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Everything posted by Miki123

  1. It's cool, my father in Law just gave me the difference and I've just got back from paying it at the Bank. It's all done now and finished and we are now: DEBT FREE!!!!!!! Woooooohooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Yeah it shows that its in default. I've had to put a summary note against it to explain.
  3. Cool. Post it in the morning after I got a £10 postal order
  4. I have a few of them up until Jan 2012 and a the new one should be here this month
  5. Ok and if I send a sar template request what do I need to look for in the information? The loan was only taken out in Jul 09 and as the debt has never left Barclays I can't imagine they would have "Lost" any information. What exactly will I be able to do with this information when I receive it? Sorry I've never done this before as I've never had a loan of this size and never really had problems getting an acceptable F&F figure on the 3-4 loans I've personally had as I've only had to do this twice.
  6. Ok guys need some advice on how to follow. I contacted Barclays today as a third party and spoke with the collections dept. they've told me the full balance and the only settlement offer they are willing to listen to is 50% which is just over double of the maximum limit of funds I have to offer. I explained our situation and told them unless they were willing to accept my offer then they will be receiving minimal payments for the next 11-12 years but they still wouldn't budge from 50% So, is this the end of it and that's what I have to raise or does anyone have any tips and tricks on how to get them to budge a little lower?
  7. The DMP is with CCCS and has been running for two years and will still potentially run for another 11. Unfortunately though the debt is still with Barclays and not an outside DCA as I would prefer. Barclays have accepted the low DMP offer and have been receiving a minimal amount for just over two years. It was actually my partner calling Barclays 2 years ago to tell them that she couldn't afford the payment due to losing her job that a Barclays advisor told her to go to CCS go a DMP
  8. Hey guys just a quick question, My partner has a Barclays loan which she is repaying via a DMP. The current balance is around the £8200 mark and at the rate she's paying on the DMP it'll take her 11 years to repay the amount owed. I recently made a Full and Final on an old debt of mine for £440 to clear a £1500 debt and was quite chuffed My question is I currently have a little over £1500 in savings and was wondering if realistically Barclays would accept an offer of this amount in Full and Final to clear her debt? Especially considering that at around £50 per month Barclays will still be receiving payments from her for the next 10 years. I know it's only a small amount but I didn't really want to get in contact with them and embarrass myself if they blatantly refused and jumped up closer to £4-5000 for me then have to tell them I can't afford it and close the door on any chance of an F&F in the near future!
  9. Ok the wage slip states 2000 pay OSP (deduction 1.2k) 2000 pay SSP (deduction 60 odd pound) 2000 pay OSP (Credit 1.8k) 2000 SSP over (large deduction 2k)
  10. Can't imagine I was overpaid. Let me check what it says
  11. Hi guys, After a year of illness I'm still off sick. There was a lot of talk regarding redundancy before I became Ill and wasn't surprised when it happened whilst still off sick. Anyway, I decided to take the redundancy package and thought all would be fine. On Thursday I received a lump sum payment into my account from work and the on Friday I received all the corresponding paperwork. Anyway on the breakdown of the payments it shows Redundancy payment Payment in lieu of notice Owed/accured holiday payment But then there are 3-4 deduction amounts stating that the are sick pay? Can they deduct all the sick pay they paid me a year ago back out of my redundancy package? Is this normal practice? This is all new to me but this wasn't explained in any of the redundancy meetings and is quite a considerable amount 3K plus.
