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Everything posted by Debvfm

  1. I really don't want to open the door, cannot I just show him my passport from my front room garden? If he tries to force past me or push me around (like I have experienced in the past) then my dog would no doubt bite him (I cannot risk my dog being put down). Thanks
  2. I have sent the email and have my passport at the ready for when he calls again. I will show him it out of the window I will not be opening the door to him under any circumstances. I have a rather large dog that will not want to make his acquaintance either. Thanks
  3. Fools. I had a feeling it was BS as I know they like to use bully boy tactics in these cases. It happened to me once before and TWO of them forced their way in, I called the police who told me it was a civil matter and nothing to do with them. I also left the gentleman (I use that term loosely ) a voicemail to the same effect. It's a shame some people fall for their lies and end up paying debt that isn't theirs. Thank goodness we no longer have a debtors prison!!!
  4. I hope so, I detest these bullies. In the meantime I have emailed them with a short note stating the facts. I also attached a letter from my Mortgage Lender. Thanks for the advice any updates I will of course let you know. Thanks
  5. The only address I have is a PO Box number. No telephone number only a Fax number. I may just email them with a copy of a letter from my mortgage provider and see if this would suffice. Thanks
  6. Hi Yes I am on the electoral register and made a point when I had the reminder through to take this person off. The Bailiff/High Court Enforcement Officer expects me to call him back today to arrange an appointment. I don't really want him turning up with the police. I am happy to email with a copy of a bank statement or any other proof. I will most certainly not be letting him in at any time. Thanks for your help I just wondered what to do next.
  7. I have today had a visit from Marstons regarding a debt in the name of a previous occupant of my address. I work from home and was on the telephone so I didn't answer the door. My son called the Bailiff when he got in from work and was told that the Bailiff wants to make an appointment to come into the property to 'ensure' that this person no longer lives here. The letter from them has the reference HMCTS so I assume that it is a Magistrate's order. The Bailiff said no more than that it was for a TV licence fine. He also stated that he will attend with the police if necessary. Do they have this right? And also how can I prove a negative? I can prove that I live here and provide a utility bill but other than that am I supposed to let them rifle through my drawers and personal papers? Thanks D
  8. It may well be for a TV licence fine. I am starting a new thread regarding the same from these people.
  9. Good news well done lets hope they think twice before going down this avenue again!!! x
  10. Sounds like NRAM are being deliberately awkward here. They do this all the time, I have no idea who advises them to go against court orders but they seem to make a habit of it, then incur the judge's wrath. Can you not call the court? You may be able to speak to someone to advise you?
  11. Good morning all. Had a letter from NRAM's legals today Wallers. It states that the costs of the court appearance and legal fees are NOT to be added to the mortgage. Looks like NRAM lost more than just a suspended eviction order when they took me to court. United we stand!!!
  12. NRAM cannot go against the order. The order from the court will take a week to come through to you so I would sit tight until you get it. Well done. Together we will beat these people!!
  13. I wonder if you can help me please? Had a letter put through my door this morning from Equita Bailiffs. I knew their visit was imminent so the vehicle was moved to another address so it could not be clamped. I am in the process of sending an application to file a statement out of time/extension of time but have no idea what to put. We never received the original PCN. What concerns me is that the Bailiff states on the letter that ' if you fail to contact me within the next 24 hours I will have no alternative but to reattend your property AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT to impound your vehicle/remove goods. Is this correct? I thought they could only attend during reasonable hours i.e. 07.00 am to 19.00 at night? Many thanks Deb Another point to mention, I have just checked online to see if the Bailiff is certified and he is not. I have searched under his name and Equita's. He signs the letter 'Bailiff in Charge'. Thanks again Bump
  14. Hi thanks for all your replies. The loan was taken out in early 2006 from what I can recall. The payments were being made to Welcome and then when they went into difficulty we heard nothing for over a year and then Raven wrote to say they are chasing the debt on behalf of their client Welcome. Are Welcome still in existence? I thought they had gone. How do I go about an SAR? Thank you all for your help
  15. Sorry I can't advise on this but I am having the same problems myself so am watching your post avidly.
  16. Good evening I wonder if anyone could advise me on here please? I live with my partner in a house mortgaged by NRAM we fell into financial trouble some years back and took out a secured loan on the property for £15,000. We made payments then Welcome got into trouble and we heard no more for a couple of years. It would appear that Raven bought the debt and they are chasing us for payment, we have an arrangement to pay £100 off of the balance of £26,895.00 (the original loan was 15K). Can they repossess the house although NRAM have the first charge and there would be no equity in it? They keep threatening to and it is freaking me out a bit. Thanks Deb
  17. Try not to worry it looks like things will be sorted out before you have to go to court. I would wait for Ell-enn to pop in later for further advice. I wish you all the best and try not to worry. Deb
  18. I would go back to their Solicitors and remind them of the arrangement that was made sending them a copy if you have to. Make sure you send it recorded delivery and then follow up with a telephone call. Put everything in writing, the Judge will not be best pleased that his order is being ignored. Lenders seem to forget they have to abide to the courts order and not their own agenda. Judges are getting fed up of these heavy handed tactics and if you have been paying according to the the Judgement there is nothing they can do. They can try but it will get them nowhere. Please see my post on NRAM for how the courts look upon this blatant bullying. Unfortunately, these lenders rely on people giving up and handing back their keys allowing them to clear a large sum of money off their books and look good in the process. Don't let them bully you. They won't win.
  19. Hi All. Had the Judgement of Order through today and it says:- IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. The warrant be discharged. 2. The Claimant's solicitors shall consider whether the warrant was justified and shall inform the Defendant within 28 days whether the costs of the issue of the warrant and the hearing today incurred by the Claimant are to be added to the security. No mention of what the monthly payments are. What should we do? Many thanks Deb
  20. Hi All. Had the Judgement of Order through today and it says:- IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. The warrant be discharged. 2. The Claimant's solicitors shall consider whether the warrant was justified and shall inform the Defendant within 28 days whether the costs of the issue of the warrant and the hearing today incurred by the Claimant are to be added to the security. No mention of what the monthly payments are. What should we do? Many thanks Deb
  21. Parking fines for this alleged Limited Company for Reigate and Banstead council. Thanks
  22. Thanks Ell-enn I thought the same if I am honest. A week after court and still nothing from them. Also do you think it strange that they have made the arrangement until 2020? What if the interest rates go up? Many thanks
  23. Just an update for you all. Still nothing from the County Court in writing regarding the arrangement, although I have today had a very interesting letter from NRAM confirming my recent arrangement request (?????)!! The arrangement starts from the end of this month and continues until July 2020. The payments are also some £150.00 less which I think is for the unsecured part of the loan although in their letter they clearly state that this is ALL parts of the loan. Do you think I should still pay £1300 per month or what they stipulate in black and white? Many thanks all Deb.
  24. Thank you Bluebell he was very intimidating saying he can search my home. I think NOT!!! I have emailed a scanned letter from my mortgage provider as proof of residence. I hope that this gets rid of them. Thanks
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