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  1. i really thought that yes/els or what ever there name is now had smarted up there act as reading a few well reviewed posted on here, but they still look to be up to there old tricks! i like to support local businesses too but when they rip you off and treat not just me but other customers like they have it shames me to think that i spent my hard earned money in there shop, if you are planning to buy from them just do 2 things. 1) be sure to pay either the deposit or blance on your credit card so you have the usefull tool of the SECTION 75 which means your credit card will fight for you if it goes wrong and 2) pray like mad that your one of the lucky ones on here that has no problems with the sofa or the staff
  2. as you will see on other treads you are not the only one having trouble, best advice i can give you is if you have not paid the deposit on your credit card pay off the remaining balance on it, this seems the only way you will get your money back, this company will charge you a bit extra for using your credit card but it is well worth it. read up on section 75 and contact consumer direct who will tell you all the steps you need to take. best of luck
  3. Hi all, dont panic you have done the best thing by payind the deposit on your credit card, this means that even if you pay the balance off using cash or debit card you will be covered for the whole amount under section 75. i think by cancelling your order now you may not get your deposit back but look on the consumer dircet web site as that tells you all the steps you need to know, ( i phoned them to see what options i had as my sofa had been delivered) also read up on section 75 so you know your rights before your sofa comes. Be ready for a fight with this company as you can see on here many people are not happy with their service. Record all contact with this company from days times of phone calls, and take names of staff you are dealing with (i found that the same person rang me but gave 3 different names!!) and send all letters recorded deliver. Let your credit card company know as soon as poss and they will also inform you what letter to send. i am just gobbed smaked that this company is still trading like this and i can not understand why the banks have not taking the card machine off them. best of luck and there is hope at the end of the tunnel, i am a lucky one who paid there deposit on a credit card and got it all back.
  4. good for you renton, i would contact your credit card as the sofa now belongs to them so if yes sofa wants it back its too late. The credit card company usually asks you to despose of it as you wish!!!
  5. hi richard and kerena, im not at all suprised by the actions yes sofa company had done to you, they will take your money send faulty goods and run from any trouble after. i think your best bet is get in touch with consumer dircet and they will help you what the next steps are as i was lucky and paid at least the deposit on a card card and i was able to get the full amount including the cash final payment back. Dont let them fobb you off with their lies all the staff seem to make it up as they go along. Also get intouch with trading standard as someone on here has and that will help both you and anyothers making a complaint. Best of luck and let us all on here know how you get on
  6. stuart all i would say is pay the balance on a credit card i know that they will charge you a small fee for doing this but if you do have problems with either the staff or the sofa at least your have a major credit card company on side, just remember section 75. Read upon it and know your rights before your sofa comes so at least your be one step ahead of them.
  7. surely they cant get away with this, have you been intouch with consumer direct and trading standards? What about watch dog?
  8. Hi, all i can say that this is very much like my case with els/yes sofa specialist, i paid deposit on credit card and the rest cash which they requested and they failed to send what we ordered. contacted consumer direct, sent letters and like you got intouch with credit card and under section 75 we managed to get all our money back, even the cash we paid was covered on the credit card. like you had the nasty calls and threats, just stand your ground and if you can record your calls all the better, keep everything logged from times and dates of phone calls to letters sent, get names of people you speak to as in my case they will give you different names for the same person and he will range from sales man to owner. Trading standards are aware of them as they got involed for us. i think watch dog should be made aware of them in the furture, i did put a thread on here about them but it was taken off i bet by them, i did email them on here asking where it had gone but i heard nothing back. so sorry you are having to go through this, i know it was very stressfull for me but keep your chin up and fight this till the end.
  9. man with pony tail is called oliver and he has a son called jerome. they only have two shops as i rang up pretending to do some market rescerch as mark had told me that they own shops in the mail box in birmingham and one in london, the one in london is where they sold a sofa to wayne rooney, but i went on the internet and it was scs who sold it to the rooneys and they have no shops other than the one in droitwich (at the time when we ordered our sofa but i see via website that they have another in birmingham somewhere) on my paperwork my order form and receipt has els on it. For those of you thinking of buying from them please do your homework and be perpaired to fight for your rights.
  10. i brought a sofa back in january 2010 and had nothing but problems with at the time els, when we came to paid off the balance they had changed the name to yes, now i put on a blog/thread on here back in august telling everyone to beware of this company but for some reason it was taken off, tried emailing but no one on here got back to me! i am so sorry you are having problems with them they are a bunch of bullies, i managed to get all my money back on my corner sofa which took 22 weeks instead for the 12 they told us and after loads of calls and dates where i waited in all day for nothing to turn up we finaly got a showroom model delivered by two ruff men who you would not want in your garden let alone your house! we did everything the right way and we had nothing but abuse off them they kept giving us different names of who we where speaking to when the voice at the end of the phone was the same, all i can say is get intouch with consumer direct and they will help you, they will pass on all the problems to trading standards as they did with us (worcestershire branch) the thing that won it for us was that i paid the deposit on my credit card so under the section 75 act i was able to claim all my money back. dont give up and make sure you check your sofa/chair or anything ordered off them as like i say they sent us a showroom model, the best was it was white and they didnt even bother to clean it up! they think they can get away with anything, keep notes of all dates and times calls are made and recived, recorded delivery on all letters sent. Man with pony tail there he the boss to what they say, dark haired man called mark and another older man was working there at the time we went. all a bunch of unhelpfull men once you pay your deposit. good luck and im sorry my post was removed as it may have at least warned or given you a insight into this company, i have a feeling that they had it taken off here. keep me updated as i was not going to be ripped off by these type of people, like you i work hard for my money and i dont intend to hand it over to the likes of these people for crap goods. the shop many have big windows but they where not going to see me coming!!! you have loads of rights get on the net and find out what they are and your be able to hang them out to dry. go for it.
  11. hi jenny, for some reason my blog has been taken off about my problems with els/yes the sofa specialist, have emailed them on here but no one has replied! any way i had problems with yes the sofa specialist but they where els the sofa specialist when i orderd my sofa i asked if they where anything to do with exclusive leather sofa but they said they where a small family run business! see they have opend a second shop look on there web site. Anyway to cut a long story short they sent us a showroom model became quite nasty when we wanted a refund. thank god a paid on credit card as they got all our money back for us but that was not without a fight! please make sure that you check your sofa very carefully as they seem good at sending out sofas that do not meet the standards that new sofas should. the man with the poney tail was there i think he is the owner also there is one called mark and another older man, all promise everything and deliver nothing! we where told a 12week deliver and finally got our showroom sofa after 22 weeks. read all the terms and conditions and go to the consumer direct web site as they tell you all your need to know, contact them and they will help you. please let me know how you get on.
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