  12. Ok great. Thanks for advice. I've contacted the LL by email and requested that she confirm by way of email that she requires the rent paid direct to her which she has done although she mentioned it in a reply to a different email. However, she said that she does want the rent paid direct to her but to hold it until the mess with the estate agent is clarified as to what their going to do. I though that I was safe to pay her direct just wanted someone else to clarify it. Just one of those thing where we're caught up in someone else's arguement. Thanks guys
  13. Ok guys sorry if this post gets a bit lengthy but here goes. We are currently in a 1 bed privately rented flat and we now have 2 children. We applied 5 years ago to go onto the councils waiting list and eventually we were nominated through the council for a housing association property. The housing assoc did all their paperwork and told us that they would be in touch to let us view the place. That was 5 months ago. I eventually managed to track down the allocation advisor dealing with the property and asked her what was going on and why it was taking so long. She informed that in the period of the old remnants moving out squatters had moved in. They had a court case on 29th aug and got the possession order granted but they now have to wait 6-8 weeks for the bailiffs to give them a date to evict them then any remidial work needs to be done before they will allow us to move in. Anyway, Monday just gone we received a knock at the door which happened to be our landlady asking if she could speak with us which was wierd as we've been here 5 years and never had any communication with her. She stated that she has been recently getting into trouble with money because our "rent is constantly late"? I showed her copies of bank statements to prove that rent has always been paid on or before the rent due date so it was nothing to do with us. I also asked what was happening with all the work that needed to be carried out to the property and as to why I've recently had to lay out £300 for a new washing machine as she wouldn't pay for one. To this she told me that this was the first shed heard of the damage or work needing doing and apparently she paid a £160 bill for a new washing machine to be fitted. She said that she'd had enough with the estate agent and was already coming over to say that she no longer wanted to deal with the agent and would prefer to deal with us direct, that she wanted us to pay the rent direct to her and that she had no problems with us in the time we've been here and had no intentions on kicking us out. Yesterday I received a call from the agent saying the landlady had been into the shop and stated that she doesn't want to deal with them anymore as she wants to rent the flat out to family instead. The agent then stated that at this time I'm to continue paying the rent to them as its not been finalised because the LL is refusing to pay any fees that were due through cancelling the contract and that they still hold our security deposit but to be prepared that she may well be serving us our 2 months notice. Today I receive an email from the LL stating she has spoken to the agents and to be prepared as they are saying that because we rented the property though the agent that they will be evicting us if she cancels their contract. My question is what do I do? My rent is due tues, who do I pay it to? What happens if one or the other serve notice as our new property isn't ready until the squatters are evicted? Thanks in advance guys.
  14. Hey guys. I have a question or two. I've been on long term sick since coming down with an undiagnosed illness in sept 2011 and am currently having investigations and tests carried out. However, yesterday I was given notice from work that they are entering a 30 day consultation period and due to make 28 redundancies due to the client consolidating several depts into one. Anyway. My partners disabled and she is claiming ESA cont, DLA, housing Benefit, CTB. Since March my SSP expired I am waiting for a ESA cont claim to be processed and have started claiming carer allowance for my partner as well as Child Tax credits for our 2 year old Daughter, we also have another child due in 3 weeks. My questions are; if I was to accept works offer of voluntary redundancy would it have any affect on any of these benefits? do I have to call them when I receive the payment to let them know of it. We have no savings before this payment as we spent them before putting in claims for benefits as I was hoping my illness would have been sorted quickly. I've been with my employer 5 years so I am not expecting the payout to be anymore than £3500. We rent privately so there is no mortgage or property owned either. As always guys thanks in advance.
  15. Hi all just looking for some advice. I've been with my employer 5 years and 3 months and currently work a continental shift pattern (4 on,4 off). I came down with an undiagnosed illness in Sept of last year and have been on long term sick since while testing and investigations are being carried out. However, yesterday I received notice from my employer that the client has decided to consolidate several departments into one leaving 28 people at risk of redundancy, mine being one of them. They have given me 3 options. 1. Re-apply for my job at the consolidated office but the hours are nights and days which I'm unable to work nights as my wife's disabled and needs supervision of a night. 2. Find alternative re deployment within the company, however, I will have to apply to any vacant position with external candidates and interview for the position which may or may not be a similar position to my own. 3. Take voluntary redundancy. I'm as of yet waiting to hear what the redundancy package is like but as I'm still off sick with no idea of a return to work date it's going to be very difficult to try and attend other sites around london to interview for a new job knowing that I cannot give them a return to work date or a date to start. If I take voluntary redundancy I know that affects the possibility of claiming JSA however, I'm currently claiming ESA and carers allowance for my partner so would that be affected by a redundancy payout? We have no savings and I'd expect redundancy payout to be under £6000. Also would this affect our HB and CTB? I'be contacted my union and am waitin for them to assign me a rep to attend any meetings as they will have to be carried out at my home. Just getting stressed as I've spent months trying to sort the benefits out and only 3 days ago got them sorted to now having this possibly mess them all up. Any thoughts guys and girls? As always thanks in advance.
