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Everything posted by Miki123

  1. Hi guys me again. As some of you may know me and my partner are in a DMP with CCCS. One of the Creditors on the DMP are Quickquid (i know, i know lol). Well, CCCS started paying them monthly then after about 5 months CCCS contacted us to say Quickquid have rejected that months payments as they are "no longer dealing with the account". CCCS then said that they will hold the payment to them for 28 days and that if they had not contacted us then they will distribute the funds to the remaining creditors. Well 3 months down the line and we have had no responce from Quickquid or any DCA acting on behalf of, until today. So today I get a letter from "Trevor Munn LLB Solicitors". stating that on the instructions of their client, ARC (Europe) Ltd, documentation will now be prepared for the issue of a claim in the Northampton County Court, for recovery of the "debt". Basically says I have 10 ndays from the 17th to either "PAY IN FULL OR A SUBSTANTIAL PAYMENT AND A FIRM COMMITMENT TO CLEAR THE REMAINING BALANCE" If neither are taken they will charge intrest on the outstanding amount at the rate of 8%pa and in addition court cost of £80.00 Then if its still unpaid a CCJ will be registered? my arguements are 1. who the hell are ARC? never heard from them or been contacted by them? 2. If theyre going to issue a CCJ doesnt my credit file need to register this as a default first? theres no mention of this account on my credit file. is this just another scare tactic? has anyone come into contact with them before? this "so called solicitor requests no information to go through them but to contact ARC's legal help line and to speak with their litigation manager? Shall i just offer them an F&F of £100 and tell them to go away. I'm not disputing the debt i know i own it and am trying to F&F them 1 by 1 as and when i can afford to. i'll try to post the letter here but its hit and miss as ive never done it before.Scan.zip
  2. Ok cool, unfortunately no are near the SB period most are from 08-09. Some I've been pretty lucky with and they haven't reached my credit file yet and are pretty low so I want to get them cleared before they reach this stage. However, my partner has a Barclays loan which the balance is around £8000. I think it's now just over a year since the date of default and will probably take me another 5-6 months of savings to raise together some funds but what should I approach them with as a realistic offer of them accepting? £3500- £4000 or a lower amount. I think they are currently getting around £47 per month through the DMP and my partner is now registered as disabled so they're not going to get much more out of her through that? Also does it affect the F&F if the balance is with a DCA? as I think it's still currently in the hands of Barclays?
  3. Hey guys looking for some info: I'm in a (free) DMP with CCCS to pay of around £10,000 of debt in my partner and my names. Money has started to get slightly better recently an I've managed to start saving a bit of cash each month. We have just decided to move out of London for a new "Fresh" start and before we go we're looking to clear all our debts first. My questions are • What is better in terms of credit scoring? Negotiating a settlement figure with each creditor or paying each balance in full? • In terms of percentage what offer should I approach each creditor with? Or should I let them make the first offer and negotiate from there? • 3 of my creditors have put defaults on my credit report, can I negotiate with them as part of the final fee to request the default be removed, if so would I expect to pay for them and how much? Sorry guys we just really want to become debt free where we have pretty much promised ourselves that as far as we can we will pay for future purchases in cash and be more sensible with money as neither of us want this stress hanging over our heads again. Thanks in advance guys
  4. In answer to your question they are aware that I'm working and what my wages are but the dmp are not aware of any overtime payments that I receive as its not garunteed o/t each month. Its cool though I've spoken to someone from CCCS and they're ok with me saving as long as I'm making min payments to them each month. Which means I can pay each creditor one at a time and means it can run through my account.
  5. I think they're are penalty charges for unpaid installments but there is definitely no PPI installments. Just really concerned how best to play it. Don't want alarm bells to ring if I walk in with a large amount of cash i.e money laundering, tax problems etc. As we share a joint account don't really want the cash to sit in our account incase of problems with her benefits
  6. No Dx after consulting here we went with CCCS and are not paying for the DMP.
  7. Ok here's the situation. My partner has a Loan with Barclays which is currently around £8200. It's being paid via DMP contributions at the minute but I've been withdrawing all my overtime money and any extra cash we have each month in cash due to the fact that my partner is on Benefits due to I'll health. Obviously savings over a certain amount affect and could stop any benefits from being paid. Although the DMP is running we want to use our savings to pay this total off as soon as we can but will probably take another year or so of saving. I don't really want the cash to run through my bank account because previously mentioned benefits. My question is though if I walked into Barclays Bank with £8000 in cash would I be reported to Inland Revenue or could the Bank refuse to accept a Large amount in cash. I wondered as its not going into our account and going towards clearing a debt would I be reported? I would prefer not to pay Barclays in instalments a I like to know that I have some money each month if I have to "dip into it" in emergencies. Hope it's not ramble and can be understood
  8. Ok I got a letter from these cowboys this morning stating that they have been instructed by their client "Capquest Debt recovery Limited" to collect a debt which their records show outstanding. If they do not hear from me within 7 days from the date of the letter (16th dec 2011) they will take further action ie deductions from wages Baliff to recover goods Or charging order on my home. Ok I know this is their usual scare tactics. But since when do DCA's ask other DCA companies to collect on their behalf? I've spoken with Capquest before and told them I will not deal with them unless they get their "client" to write to me to prove I owe the debt and they confirm that they are the persons who sold the debt on. Apparently the debt is to Orange but I have had no comma with orange and have been on O2 for the last 3 years. Do I ignore?
