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  1. It looks like we are going to meet the same judge for the second claim despite asking for a different county court . I say so because yesterday we received a letter which confirms that the case has been transferred to the local court hearing centre for allocation. And this means one thing only, a proper legal eagle on these cases to represent us and the sooner we find one the better. This forum is very helpful indeed but I am now very nervous to face the same judge on my own again and the hostility and bias that dominated the hearing. And the impending appeal case if granted. Any ideas are welcome.
  2. I sent them a letter demand those docs and guess they will blame the festive holidays for not beating the 14 days clock to give me the docs.
  3. Not only did she believe in what was said in the redacted copy, she went further to believe that there should the copy full contract document between the landlord and the management company when I argued that I specifically requested that then she spoke about whether adjourn to get this document but then she decided against it saying she is satisfied with the redacted copy. Thanks very much for your advice ericsbrother, I will push for it in my cpr 31.14 I will also dig deep to find the landlord whom I new to be St George back in 2010
  4. The points will 1.Lack of local standi, the chain of authority transfer is broken. The claimant failed to produce the contract between them and the landlord as request and gave me a redacted copy between them and the management and an excuse later on their bundle.They tried to argue that I did not request the landlord contract which was not true 2. Prohibitive signage on the acces road(here different judges have different interpretation of the wording on the sign and therefore I should have been given permission to appeal 3.Creation of easement.here they said that there is creation by prescription and there is no case law as yet that dealt with this as yet. 4.Planning permission. they simply said there is no planning permission needed.. I am attaching what was in their bundle. I also noted they never wanted to talk about cars packed on the access road but about my car being parked in a bay without permit. There was not proof correspondence and it was dismissed.
  5. I did come back and uploaded the redacted copy itself but unfortunately it was taken down because of some identifying information which was not supposed to be there apparently. Then I was involved in vehicle accident in which I had to be hospitalised for 5 weeks. I couldn't access my account during that time and I had to delegate someone to respond to my case letters even etc. I would like to forward my sincere apologies for the mishap and I hope we can correct it in the second exactly the same claim which live now. Yesterday I went court to collect the appeal forms and I was told that I have 21 days to appeal. I will have look at them tonight to and to begin feeling them out. I was told it's £140.00 to return them. So yes I am definitely appealing. I will ask for further clarification as we go along. Meanwhile I would like to ask for the unredacted copy of the contract again for the second claim against my partner. But I also wanted ukpc to include the one between the landlord and the management company as well. I don't know how to phrase it.
  6. I doubt if the number of tickets issued is factor because the judge rejcted the one in which my car was parked in shay witout displaying a permit.
  7. Yeah, big question is if there is anything that can be done now as matter of urgency in order to get a fair hearing in up coming case and therefore fair judgement? The judge even said that she is aware that a different judge can come up with a different vedict, And whether to appeal or not to appeal?
  8. Hi everyone. Sad to tell you that I lost the case this past Friday and was refused permission to appeal. I used the defence point as advised but unfortunately the judge was completely not on the mood to even consider all the previous cases I cited and their transcripts I printed out. She simply told me that she has a right to differ with her colleagues but she is bound by the supreme court judgement (Parking eye v Beavis) page 40. 1.On the first point in my defence, she said that UKPC have the authority to bring this claim from the management company who are in turn authorised by the land owner. I challenged it by saying the chain of transfer of authority is not complete in the redacted copy on the contract and that UKPC should have brought both contracts for proper scrutiny. I cited 3 cases which where dismissed for this reason. I further argued that the authority fro the management company does not explicitly say UKPC can bring this claim in their own name. All these arguments were shot down without a good explanation. 2.On the point of prohibitive signage, I tried to explain this point and cited 3 recent cases which were dismissed because of lack of contract and I included the transcripts thereof. Again she said that those cited cases are not binding because they are not from the supreme court. However, there is another live claim for the same amount on this very same property coming. Everything is exactly the same as on this lost claim and we have already ticked that Brentford County Court where my one was lost. The closing date for the direction questionnaire is this 22 December we are just wondering as whether it' still possible to change the County Court or to the Edmonton one where the signage issue could be interpreted correctly like in the cited cases. I now convinced that the outcome of a case solely depends on the attitude of the judge not on the facts of law. I am requesting for an advice on whether to appeal this decision and if so the way forward to do so. And also what new strategies can be employed for the up coming case as well. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed ideas and facts of laws in my defence especially ericsbrother with his immense knowledge on this cases.
  9. Good day everyone. I have some updates regarding this claim. Please see the attached letter from court. I have followed all the advise I got from this forum and any further expert advise is very much welcome. Notice of allocation.pdf
  10. Thanks Dx, ignoring them is the best option but I also needed a way of stopping them from writing annoying letters of demand and polluting my letter box.
  11. Thanks so much ericsbrother, I have just done exactly what you advised me to do. Apparently UKPC are now trying to deal with me using a so called debt debt recovery company as can be seen on the uploaded letter I received today. I wonder what to say to them too now. debt recovery.pdf
  12. Ok, I have tried to convert them into pdf and zipped them. Please let me know if they are still unreadable. I made a big mistake of uploading a wrong file with identifying information. can you please take it down as soon as possible. I am using a Mac computer which i am not used to. Some how I can't select and delete identifying information from scanned documents even after converting them into pdf on my Mac computer. I will try find PC and try from there this evening as I am going to work now. docs 1.pdf
  13. Ok, I will do that this evening when I get home. I am work now. Thanks for letting me know.
  14. Hi ericsbrother and everyone. Further to this case, I have uploaded the corresponce from SCS law for UKPC wherein they sent me a copy of redacted contract between UKPC and the management company followed by a letter indicating their intention to proceed with the case. docs 1.pdf
  15. Ok great, well understood, thank you very much once again. I will send it off this friday as i am off work.
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