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Everything posted by brownedoffscs

  1. We have bought a fabric Fabienne Suite from the Giltbrook store Nottingham. It was delivered in April. My wife noticed that the material did not match up and the Napp was going different ways on the arms of the sofa and the chair was made altogether different to the sofa. In addition, after only a few weeks one cushion on the sofa developed a big dip, right accross the middle. We were using all the cushions to even the wear as they said we had to let the suite “settle”, so we didn’t complain straight away. However he cushion became noticeably worse. We reported the problem and CSL sent a technician within a few days. he took the sofa to bits and examined all the springs inside and the structure underneth and said nothing was wrong. I said I knew there was nothing wrong with the springs but any fool could see the cushion didn’t have enough fill in it. He made all manner of excuses about the fabric layout, and contradicted me that it wa all going the same way, which is clearly evident that it’s not. Then he said the problem with the cushion was we needed to dress it regularly. (Like, every time we need to sit on it!). Asked how, he proceeded to demonstrate by bashing the daylights out of the cushions whilst heaving on the front corners of the cushions. I said if we did that every time the sofa would never survive the warranty period. We went to the store and saw the manager. Photographs were taken and eventually, with involvement of the ultra defensive complaints dept at HQ, they offered us a reselection, but insisted we had to choose a different fabric and suite. So we were being pushed to accept second best in sofa style and a fabric which we did not care for. We wrote to HQ and put all our complaints in writing. They replied by phone with a very argumentative attitude trying to put the blame on missuse. There is only the two of us, and we are only in the lounge for a few hours per evening and at 54 we do not perform acrobatics on the sofa any more these days. We took a trip to Citizens advice (only because our solicitor was unavailable, and the man called them. In the letter they mentioned a “cancellation fee”, which if we paid could close the matter. Cit adv said we should find out how muh and if a nominal amount may be better than going to court. The fee was 30% of the full cost! Over £600! They made same arguments to him and upshot was he said we weren’t going to get anywhere with them and whilst he was no judge, felt we had a foolproof case under the sale of goods act for goods not meeting freedom from minor defect (in fact much more than minor)and, based on CSL’s letter where they made no offer to rectify the faults should be able to sue for a full refund. We had also sent copy letter to Black Horse Finance. We were outraged by the cancellation fee and are now galvanised to get a full refund by whatever means it takes. We also want to tell the world what an unscrupulous outfit they are and especially the complaints dept head who is just plain rude and very stupid. We are now planning to pursue a small claims case. It has been very reassuring to see tht this problem has been recognised by many other people. CSL clearly are a disreputable company peddling foreign made completeley rubbish furniture at not inexpensive prices. Our old suite, had shown very little sign of wear after 8 years and cost significantly less. It’s a good job we didn’t have it taken away. Thanks for the information here. Keep up the good work and spread the word. We have now written a second letter explaining clearly where we see they are in breach of the SOG act and that we expect a full refund.
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