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Everything posted by nometer

  1. Thanks for the reply. I took out the credit card in 2001, it was in the branch when I was having an account review. It's strange how the account has been passed to moon beever of 1st credit have brought the debt. The letter states that I should only communicate with moon beever from now on. I don't seem to be able to find any threads about them, only ones where they deal with bankruptcy
  2. Hi I hope someone could offer a bit of help. I had an old back credit card debt that is about 12 months from being statue barred. Its for just under 2k. Many years ago I send a CCA request to the OC bank and never received a CCA so placed the account in dispute. This account got passed around several DCA working on the OC behalf, each one I seen off telling them that the account was in dispute. One DCA even confirmed that the original credit agreement never existed. No here is where my trouble starts the account was sold about 3 months ago to 1st Credit, I never responded to any of there requests, this account then got passed onto caughnuts who I think are the same company as 1st credit, I too ignored these. But today I got a letter stating that the account was being passed to Moon Beever, I’m not sure who these people are. All I can find on the web is the deal with insolvency. Does anyone know this company and anyone any ideas how I can deal with this? Many thanks
  3. Not to sure on how best to approach this now. I did have a look through the legal issue forum for payday lenders that have actually gone to cc for judgement, i couldnt find any that make the offer for sum plus 1 month interest.
  4. I have read on quite a few threads that an offet of loan plus one months interest is acceptable. It would be good to know if any case law that under pins this statemtment.
  5. I could really do with some help regarding Wage Day Advance . I took out a pay day loan with them last year for £280 with £362 being payable. Due to finacial difficulties and getting out of my depth with payday loans I changed my bank card and didnt make the payment. I now have had a request from DRS on behalf of Wage Day Advance for £575 I requested a Breakdown and this is how it was calculated £280 Loan £362 payable £82.60 Deferal £82.60 Deferal £36 Payment Declined =£575 I never asked for a deferal although I also never told them I had changed my card either. Can they charge me this amount. I'm more than happy to pay the money that I had the interest for that month = £363 but the rest seems excesive. Does anyone know of a template letter for dealing with wageday loans? Can they do this
  6. Well an update on this one. Sent the letter telling them that this had be subject to the court and I would not wanting any further contact as the claim had been struck out. Today recieved a letter stating that unless I start paying the will either make me insolvent or issue a court claim against me. Can they issue a Statutory demand even if it has already been struck out of CC?
  7. Bev, did they consolidate the loan and overdraft into one debt with a new account number? I have seen hsbc do this before.
  8. Is it ****ible for them to submit another claim, aslo i feel that i need to reply with a strongly worded letter but not sure what that should include
  9. Hi i need some advise please. I defended a credit card claim 3 years ago and it was struck out by the judge as the claiment failed to submit any thing other than the original claim form. Yesterday i recived a letter claiming the amount from a new dca, i phoned them and they stated i had to prove the judgement and they will continue collection until i do. How doni handle this one?
  10. How is the best way to challenge the enforceability of the credit agrement that i never agreed to?
  11. sequenci what is your view on them Consolidating thw accounts.
  12. Its been through about 10 dca already, wescot are the latest bunch. The last ones credit security limited gave up after a while although they did offer a full and final for only 4k. I put the account in dispute about a year ago.
  13. I would think that a loan would be regulated by different t's and c's to an overdraft so how can they combine the two, seems very unfair if they are allowed. Can they also just bump the lot under a new account number
  14. Hi I could really do with some advice on an issue i have with a major high street bank. I have searched through lots of threads but cant seem to find anything on un-authorised consolidation of debts. My story is: I had a couple of un secured loans and accounts witb overdrafts with a bank, got over stretched myself and couldnt pay them so the accounts got terminated and sent to there in house recovery dwpartment. At this point the accounts were combined into one new account and given a new account number, this then had the total owed around £16500. I requested a caa a couple if years back and put the accound in dispute and so far the account has been sent to about 8 DCA who have all failed in there efforts. I have recieved a letter which they stat as a cca with account start date and amount owed, nothing else. I want to be sure if i stand my ground how i stand leagally, can they take me to court? Also how can i now reply to the dca who have been chasing it now thr oc has sent a mocked up agrement.
  15. Hi I could really do with some advice on an issue i have with a major high street bank. I have searched through lots of threads but cant seem to find anything on un-authorised consolidation of debts. My story is: I had a couple of un secured loans and accounts witb overdrafts with a bank, got over stretched myself and couldnt pay them so the accounts got terminated and sent to there in house recovery dwpartment. At this point the accounts were combined into one new account and given a new account number, this then had the total owed around £16500. I requested a caa a couple if years back and put the accound in dispute and so far the account has been sent to about 8 dca who have all failed in there efforts. I have recieved a letter which they stat as a cca with account start date and amount owed, nothing else. I want to be sure if i stand my ground how i stand leagally, can they take me to court for this?
  16. I would suggest having a quick read through this, it does say that posting is an acceptable method to serve sd http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/guidanceleaflets/StatDemands/StaDemands.htm
  17. You need to get 42mans attention on this one, he's awesome in stat demands. Take some time and read through all the threads on here regarding stat demands, you will find most get set aside. As a starter, who was ther loan with origanally? You need to send a cca request off to capquest and sar the original creditor. You will get lots of good help on here so dont panic
  18. You need to submit an n245 form to the court asap, this can be downloaded from the internet. The form will suspened any warrent of execution and also make your affordable offer
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