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  1. forgot to mention, i spoke with court on friday enquiring as to whether i could still an N244 for in if the judge had previously refused my application to suspend, i didnt actually get a reply from them as they told me to contact my lender as they were able to delay the eviction, i did this but was met with a big fat NO, prior to that i had spoke with Platform (lender) as i recieved a letter dated 18th Nov stating " you may still be able to remain in your home if you can make an acceptable payment off the arrears along with firm proposals to clear the remaining arrears. i rang them and asked if i could raise half the amount owed ( 2,500 ) would they accept that. again i was told "NO, either the amount in full or the eviction," when i said i had letter from them saying i could do this, i was told, "everyone gets them" i also asked again why i didnt recieve letter from them regarding the iminent eviction and only knew about it when the bailiff posted the letter through my door, i was told " you dont need 1 from us as long as bailiff delivers one to you. in actual fact i recieved a letter from them on 23rd sept telling me the eviction was scheduled for 21st sept, when i rang and said i had recieved this letter i didnt get an explanation why it was sent out nor did they tell me i would be recieving another one soon from the bailiff.
  2. hi, i have a copy of the landlords tenant application, it shows i have paid a deposit and the address of the property, i have an appointment card for my daughter so i,ll take that too, my daughters are 10 month and 18. i posted previously saying i felt i wasnt treated fairly at the hearing, firstly i had requested a desk advisor but there wasnt one there for me and no one did anything to see if one was available, i had also had an appointment booked with housing options team as i met the criteria for mortgage rescue scheme, however as soon as i mentioned this the judge said " no it doesnt work", i tried to explain i would be returning to work before christmas and would be in a position to pay full mortgage plus an amount off arrears, i had all the paperwork to show my benefit had been wrongly reduced to £41.00 per fortnight and that any backdated monies would be paid to me, however he wouldnt even look at them, in fairness it was the third time i had been to court to have warrant suspended and it was the same judge, who incidently was sympathetic the first and second time i was there. guess he got sick of the sight of me.
  3. hi, i need to know if i can delay the eveiction that is scheduled for 2nd Nov, i have found alternative accomodation but this property will not be available for me and my 2 daughters to move into until 5th Nov, when i was last at court a few weeks ago the judge refused my application to suspend warrant but gave me 2 weeks to find somewhere else to live, this has proved easier said than done, however i have found somewhere. my daughter is also booked in for minor surgery as a day case on wed 3rd Nov and the hospital have recommended conplete rest for 48 hours after, if i cannot delay the eviction i will need to cancel this appointment as i have no idea where we will go until new property is ready on fri, can i still hand in an N244 form asking the court to delay the eviction for 1 week only or would i be wasting my time in doing this. any advice appreciated.
  4. hi, the judge was aware of me having 2 children at home, he was the same judge i had a hearing with previously and that time was sympathetic, however i stupidly told him then that i would pay the warrant up to date by the end of that week, i intended to use money backdated from a mistake by the DWP reducing my benefit to £41 per fortnight, in actual fact that has only been sorted this week and i will recieve backdated payment next week, i have contacted shelter today via email and im awaiting a reply. i spoke to The Advisory when i returned from court asking advice, they told me that it was almost impossible to do anything other than pay the arrears off in full, they also said that very rarely will a judge be told he made the wrong decision, before i complete N161 can anyone tell me what the chances are of me being able to either come to an arrangement with lender or ask for more time to find somewhere, the reason being, my whole days are now taken up with looking for alternative accomodation and if there is a chance that the court wont change anything i would rather carry on looking for somewhere.ive registered with every letting agency in my area but as yet there is nothing.
  5. I have an eviction date set for nov 2nd, i applied to the court to suspend this, however due to the amount of evictions my lender applied for ( 7 in total, however 4 of these were cancelled as i paid off arrears, 2 suspended by district judge) the judge dismissed this case and i was given till the 2nd nov to find alternative property. i have a 9 month old daughter and 18 yr old daughter at home with me, i have registered with letting agencies however i have not had any calls regarding suitable properties available. When i attended court a few weeks ago i had asked in advance for a desk advisor to assist me, i was told there would be one there, however when i arrived no desk advisor had been arranged. I felt the judge did not listen to anything i had to say or the evidence i had showing my benefit had been reduced wrongly and this would be changing within the next few weeks to enable me to pay the warrant up to date, i also tried to explain to the judge that i had a meeting arranged with city of sunderland housing options team as i met the initial criteria for Mortgage Rescue Scheme, however his reply as i tried to explain was " Mortgage Rescue wont work" the eviction was actually scheduled for the day i was at court however he allowed me 2 weeks to find alternative property. i also wanted to explain to the judge that my lender had not informed me of the eviction, i only knew when the bailiff came, my lender in actual fact sent me a letter dated the 22nd of SEPT confirming that the 21st SEPT was the eviction date, i contacted my lender when i recieved this letter on the 26th but i wasnt given an explanation as to why i recieved this. i informed them of my benefit increasing and that the warrant would be brought up to date. they did not inform me that they had applied for another evicton. i now have recieved letter from lender stating i may still be able to keep my home if i can make an acceptable offer to pay off some arrears and set up an agreement for future payments. i spoke to them yesterday and asked if paying £2,000 off arrears (total arrears £5,000, and i think £3,000 of that is costs added,) would be acceptable, was told bluntly "NO, we are continuing with eviction" i explained that i recieved letter asking for acceptable payment, but was told,"that is automated mail and everyone gets them" i stil lhave no where for myself and 2 daughters to live and there is no way i could find £5000 to stop the eviction going ahead, is there any way i can ask the court for more time to find somewhere without making things worse? im not sure if this is the type of advice you offer but any would be grateful.