  9. My contract states the same thing. Reason being when you are paid for your breaks in certain jobs such as Security, even though you are paid for your breaks there may be occasions such as Emergencies where you would be needed to attend wether on break or not. If you are off site at the time then it could be difficult to contact you. The other side of it is while you are being paid for breaks you are still under the Company's care and they have a duty of care to you whilst on break. If some thing was to happen to him whilst off site the company would still be held liable and be accountable for it. He needs to speak with his employer, some are quite lenient and if he needs to leave site urgently some will use their description to allow this. Hope this shed some light on the situation. Regards Mike
  10. Hey guys, Have a question to put to you all but think I've answered it myself but here goes. This evening my brother in law calls to say that he's having problems at work and needs to ask a question. He works as Bar staff in a local pub. This afternoon he arrives at work and is met by his manager and was given his P45. He looks at the woman blankly and asks wether he is being fired and for what reason. His employer looks at him an states "No, of course your not fired!". He continues behind the bar to work and later see's the rest of the staff an they all state that they received theirs as well but only the front 2 copies of the P45, but the employer has kept the back copy of all of them. Now the question. It is in my understanding that a P45 certificate is issued by the Tax office to state that your contract of employment has been terminated? If that is so then why would they have requested everyone's P45's to be issued? My only thought is that as ive previously seen that some pubs (this one in-particular) can be shady with terms of employment, is that they have stated all employees no longer work there and are now paying people "cash in hand" and falsifying their wage slips. I've told him to contact the tax office to ensure that his tax and NI is being kept up to date by his employer, but, cant see any justifiable reason as to why they would issue P45's and not be sacking any staff? Any thoughts or suggestions guys would be greatly appreciated. (this one stumped me lol)
  11. I'm still living there but passports and important soca have been moved out for time being? I'm waiting until works are complete then gonna approach Agent by e-mail stating I want 2 week rent refund due to inconvenience caused and fact that family unit has been separated. Builders have confirmed they will be here 9am tomorrow and EH will inspect works after they are complete
  12. Ok here's a quick update. Had a meeting with the local MP yesterday explained all that's happened to him and showed him around 80 photographs on laptop. MP contacted the Director of Environmental Health to get someone to inspect it asap. He stated that he will also write to the Agent demanding that work starts to ensure that the property is weatherproof, however, that is all his authority allows him to do to assist? Environmental officer has just left and took exhaustive notes and had said that the previous repair was "cowboy" like. He will be calling the Agent today and demand that the whole frontal of the extension/conservatory is replaced to an "acceptable standard" in the next 7 days. He will be calling me in 7 days time and if the works have not been done or I'm not happy with the repairs then he will return to re inspect the property and if need be condemn the flat and issue a summons to ensure the works are carried out. However, he has told me to refrain from contacting the agent in the mean time unless they call to arrange an appointment to carry out works.
  13. Ok as a CCTV operator myself I have a few questions. 1. Are there signs in place to say that CCTV is in force and operationally monitoring the area as parking enforcement? If not what are they used for? If they are for the prevention and protectection of padestrians then the CCTV footage in inadmissible and can't be used as evidence for reasons of penalty. 2. Did they follow the correct proceedures in obtaining the CCTV footage? 3. Who owns the servers the footage was copied from? and was an official "request to review footage" form completed and the correct data protection archive and working copy discs issued. 4. Was the disc used to supply the stills sealed in an evidence packet and ask for the serial number of the tamper proof seal. Unless they can prove that they have followed the correct channels to gain the footage in the first place and signage is place in "clear public view" you can argue that the CCTV footage was gained illegally and therefore inadmissible as proof of you parking there. Someone might be able to help you fight the case that the evidence they provided cannot be used to incriminate you and unless they can find another way of proving you was there the penalty then becomes null and void Hope I've helped in some way
  14. Ok as a CCTV operator myself I have a few questions. 1. Are there signs in place to say that CCTV is in force and operationally monitoring the area as parking enforcement? If not what are they used for? If they are for the prevention and protectection of padestrians then the CCTV footage in inadmissible and can't be used as evidence for reasons of penalty. 2. Did they follow the correct proceedures in obtaining the CCTV footage? 3. Who owns the servers the footage was copied from? and was an official "request to review footage" form completed and the correct data protection archive and working copy discs issued. 4. Was the disc used to supply the stills sealed in an evidence packet and ask for the serial number of the tamper proof seal. Unless they can prove that they have followed the correct channels to gain the footage in the first place and signage is place in "clear public view" you can argue that the CCTV footage was gained illegally and therefore inadmissible as proof of you parking there. Someone might be able to help you fight the case that the evidence they provided cannot be used to incriminate you and unless they can find another way of proving you was there the penalty then becomes null and void Hope I've helped in some way
  15. Yes notice is a section 21. Reason I'm asking is if I decide to leave through loss of faith with the LL and/or Estate Agent can I use this as a wy to say "goodbye"?