  16. Ok cool. Well I'll type up a letter to dear old Trev and send that off on Monday morning along with copies of my receipts of postage and see why the response is from them. Only thing I find slightly amusing is the fact that on the letters it always states not to contact them but to contact the client. When I sent my first letter to the client I addresses the letter straight to the litigation Manager. Funny thing is I haven't received any communication from ARC stating that they own the debt, any demands for payment, default notices, statements of account or anything? Fact is I've never received anything from ARC period. The only communication regarding this debt is through Trevor Munn's
  17. Ok Guys I've kinda broken a few rules here but I now have an update for you. I contacted QQ regarding this and was told that they will no longer deal with me regarding this matter as the debt has now been passed onto ARC. I did something rather silly and wrote to ARC on 20th Feb 2012 stating that QQ had refused payment for the debt and that if they would like to accept an ex Gratia payment in full and final settlement I could raise £100 on the clear understanding that if accepted its to be regarded as statisfied in full etc etc etc. I posted this letter on the 21st feb 2012 by recorded delivery (retaining the receipt) and it was signed for at 8:45 am on the 22nd feb 2012 and I have a print out of recipients signature and royal mails track and trace time stamps. Well Ive never received a reply until today (9th June 2012) from our friends at Trevor Munn's who sent a letter dated 7th June saying: Dear sir, A county court claim has now been prepared and is ready to be issued against you in Northampton county court. The following costs will be added upon issue Debt balance £394.83 Court fee £30 Solicitors costs £50 Total £474.83 It is still not too late, but you must act now sand send payment tidy or call our client ARC directly on their legal helpline (read pompous,pushy,cockroach operated call centre)and ask for the litigation manager in infamous Daniel Ryan. IF YOU IGNORE THIS LETTER WE MAY PROCEED TO ISSUE THE CLAIM WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. Ok well before they issue a CCJ shouldn't there have been a dirty stain on my credit file before its issued? Was going to write to Trev with copies of the letters I've sent ARC and impolitely state that before they start making idle threats they may want to ask their client to firstly respond to correspondence first, then take their threats and place them somewhere where they can soil themselves with them later. However, Ive taken a deep breath and decided to pop over here again, annoy you kind people with my problems and kindly ask what step I take next. As always thanks in advance guys
  18. Heys guys and girls, I have a question which I would like advise on in basic terms. Ok well my wife is disabled and the property we currently live in is unsuitable for her needs and privately rented. We have contacted the council and they are offering us a property which we are hopefully going to see next week. If we accept this property the council have told us that they would be requiring us to move in within 2 weeks of accepting the property. Here's the thing: Our privately rented property states that we must give 2 months notice. Our contract expired 10th October 2011 so we are now on a rolling tenancy agreement (whatever it's called) and I have seen things on other threads that state that the notice period should be 1 months notice as our rent is due 11th PCM, is this correct? Also say we accepted the property on the 18th can I give them 1 months notice from the 18 or do I have to wait and date it from the 11th to the 10th? Lastly if noticed was given from 18th (just a date for arguements sakes) how would the rent be calculated. Does it mean that I'll pay my rent on the 11th of next month as usual plus amount owed from 11th-17th or would I have to pay 11th July as well? Sorry if I'm rambling a bit but I'm off from work sick at the min and finances are tight and don't really want to refuse this property just because I can't afford to pay the notice to move out as quick as the council request. Cheers in advance.
  19. Cool will post the letter in the morning and see why they reply is
  20. Nope I haven't received anything from QQ, just the response from CCCS.
  21. ok first! do you know what gasket is leaking? Head Gasket? Cam Cover Gasket? other? Secondly there is no need to removed the entire engine to replace the timing belt or the valves, so i have no idea why they have charged you as such so this is something you can challenge! When replacing the timing belt only the head comes off the engine which is only the top half? Were the valves replaced and the head skimmed or was a refurbished head replaced instead? When replacing the head and the cam cover both gaskets will need to be replaced as they become damaged when removing the parts. If you remove the oil filler cap have a look inside and see wether there is a white milky sludge inside as this will demonstrate that the Head Gasket is leaking and therefore NOT been replaced as this can be an MOT failure, your garage will not have failed an MOT on a cam cover leak. When I get answers to these I may be able to help you more. *former Renault, Nissan Mechanic and MOT tester*
  22. Unfortunately you will need to speak with ebay. When purchasing cars on ebay until you have collected the keys and driven away you are still under no obligation to buy the vehicle if when you arrive to collect it that it is not as described in the advert. If the advert stated it had a slow puncture but had a smell of petrol/diesel then you have bought it with these conditions present. If there is no mention of any of these faults then its hard to try and prove that these faults were there when the car was purchased and havent occured since collecting the car and driving it home. If you speak with ebay they may be able to speak with the seller on your behalf and come to a negotiation to split the cost, but, if the seller refuses unfortunately the "car is sold as seen" unless otherwise stated and the seller has no legal responsibilty repair or refund the car. Sorry its not what you wanted to hear. My suggestion, speak with ebay aftercare, ive dealt with them a few times on issues with ebay purchases and have found them quite helpful.
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