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  1. I too have found myself in this situation and like other users i was given no prior warning to be cautioned and was totally unaware that I was breaking a by-law due to the fact that the posters informing you of this are very small and contain only writing making them fair difficult to spot until you are caught commiting the offence. However I've got a further few questions to ask. Firstly I was told by the member of Merseytravel staff that I'd recieve a letter and that he didn't know whether I'd be fined or not initially, but he then told me that I'd recieve a letter and would simply have to phone mersertravel without paying a fine. However it seems from everything I've read that I will actually be recieving a £50 fine. What do people think the likely outcome will be? Furthermore the reason for me having one foot rested upon the very edge of the seat (which i know is irrelevant) is because my leg was bruised from a football game and i was advised to keep it raised (I informed the person who cautioned me of this and he noted it down) but I have no medical proof of this and the injury has since healed. Is it therefore completely pointless to tell Merseytravel this in a written letter? Finally I'm only 17 and whilst deemed an adult by Merseytravel I am obviously not legally an adult and wondered if this would have any bearing on my case. I also don't have a fixed income and so am unlikely to be able to pay a fine if that is the action that Merseytravel takes. Just some genral advice would be welcomed too.
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