  16. Yes Contract was signed through estate agency who signed it on behalf of her. While inspecting my contract it was a fault on my behalf but I've found that attached to the back of it there is a notice requiring possession signed and dated with the expiry date as 6th April 2010 by any chance would this still br valid? Also I have been speaking with my partner and we have now agreed that we don't want them in to do any work until at least thurs as I want the environmental health officer to inspect it first. I've come home from work today to find a crack in one of the glass roof panels and also stress cracks in the wall. Most concerning though is the brackets that used for the last repair have started to twist and bend under the weight of the roof and it appears that the ceiling is starting to bow. I will add more photos in the morning when lighting is better as camera on iPhone 3G is not that great
  17. Thanks again for your information. It is informative and is of great help. To answer your questions it is a 1 bedroom flat rented through a relatively large chain but not one of the most well known. Rent is due on the 11th which they will not see in their account until some sort of works have started and a fair discount has been agreed. Further to this my partner and the baby have Bren to the doctors today where the Dr has diagnosed baby with a viral infection which he has said could well have been caused or at least contributed too by the damage of the property and has given paracetamol and saline nasal drops to treat. I have kept a copy of the prescription. Further to this he has said that my partner is suffering from significant stress and early signs of depression and has very kindly written a letter stating baby's health and partners condition which is no doubt exacerbated by the damage to the property and the stress of our family unit being apart. I will be taking this letter with me along with all photos etc to the MP on tues and am hoping to see the evironmental health officer on wed who is making a house visit.
  18. More photos have been added to the above link of the inside of the conservatory and showing their previous repairs of shelving brackets of all things and I think that they are all that's holding the roof in place
  19. Ok as a CCTV operator myself I have a few questions. 1. Are there signs in place to say that CCTV is in force and operationally monitoring the area as parking enforcement? If not what are they used for? If they are for the prevention and protectection of padestrians then the CCTV footage in inadmissible and can't be used as evidence for reasons of penalty. 2. Did they follow the correct proceedures in infancy the CCTV footage? 3. Who owns the servers the footage was copied from? and was an official "request to review footage" form completed and the correct data protection archive and working copy discs issued. 4. Was the disc used to supply the stills sealed in an evidence packet and ask for the serial number of the tamper proof seal. Unless they can prove that they have followed the correct channels to gain the footage in the first place and signage is place in "clear public view" you can argue that the CCTV footage was gained illegally and therefore inadmissible as proof of you parking there. Someone might be able to help you fight the case that the evidence they provided cannot be used to incriminate you and unless they can find another way of proving you was there the penalty then becomes null and void Hope I've helped in some way
  20. Fault occured on sun night and was reported to agent on Monday morning. I'll try to get pics up in meantime
  21. In answer to some of your questions 1. Tenancy agreement fixed term has expired so I'm on a periodic tenancy or m2m if u like. 2. I'm situated in London England 3. Deposit paid is 1 months rent of £760.00 and is secured. 4. Gas boiler is inspected by British gas annually. I have taken photos of property have some on my phone but no idea how to post them here was told about posting a URL but not sure how to do that and Photoshop for iPhone won't let me register as it says my email address is incorrect format? Common sense would have thought that they would board the window over until works are carried out but as someone told me earlier, common sense just isn't common anymore lol I've had to move baby and partner out to stay with her family as they have both recently come down with cold/flu like symptoms which we are owing to the damage of the property. Doctors appointments booked for tomorrow so that we have proof of them seeking medical attention and giving us further ammunition when I see the mp on Tuesday. Received a call yesterday from environmental health officer who i have to call Tuesday morning to arrange a visit by him so want to try and get him to view the property before they attempt any repairs or temporary measures. Looked into various laws regarding abandonment of the property today but I want to see if I can find a case to see if I can due it due to LL being in breach of contract?
  22. New sahd thankyou for your reply and I have already done this along similar lines to your post. I received a call from the Estate Agent about an hour ago stating that they have spoken to the contractors who will not carry out the works while the weather is poor as the bonding agent won't set in this weather. I impolitely replied that this is totally unacceptable and that I want to be moved from the property completely to which they refused to offer me any assistance. My only imaginable alternative for the safety and well being of my family is to not pay this months rent using that as a deposit and moving out owing a months rent. I'm gonna look through the contract to see if I can find a case of LL being in breach of contract. By the time they start chasing me for a months rent I'll be in a warm dry safe house. I know it's not an ideal solution but it's the only thing I can think of doing to protect my family. By the time I move out there will be two months owing but they hold a months rent in form of a deposit which they can keep
  23. It's frowned upon by most but the repair works will come to more than the cost of my rent.
  24. Ok here the situation now. Thursday afternoon, day 5 of freezing conditions. We still have no window frames, the wood holding the guttering has completely split. I've called the councils environmental health officer who was going to call me back but no reply and he's never in the office when I call. Have e-mailed my local MP and sent photos and have an appointment to see him on tues. Spoken to Estate Agent who was gonna send someone round yesterday but I guess he's lost because he still hasn't arrived.
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