bouble and no way am I paying that. The balance corrected will mean the finish is in sight and manageable. If the route that you are all suggesting is a way to achieve that then I'm game. Thanks to all that have comented and helped so far.
  3. Thanks fo rthe relpy @dx100ukBut I still have a standing order, which has been paid from inception of our arrangement. Are you saying that I should cancel this and stop paying? My thoughts were more along the lines of complaining to the FOS about the ilegal charges. What's my end game by ceasing payments?
  4. It is now over 4 weeks since my CCA request and nothing has been received. Where do I go now? Thanks
  5. Thank you. I requested the CCA and promptly received a reply, stating that they no longer charge for CCA requests and included my £1 postal order. My original request was sent 25/11/21 as yet no CCA or further response. What now?
  6. @dx100uk @Peterbard Thanks for your advice chaps, much obliged. I will CCA Arrow and see what they come back with. Cheers
  7. @Peterbard There are some statements I'm sure, what's the relevance? I say an IVA, I just agreed to pay them £5 per month to start which has increased along the way. All can be seen in the linked PDF posted earlier. Hi @dx100uk, I thought the CCA was page 1 & 2 in the linked doc, provided to me by Egg as part of the DSAR. May I ask why a CCA request is the way forward to challenge the balance? thanks.
  8. Hi All, I have discovered a issue with an Egg loan that I've been paying off since forever and I think they have stuffed me on the starting balance. Getting to the point of my post, I took an Egg loan for £4000 in February 2001, paid it for 7 months before becoming unemployed and defaulting on the loan. Much happened at this time and I ended up moving a lot as well as being technically homeless. I finally got settled and entered into an IVA with Eversheds for £5.00 per month in June 2005 and have since been making payments. My issue is that having paid over £2,900 the balance is still in the region of £3,147.86! I DSAR'd Egg back in 2011 and have the information in the attached PDF. According, to their own information they defaulted me 29/04/02 when the balance was £3,697.39 and marked non-acrr. The balance remained the same, or at least no changes shown until 20/11/02 when a £60 "Waive Fee" and £226.04 "Bad Debt Charge Off" fee increasing the balance to £3,983.43 Next change is when the loan account is sold to Arrow and the balance becomes £4,859.43! Opinions and advice very welcome! EggLoan.pdf
  9. Thanks once again ims. I will follow your advice and report back as and when. Cheers, MC
  10. Update: it seems that Barclays have stumped up part of a refund (on loan 1) to the tune of around £2,500. However, we are still short the rolled over portion, amounting to approximately £300. Interestingly, although Barclays wrote saying that they rejected a refund on loan two, they have not written to confirm the claim/payment that they made on loan 1; which was probably two weeks ago. You would think that they would would write and explain the payment made. So I am wondering why they haven't, perhaps they are leaving us in the dark until the time limit to complain to the FOS has expired? Some advice please would be greatfuly appreciated. i.e should we forge ahead with a complaint to the FOS or wait until the deadline has expired for Barclays to respond to the PPI claim? I'm inclined to go to the FOS now as they have rejected the loan 1 portion, which means that our claim will not be fully dealt with. ???????? Thanks in advance.
  11. Ok, so we have received a response and I'm now not sure how to proceed. The claimant received two letters of acknowledgement, intially we thought that one was just a duplicate. But now he has received a further letter, which rejects the claim on the second loan on the basis that there was no PPI on it. So it looks like they have split the claim into two; hence the two acknowledgements and the final response as regards the second loan. It sems to me that as Barclays won't be offering a repayment on the rolled over portion of PPI, then the whole claim has not been dealt with properly. Do we have to wait for the response on loan one before going to the FOS or should we proceed with a complaint to them? Cheers, MC
  12. Hi ims and thanks for your reply. OK that is clearer. Yes that has been some umming and ahhing as regards which route to take and the claimants decision is to go via the FOS. As I have been out of the loop for some time, I'm a tad rusty on the process, but will re-read the necessary info. I guess I need to complete the stat interest excel sheet, complete the FOS questionaire and send it off to Sharklys. Just one question if I may, as regards what the insurance paid out, do I just deduct what they paid from the final figure on the stat interest excel sheet? Thanks again ims for your help and advice. MC
  13. Hi ims, Hope you are well and apologies for the extreme delay in updating this thread. The current situation is that, following the complaint to the ICO, we received the DSAR from Sharklys (7 months after the original request). All of the required info appears to be present, but it has thrown some light on something quite odd. On the loan account statement, there are three consecutive payments made from: BIDL CLM SERV A/C to the loan account. Which we assume is when they paid the monthly loan payment as a result of the insurance claim, before Sharklays refused to make any further payments. But, and it is a big but, they were still taking the payments from his current account as well! The three payments made from BIDL CLM SERV A/C in July/Aug/Sep 2002 are all followed by the usual Standing Order payment; a check on the current account statements of the same period confirms that the payments went out as usual (despite the insurance claim). A bit naughty don't you think! How does this impact the reclaim? I must admit to being totally confused now as a result of this and am not sure how to apply the payments to the spread sheet. Any advice greatfully received. Regards, MC
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