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Everything posted by paulpb123

  1. They've said payment will be by the end of the day. Oh, and I got the statements in full today. The pre 2004 ones don't show very many penalties at all, so they probably did only owe me about £450 - £500. They effectively cheated themselves out of over £2,000 by their refusal to give me the statements! All together now...aaaaaaahhhhhhh!
  2. That's why they aren't off the hook yet and the hearing has only been adjourned, I have not called an end to the matter yet. I'm not going to give them an inch having gone this far. Just don't see what else I could do now that they've agreed to settle. Do you think I should have done something different?
  3. Cheers folks! Just sent a fax to the court, stating that the Defendant has agreed to settle but the funds are not yet in my account. Requested a stay with the proviso that I can continue with the claim if they don't pay up. I also brought it to the judge's attention that Barclaysharks have abused the legal process and I will be making a complaint to the Law Society about the matter.
  4. ...breaking news...they've agreed to settle in full, including costs. CHAPS payment being made now. Hoooooraaaaaay!!! Thanks for the support you lovely people, especially Noomill. :):):)
  5. I make an application to the court for their defence to be struck out and judgement by default.
  6. We're beyond the last minute! Its now a matter for the court.
  7. Hi 28bagk, Their litigation dpt usually phone at around 5pm. Only today is their last chance to settle. And it has to be cleared funds in my account by close of business today. I'm sure the courts are getting very fed up with Sharklaycard's behaviour because they don't seem to be turning up and defending. Even if they do they've failed to submit their documents and they will also have to explain their breach of the DPA. More fun and games ahead methinks!
  8. Stick to your timetable and don't let Barclaysharks set the agenda. After 14 days have passed, send the LBA. All the best, Paul
  9. Hi Noomill, Yes, that's what I plan to do.
  10. Just a few hours to go now. Will they really leave it till the very last minute?
  11. Hi Miss M, All the best with your claim. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, their last day before the hearing. I think I've got everything covered quite well now. I expect them to try to negotiate a lower amount, but I can't accept their figure of £600 or the latest of £1, 600 if they've not provided the statements. I've worked out the final amount, which includes costs, as £2, 725.02. My feelings are, if you treat people badly then expect the same. If anyone has been in this situation, any comments would be appreciated. They have until 4:00 pm tomorrow.
  12. I've sent you an email and sorted out my pm box.
  13. Hi Photoman, If you need transcripts of any of the cases pm me your email and I'll send them as Word documents. I have access to several legal databases, which is very useful. All the best, Paul
  14. Didge, surely the lovely people at Sharklaycard are above such behaviour? Make a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office.
  15. No, Noomill, no more calls from our lovely friends at Mercer's. Do Sharklaycard have a heart or a mind? They certainly don't have any balls! Thanks for your continuing support. Hi Brad, yes, they do appear to be a little rattled! I wonder who's going to fall off their surfboard first?
  16. Quick update. Just got the usual 5 pm call from Barclaycard litigation. They've increased the offer from £600 to £1,600. Offer declined. Just Monday to go now...watch this space!
  17. Oscar, Make sure that you make a complaint to the ICO. Their breach of the DPA is a serious matter and this will help you in the later stages of your claim. Paul
  18. Yes, and Barclaysharks are getting what they deserve. I look forward to the daily 5 pm call from their litigation dpt. No doubt still whingeing that they only owe me £600. Well sorry, Barclaycard, you need to start treating your customers with a bit more respect and abiding by the laws of this country. Hard to feel any sympathy, isn't it, for a company that announces record profits on the back of dealing so disgracefully with its customers.
  19. Complaint made to ICO with all supporting documents.
  20. Hi Mamatemi1, Did you know that Mercers are Barclaycard? Which means they have not sold the debt to anyone. They use the Mercers name to intimidate people. I believe they use Credit Solutions Ltd when they sell debts. This is Mercer's address: Mercer's Debt Collections PO Box 55 Liverpool L32 8XX The phone number is: 08704 100 385 All the best, Paul
  21. I've just called Mercers and they have said they are not part of Barclaycard. I then called Barclaycard who said that they are! Time is seriously running out now for Barclaycard to arrange to reinstate my account, settle my claim in full, including costs, and apologise for their disgraceful behaviour. Tick, tock, tick, tock...
  22. Cheers Noomill060, I do appreciate your encouragement. I did pm one of the mods but no answer as yet. I know Barclaycard don't defend, but its still rather stressfull. Quite honestly I can't see that they've got a leg to stand on, they've flouted the law and treated me appalingly. Shame on them!
  23. Another call from litigation dpt. Still only offering £600 and the lady I spoke to claimed to know very little about the case (yeah, right!). They want to send the statements to prove what they owe. I've said its too late, Barclaycard have broken the law and they've brought this on themselves, as well as causing me a great deal of grief into the bargain. Last night was the last straw when I got the call from Mercers. I've also told them that I will be asking the court to order my costs as well which amount to £320. That means my claim will be for £2,699. They will call again tomorrow apparently, but I don't think they will settle. Oh well, I've already booked the day off work, I've done everything by the book, submitted my documents, done my research, organised the babysitter and I'm ready to argue my case.
  24. Because they annoyed me so much with persistent telephone calls (which were often quite rude) and I didn't feel like paying them £24 when they owe me a lot more. I thought that we were in dispute while the case is going through the court system. And during the time of the phone calls I didn't have £24! Thanks for your help, much appreciated!
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