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Everything posted by tc5712

  1. Lol dx! Had to read your post a few times before I think I got your gist. Seems like words have been cut off? Snotcrawl = Doorstepper? Tiresome I agree but the letters keep coming and I have been asked to post them here as they come.
  2. Well, their last letter was warning me it was my last chance before court action now this one says it's my last chance before a doorstep visit! Doesn't bother me but the Mrs is nervous...
  3. Here we go, another letter. Looks full of 'we will consider', 'may', 'random threats' etc. Am I right to sit tight? (I have yet to CCA them. When I did with Moorcrap back in 2010 their reply was 'due to the age of this account our client is unable to provide'. Alas is it not statute barred yet. Would welcome your thoughts? TIA TC
  4. Thanks dx, To be honest I've posted this on behalf of a colleague that I've encouraged to claim. I've followed your link and drafted a nice letter that was in there just replacing 'loan' with 'credit card'. We'll see how it goes. Thanks again.
  5. Hi guys, Any advice on this one? Basically this relates to 4 credit cards and would never have taken out the PPI if I had known, was just told to sign 'here & here' to accept the card. I'm guessing the next step would be to request the CCA's? Many thanks in advance.
  6. Finally a response, no more calls and I don't intend to write so we'll see how long it takes them to get bored...
  7. Just wondering. Now LTSB have sold this as confirmed by my credit file there is no way they can lasso back in to them? Got a reasonable PPI payment due.
  8. Dear all, Sent Lloyds an SAR last November due to an unrelated issue involving an old debt (that issue is ongoing but I won't go into it here). It's at http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?304330-lloyds-tsb-debt-every-dca-has-had-this-alleged-debt-when-will-it-stop!-help&p=4342084#post4342084 if you want to have a look. Anyway, within the reams of paperwork they sent there was mention of a loan from circa 2002 with all the statements and details. Filed a complaint and in late January this year I received a refund of £970! I like this I thought and trawled through the paperwork some more. 'Cardholder protection payments' on a credit card from 1999? In went another complaint and after a little letter tennis they admitted this was just PPI under a different name! Result! Another £600. Back to the paperwork and here's where it gets a little sketchy. Within the SAR info all that was stated was 4 'personal loans with insurance' dating from 1995-98, (no amounts, no statements, nothing, merely the account numbers. I thought I'd really be pushing my luck on this one but for the sake of the price of a stamp what did I have to lose? Well today in the post was a letter and a cheque for £6564!!!! So if there's anyone umming and ahhing whether to make a claim or not, do it! It'll cost you a tenner a the price of a few stamps.
  9. Not fishing I'm afraid dx, that scan is from a credit report I received today. As you can see it's on there
  10. Just checked my noodle credit file today with surprising results. No mention of Lloyds or capquest, just this:
  11. Not much of a response BRIGADIER! But a response nonetheless and they have taken our points on board I hope!
  12. Many thanks Brig, sent the below. (Tracked). Dear Collections Dept, Your Ref XXXXX Thank you for your letter of 29/08/13 (attached), the contents of which have been noted. I WILL NOT discuss any financial matters by telephone ALL contact MUST be in writing only, this is my wish and my right. I refer Capquest to the recent Appeal Court Case Roberts v Bank of Scotland June 2013 and the findings of their Lordships regarding telephone harassment. (For your benefit this can be found at http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2013/882.html) Perhaps Capquest's Compliance Department should read, mark and LEARN!! Yours, in writing only, TC5712
  13. And here we have it, arrived today a letter that blatantly contradicts my wish (and right) to communicate only in writing. I'm not going to get into a bout of letter tennis with these buffoons. Can someone please remind me the section of which act refers to harassment & I'll fire off a tracked email also quoting Roberts v Bank of Scotland. TIA
  14. Just had another call from CQ, refused to answer security Q's and told them again to contact me only in writing. The caller then went on and reeled off the dates that letters to me have supposedly been sent so far. As I didn't confirm DPA questions this doesn't seem right?
  15. Sorry that I've cut the quote above down. Hope it's ok, in the same boat but have not got any similar letter from LTSB?
  16. I have a letter on file from Apex stating this debt is unenforceable in law from Jan 2011. I don’t understand why this has changed? If Lloyds wanted to reconstitute a CCA they would have done so whilst they still owned the debt surely? Can a DCA that has purchased a debt reconstitute a CCA even when there were obviously never involved until now? :??????:
  17. With no CCA citizenB? Asked for it from the first DCA Moorcroft 3 years ago and they could not provide.
  18. And here we have the offer of reduction letter, proof, if proof were needed that this is totally unenforceable I believe?
  19. Doesn't work Bazooka, there's no number associated to the text. Just from the word 'Capquest', not that bothered about it though.
  20. Thanks Cityboy62 that encouraging. What would I need to submit legal action via MCOL? Up till now i've done everything online via email. Will printouts/scans of email correspondence be acceptable by the courts? Thanks for all your guidance so far. TC
  21. Just wondering if Capquest are new kids on the block as they don't seem to be very good? By that I mean they are failing miserably trying to get hold of me? I'm getting random texts to my mobile asking me to call them and quote Ref XXXX, erm no. Then the odd call here and there from an auto dialer saying 'If you want to talk to us 'press 1'. Erm no again! Or am I just very low priority as they know they're just chancing it?
  22. So..... It seems instigating my own legal action if I want to pursue this is my only option. I am wary though, is the pdf they sent me correct? Point 22 seems to cover their initial 'bleed air system', point 25 may refer to the alternate explanation provided to Grigg5's post referring to 'power system used to circulate air in the cabin' and then there's the clause they seem to be referring to in their latest response to me (24) 'Failure of on-condition/condition monitored parts'. FYI I have replied today with: Thank you for your recent email. It does, however, fail to state the exact nature of the fault that you deem to be an 'extraordinary circumstance'. In fact there is contradictory evidence as to which system/part is in question. (I am in receipt of an email you sent to another passenger that was booked onto ZB057, the very aircraft that would have been ZB812 stating the fault was with "the power system used to circulate air in the cabin" & not as you claim below "developing a left and right wing leak message and a left bleed fault". If legal proceedings are my only option in order to resolve this then I will not hesitate to do so within 14 days. I'm sure the courts will take a dim view on these contradictory explanations. Yours sincerely....
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