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Everything posted by Debvfm

  1. Oh just a foot note the Claims Company have written saying they wrote to the wrong lender in error (really??) and this was due to human error and no reflection on them. Yeah right.
  2. Hi Slick Many thanks for your advice. I will send the chaser letter. Do I explain to them that they sold the mortgage and its down to them to find the paperwork? Deb
  3. I called them and they have said the will not have paperwork for longer than 6 years. They sold mortgages to several companies and have suggested that I contact the FOS. Is this the best line to take with this? Thanks
  4. I will give them a call then I have a contact name. I will also put it in writing. Thanks
  5. I took the mortgage out in 2001 until 2003. They did sell the debt to another company towards the end just 6 months before it was repossessed. Thanks
  6. Hijack all you want, I don't mind. These banks are shocking. They are so unfair with their charges how their staff justify their bonuses is beyond me. Paid for with other people's misery.
  7. Had a letter today from Kensington Mortgage Company stating that they have no records on their system for me. What do I do now? Many thanks all
  8. Thanks Slick and DD. I am due to pay them the first £50 out of my child benefit on Monday how kind of them. However it will be going into my new account not Barclays. I checked earlier and they haven't removed the OD as yet. I will transfer the balance into my Lloyds account. Barclays can go whistle!! As you say they owe me more than I owe them. xx
  9. Hi I withdrew the money in cash yesterday. I have already quoted the number to the first lady. They told me the amount I could withdraw and I checked my balance last night and I have gone over the limit again. No doubt the OD will again be removed, even though I did try to ensure all pending payments were coming out. Why do they seem so keen on raising the OD limit all the time? Making a bad situation worse, as I said to 'miss attitude' you are telling me you what to help me and this is doing everything but. Banks Pah!!! Let's hope that whoever views my letter regarding charges gets a more favourable response. Thanks all.
  10. Hi All Just to bring you all up to speed with the ongoing issues with Barclays. I called FOS first thing and they are filing a complaint which I will follow through to the bitter end as I do not think they should be able to get away with this. Anyway, I called Barclays and spoke to a nice lady who told me that it was their error and that they should not have cancelled the OD and that I could go into Branch to get my HB money out, but I could not use my card to withdraw it. I then got cut off, so called back and spoke to the most rude objectionable young lady ever who explained it was NOT the bank's fault but mine as they bounced a DD on friday which took me over the agreed OD. She then said (begrudgingly) that she would put the OD back in place and increase it so that I could pay the charges for them bouncing the DD and for me being over the agreed limit!! I declined her kind offer to pay the charges in advance (again) but said as you took my HB money I will have that as it is not allowed. She agreed that they were wrong to do that as that is not what the money is intended for (hopefully I get all my charges back that I have claimed) but would not accept the £20 per month repayment as previously arranged. She explained it was all my fault and that I should have better control of my finances. I then offered £30 which she declined and so it went on until she accepted £50 per month. I really cannot afford this, and as a precautionary measure have made arrangements for my benefits to go into my new Natwest account. I will pay Barclays as I don't want my claim being refused but will leave it a few days then call and say I cannot afford the £50 and can we make it £20 as previously agreed. Watch this space as I feel this drama will just run and run .................................
  11. Hi Slick I know that it is probably an error on their part and that I shouldn't take it personally however, its hard when it only affects you personally. I will remain factual to the FOS and just say they have prevented me and my children from eating and paying my mortgage. I really really hope its a silly error and not that they have removed the facility. Thanks for you help.
  12. They really are heartless souless money grabbing b*****ds aren't they? I am sure I have angered someone with my letter regarding the charges. I will mention this to the FOS too if you think this is wise? Thanks
  13. Hahaha, I just burst into tears telling my son (he is 20) and he is like I can lend you some Mum. Bless him. He is very laid back about things wish I was I am highly strung to say the least. I want someones head to roll for this x
  14. I will be making the call to the FOS on Monday morning first thing. I assume they open at 09.00am? I will make sure that I explain everything fully to them. I will also stress how urgent and dire my financial situation is. Thanks so much for your support it means a lot. Thanks again.
  15. Thanks DD its nice to know I am not alone. My parents can lend me money but I really don't want to borrow any. I had the foresight to open a basic current account with Nat West yesterday thank goodness as I have a reasonable sum coming to me soon and I did not want Barclays to get their robbing hands on it. I feel so fed up and upset that they could be so calculated about it. x
  16. What is even worse is that I have two interviews booked for Monday and now I cannot go as I have no money for fares. How do these people sleep at night is beyond me .............
  17. Hi DD Thanks for your words of support, it has made me feel sick. Money is tight at the moment as I have no job without them doing this to me. I will make FOS my first call on Monday morning. Surely they are meant to be a 'professional' outfit however, I do use that term broadly. It shows my OD being £10.00. I am so shocked words fail me. Excellent timing on their part too what with it being the weekend. Nice people eh? Deb
  18. Hi Slick Thanks for your reply. The OD was confirmed in writing and I was told that if I didn't agree to it I could write to them. The letter outlined how it would be repaid at £20 per month from my Child benefit money. They have since written confirming removal of the Reserve facility which I agreed to when they agreed to put the overdraft on there. Annoyingly the top of my online banking page states OD but the amount is now only £10.00. I am thinking this is all because I wrote asking for my charges back, perish the thought that one of their fat cats goes without such a large bonus to pay me back!!! They have really really upset me.
  19. Hi All I had my HB paid in today and needed that to pay my mortgage. Went online and Barclays have REMOVED the £260 overdraft that they agreed with me two weeks ago. I have phoned them but the department that deals with it close at one and no one can help me. They have left me without a penny to feed my children, I don't know what to do apart from weep. Has anyone any idea why they have done this?? I feel sick. Thanks
  20. I had a fraudulent payment made into my Halifax Current Account for £1800, I had no part of this however, the Halifax account was frozen as was my Lloyds account although this had £5k in it (redundancy payment). It all got sorted in the end but the two banks are linked when it suits them. Disgusting behaviour.
  21. Hi Thank you both for your responses. I posted two copies, one to head of customer services and one to compliance and legal department. I hope for a favourable reply. Thanks all.
  22. Hi Have applied for the SAR and am awaiting the results. I have requested a written explanation from the PPI Claims company and am waiting for their response they have however, written to me to explain they are making a full investigation. I will keep you all posted.
  23. I have today written to Barclays Bank at their head office to ask for my charges back they amount to just under £2500 from March 2011 to date. I have said that I am in extreme hardship and quoted the banking guidelines regarding benefits. Watch this space ......................I will keep you all updated.
  24. I too have a Together Mortgage with NRAM I have been told today (my account is in arrears both with the mortgage and the unsecured loan) that when I make a payment nothing is coming off of the Unsecured part of the Loan. I am unsure of the rates of interest that should be calculated on such and wondered if anyone had an idea? Many thanks
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