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  1. Just watched it, and also watching again on ITV1 +1..... It's also about my least fave company too, Rossendales. Well, I am not surprised in the least one single bit at all with what the program has show, and it just goes to show how the likes of company's like Rossendale's truly are, especially after my several times dealing with them.
  2. Right, looks like this account has been bounced back to Wescot's in Hull again, despite my request of proof some 2 months a go (Sent via RM's Signed For service), which was sent to their registered company addresses, according to Companys House, and the CSA. Wescot's are now asking for address / DOB verification, but am I right in basically telling them to "go forth and multiply", as it's been well over 28 days a go, that I asked BOTH Wescot's and MIL for proof of entitlement of debt, like a credit agreement?
  3. LOL, and you are only just up the road from me (I'm almost next to East Mids Airport) I think the both of us need to go out for a few beers, and think up of some war plans, and finally give MIL, the middle finger
  4. Yes, the 6 year rule (5 for Scotland) I am pretty sure will apply in my case (The local CAB also mentioned this to me), but to be sure that is so and as not to show my hand too early, I feel I would need them to first show proof of debt, like producing a credit agriement.
  5. The joy's I am having right now, with these jokers from MIL. They have been passed an account from Wescot's in Hull (My FME friend previousaly worked for Wescot's, so was very helpful when I needed advice), and it appears to relate to an aledged debt from Provident Credit, whom I used some 8 years a go, and I believe I had paid up the account, however this was at an old address, but I did take care, to ensure that I informed any creditors at the time, that I was moving home. Q today (Saturday), and so far, I have had 2 letters, god knows how many phone calls, and today, a text message, saying they are going to pay me a visit in person. Their first letter, I basicaly said.... guys, no idea if you have a legit claim for this debt or not, so I need you to show me evidence of this debt, such like a signed credit aggrement, and you need to sort this soon, as there are time constraints in which you must peform actions within, or the case will basicaly be statue barred. Got flodded with calls on my mobile, after I put the phone down on one guy, whom decided to talk to me like a lump of crap. Anyway, I have sent on Friday, an e-mail to them, followed by a fax and a RM Signed for letter, reminding them to supply evidence as previousaly required, by the 31st of this month, or the time limit will kick in, and they will forgo any claim that they may have had, and at no time have I admitted any liability, in whole or part, for this debt. Just want to see if I have covered all the bases so far, and anything I need to do or watch out for later?
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