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Everything posted by paulpb123

  1. I just phoned them and said I'm issuing legal documents and a very friendly lady said it needs to go to Milton Keynes, MK77 1QA. Good luck!
  2. Hi Tracey, Yes, send your DPA and you'll have plenty of time to mug up on what to do next. That's what I did earlier this week. It helps to write a plan of action, with a time frame: DPA followed by first letter asking for repayment of charges (giving them 14 days) then LBA (another 14 days) then file the claim if they haven't paid you in full. All the templates you need are in the library. Get at 'em!
  3. Hi Rachaelf, Are the charges for the last few weeks or was that when you sent the letter? Please don't take the £228 - they owe you £740 and this is your money that you will get back. If you are willing to go all the way then do it and get back what's yours. Remember - they don't like it up 'em!
  4. Hi RichardM. In the last sentence I would have put WILL lead to further action, but that's a trivial point and they know what's coming next! Good luck with getting revenge on this particularly nasty bunch of (edit ) Do not put libelous comments on this site .
  5. Hi trev, yes, its just the charges at this point, the interest comes later I think. Good luck!!
  6. Go get 'em Tina! Yes, it's very empowering. I'm quite new to this as well but its good to know there hundreds of people like us challenging the banks. I've already sent DPAs to Lloyds, MBNA, Coop and MINT. Good luck and hang in there!
  7. Good luck Sam. Lets keep in touch. The great thing about this site is that we're all together on this. I'm busy planning ahead and have already drafted my next letter asking for my refund. I'm doing MBNA and the Coop as well. If you want any help, advice or encouragement, feel free to ask and if I can't help there are loads of people who can. I'm no expert but I am very determined. Raaaaaaaaahhhhh! We've got the power! Very best, Paul
  8. Dear averageguy, What address are you using for Mint - they seem to have so many and obviously the Scottish address is no good. Good luck!
  9. DPA sent 14th June. Time for revenge for years of being shafted. Will keep posting my progress. Good luck to everyone who's standing up to these (edit) PLEASE DO NOT PUT LIBELOUS COMMENTS ON THIS FORUM
  10. DPA letter posted to MBNA 14th June. I'm looking forward to this! Will keep you posted.
  11. Well, I've taken the first step, these chancers owe me hundreds! I take it that the 40 days is from when they receive the letter?
  12. I agree that this is probably a mis-selling issue so I think I'll start with a letter to the advisors whio never informed us of what might happen. Thanks for this. Thanks for the threads, libertie, they also look useful.
  13. Hi Folks, I wonder if anyone could shed light on this. I've only just joined this forum and I've probably been a little naive in thinking that when these big companies dish out charges they are legitimate. Well, not any longer. I'm already going after the "Cooperative" Bank who owe me hundreds of £££s and understand how to get this going. However, the monster I really want to pick a fight with is Accord Mortgages. I took advice from James Jardine Mortgage Solutions, part of Mortgages Direct Limited. They advised me to take out a Libor mortgage (based on the American market) which, I was told, was solid as a rock. So much so that the rate had been stable for 15 years and hardly rose after 9/11. So that is what I did. The mortgage rose from £505 in December 2004 to £1250 in October 2005!! We contacted James Jardine again and they agree to help us. They arranged a fixed rate mortgage with Accord, so we didn't even switch companies. We had to pay a £15,000 redemption penalty and, in the meantime, James Jardine pocketed another arrangement fee of £495!!! This has sent our finances into meltdown. Does anyone think there is anything to be done about this. And if so, who are responsible, James Jardine or Accord, or both. I'm really keen to get cracking with this one so any advice would be very greatly appreciated.
  14. Hi Surreyscouse, I have just read your saga from start to finish and I admire your tenacity! I really hope that you deliver a knock-out punch to these chancers. I'm about to go to war with the "Cooperative" Bank who owe me hundreds of £££s in "charges" and Accord Mortgages who fleeced me for a £15,000 redemption penalty. Very best of luck to you.
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