  6. thanks everyone for all advice given, i am really pleased with outcome, i certainly wont be buying a juicer with money they are paying!!!!! i will stick to buying it in cartons, thanks again
  7. hi, i did accept the amount offered, £500, which is £490 more than lloyds offered for refund at the beginning.
  8. Hi. finally received call from NPA who deal with lloyds pharmacy insurance claims. lady said she was responding to voice message i left on tuesday. she apologised and said my claim had been mislaid and due to length of time i had waited they wanted it settled today. the lady offered a sum of money and asked if i would accept this and that they accepted full liability, i don't know if i can say the amount on here but it is more than what i paid for a new pram. she didn't require receipts or photos of damage. ive received email confirmin they accept lability and cheque has now been issued. i know its taken a while but im shocked at how quickly they have dealt with it this mornin without any questions asked. ! !
  9. hi, the hood is attached to the pram so it wasnt possible to just buy the new hood, the juicer itself was on offer, so i only paid £15 for it, at first they offered me £10 as refund but they needed reciept, i didnt have it but thought it was wrong to offer less than i paid for it, they offered £25 in vouchers but these could only be spent on certain items, it was never my intention to claim any money from them but a friend suggested i send a photo of the damage to them and ask if they would be willing to pay for repairs or a new one, ive since bought new pram and it is because of their lack of contact and lloyds themselves now saying they cannot give any updates or have contact with the customer once it is passed onto the insurers, that has made me pursue this. yes i thank god no one was hurt, however next time maybe someone wont be as lucky. reading advice on here though, maybe i am wasting my time, i will write to insurers today and see if i get a reply. thanks again
  10. this is 3 of the photos i took of the juicer after it exploded.
  11. hi, we didnt take any photos of injuries as they really were minor and actually didnt realise till next day what these were caused by, no gp visit was necessary either, to be honest once i realised no one had been badly hurt me and my daughter laughed about it, she actually thought the juice that hit her face and neck was blood caused by the disc grater slicing her throat, really all i wanted was them to pay for the cost of new pram i bought, i forgot to say their first email also said i should take the juicer straight to nearest lloyds pharmacy and they would give me £10 for it, obviously i didnt and still have it here. my daughter said she will never use an appliance like that again but im not sure if it is causing anxiety, my grandaughter fell off the bottom stair when it exploded with fright but wasnt hurt, and our ears suffered for a few hours after due to the noise it made, i do make light of this incident because if i actually stop and think what could have happened, especially if the hood had not been up on my babies pram it would without a doubt keep me awake at night. i do think someone was watching over us that day, also i have no insurance for legal purposes. is there anyway i can put the photos on here for people to see how bad it actually was. thanks
  12. hi, im after some advice, last december i bought my daughter a juicer from lloyds pharmacy, in march this year we attempted to use it for the first time after reading instructions, within seconds this appliance exploded and sharp pieces of plastic, wire mesh, and the disc which is a grater and razor sharp were fired at speed around my daughters kitchen, myself, my daughter, my 2 grandchildren and newborn baby were in the room at the time and i still cannot believe we only suffered superficial scratches, the pram my newborn baby was in was hit by the disc grater which tore the hood of the pram, i emailed lloyds pharmacy the following day telling them what happened and attached photos of the appliance and the damage to my daughters pram, i recieved a response a week later apologising and offering £25 in lloyds pharmacy vouchers, ther also said they were aware of a "possible small malfunction" with their juicers and had recalled them, i refused to accept their offer, mainly due to them saying "possibility of small malfunction" and said i expected compensation for the pram as the hood was damaged beyond repair. a week later i recieved email stating it had been passed onto their insurers, after a month i asked them to give me an update but lloyds pharmacy said they were not allowed contact with customers once it had been passed onto their insurers. they did however give me number for insurers and said they would be in touch soon, its now been 6 month, ive left numerous voice messages with insurers but never have they returned call. i bought new pram and kept reciept to show them. i dont know what else to do and to be honest the incident could easily have been a fatality, i have the pics still if anyone would like to see just how bad this was, any advice would be appreciated, thanks
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