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Roy Rocket

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  1. I feel very sorry for the customers that have been left high & dry by Moben and the associated companies. Their trading antics have been a disgrace from start to finish and the Manchester Trading Standards dept should have taken action years ago instead of leaving it to individual customers. There would appear to be very little action that can be taken now that Moben have seemingly entered into receivership. I and many others, can only be grateful that we achieved some satisfaction from the County Courts.
  2. Stay clear of Moben! Please see my reply to 'Moben-help'.
  3. Moben - Just don't go there! After suffering 3 yrs at their hands the next step is the county court. The issues being poor quality kitchen furniture, warping unit doors, inappropriate materials used etc., etc. Should you think that I am one of life's moaners then just look at anyone of the dozen sites specifically relating to Moben complaints. If anyone has had recent success at the county court with this company or their other products (Sharps, Dolphin bathrooms) then I would be pleased to hear from them.
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