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Everything posted by TBeckett100

  1. i wish i found this thread before i started claiming 1998-2000 nut MCOl was issued yesterday and i have a bit in my claim about them trying to fob me off with no statements twice.
  2. no letter despite it being promised on the fax 24hrs ago. will be sending the judgement request tomorrow to the courts to grant me my money. why do my threads never get replies. feel so unloved
  3. just called up the legal team, they said it i standard when it gets to court stage for them to send me a letter to sign accepting their offer of the full amount which he is faxing. I cant beleive how structured their process is. I feel i am on a conveyer belt of proceedures. I think that is great news for all. no threatening tone, or threat of court etc.
  4. my MCOL has been accepted this morning and issued. I have written to the court outlining the charges and proof that LTSB have twice fobbed me off about not having the data which i stated on my claim. Hopefully they may wish to settle this one early in view of the embarrasing nature of their fobbing off. Also the local Judge through out the b'card defence as it was an abuse so you never know.
  5. i dont find the above link very clear due to the large number of posts slightly off topic. i am claiming back pre 6 years and filed the MCOL today
  6. OK i have done the MCOL requesting back just over £2k from 1998 to 2000. My local judge seems to be throwing out defences now from banks and in my claim i ststed that LTSB on 2 occassions told me they have no data byt then came up with it, so more evidence, i will send copies of the letters to MCOL with a schedule of charges. LTSB has notr responded to either my request for charges or the LBA.
  7. Judge Burgess i think he will strike all defences out cos they are wasting his time. did barclaycard or whoever pay up when they found they had no case?
  8. i am happy to file my Lloyds claim now, the court judge seems to have had enough of cases not going to court
  9. does this mean I have to go to the court in person now and file for judgement?
  10. Barclaycard filed a defence and it was transferred to Reading Court for a hearing date, letter received this morning says IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. DEFENCE STRUCK OUT AS AN ABUSE OF PROCESS 2. JUDGEMENT MAY ENTER JUDGEMENT FORTHWITH Blimey. Any ideas now guys? Has my local Judge got fed up
  11. however the threads on here are mindblowing, if someone knows of a thread that deals with statute barring this would be really helpful. thanks
  12. why did MCOl refer back?? i cant really get to the court so will have to be done.. i am surprised no-one can lend me a line to insert to allow the case to be issued,
  13. bookworm, what is this concealment argument for going back 6 years. i have 2 letters from lloyds saying they dont have data but also a pile of statements...
  14. thanks I am still lost. can i just start the ball rolling with the template mcol claim>
  15. Hello I am filing tomorrow for the above period. to avoid it getting thrown out, is there a line to add in the claim to ensure the claim isnt barred. thanks all
  16. The success threads are becoming a little hijacked and i cant see any wins since the victory. I am about to relaim 1998-2000 next week so need to be sure this is still a goer as the court fee will be quite a bit.
  17. to be honest this board, helpful though it was is starting to resemble very long threads hijacked by unrelated questions. I want to know and I think there should be a post to newcomers stating whether a) we should continue b) have people won since the lloyds win c) whats the state of play now. my message really looks at the banks management of my account in a different light.
  18. In 2000-2001 I went over my od limit monthly. However I am not sure anyone can remember but you account upon exceeding the OD limit was transferred to the collections department which took 2 weeks. whereby I couldnt deal with the branch because it had been transferred and i couldnt speak to collections because they hadnt received it. this caused me to run up further charges because nothing could get agreed. Of course i got paid and the account went back to the branch which took 2 weeks. Mid way through the month I got hard up again and the account was transferred back. I am sure there is a defence to be put here about 1) No-one was taking responsibility for the account as it was in cyberspace between 1 dept and another 2) I couldnt agree anything with anyone because the account kept getting moved. Any thoughts on this?
  19. I am going back 1999-2001, is it worth contuing my claim as my barclaycard defence mentioned limitation act and given the lloyds win, i think i should give up? any thoughts?
  20. received very standard defence, no allocation questionnaire, just waiting for the court date. at what point are barclays settling, the wins are few and far between and the threads are getting hijacked a bit! pls help
  21. BARCLAYCARD FILED THE DEFENCE TODAY!! I ma so annoyed just as I filed for judgement by default.
  22. yes it was when i hit 18 and the problems really started. is anyone geared up to help me with this when i get to MCOL stage in 2 and a bit weeks?
  23. no defence from them so going for judgement by default tomorrow.
  24. excellent, i get to do the judgement on tuesday
  25. could i then say ask for a signed copy of my agreement with them and once they fail to supply it enforce the fact they dont have the original agreement thus they cannot bind me?
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