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Everything posted by smith_j

  1. Does the judgement give an amount that you have to repay? If it doesnt and the CCJ was obtained against you without your knowledge then get it set aside.
  2. Must be quiet in the Moorcroft offices today ;-)
  3. Knowing Wesclott, they wont have any proof of the debt and just trying to fob you off. The 14 day thing means nothing anyway. just another threatogram. Report them to the OFT and trading standards if you wish.
  4. If its over 6 years then it will be stat barred. Fairfax are chancers and will do/say anything to get money out of you. Report them to the OFT and trading standards.
  5. Fairfax are bullies and the most horrible, obnoxious bunch ive ever come across. I know what they are like so can sympathize with you fully. They are a law unto themselves. The sooner the authorities close these rogues down the better. In the meantime do not speak to them on the phone and refuse to answer security questions if they phone you. Tell the cretin who phones you next week were to go. Once you stand up to them and they see they are unable to bully you they will soon back off as i found out.
  6. The credit reference agencies and the DCA's are best friends with each other, so dont expect them to be in any hurry to do any favours.....except for their DCA chums
  7. Well they were already full of the brown stuff anyway id imagine
  8. I wouldn't bother speaking to any of them on the phone. They need to prove that you owe a debt, its not for you to prove that you dont. If need be report them all to the relevant authorities.
  9. Yep its BC & W - no one of any importance so just ignore.
  10. Ignore. Not worth the cost on your phone bill. Use as toilet paper if you are running short of any.
  11. I agree with the comment above. I hate DCAs but i dont hate them to a point were it becomes an obsession and it overtakes everything else. I simply know what they are like and how to handle them but thats were the line is drawn. Id like to think that i and most others on here have a life away from these forums
  12. A site like this which is causing so many problems for the DCA industry, i would be suprised if there werent any "plants" on here quite frankly.
  13. Oh that wont be an issue for them. They'll still think they can get blood out of a stone
  14. Its not for Muck Hall to say what they will and wont accept. Either tell them to bog off or offer them a £1 per month as a token payment which is more than enough for someone who is not working. Failing that, simply report these clowns to the OFT and trading standards.
  15. Lowells wont have achieved anything by this thread. Yes they may have caused members to argue amongst themselves but so what? The consumer revolution is too far advanced now in my view and the presence of a DCA on an internet forum wont change that. The downfall of the debt collection industry in general will continue anyway regardless.
  16. Utterley dreadful bunch this lot are. The sooner the authorities close these rogues down the better.
  17. I would also recommend a complaint to the police as well (not 999 unless anyone was actually at your property)
  18. The nonsense these companies and their so called "solicitors" come out with beggars belief. They are bound by the laws of the land like everyone else. No CCA equals no enforcable debt. Their smug arrogance will be their downfall. Tell them that you will also be confident of success should the matter reach court. Feel free to report them to the OFT,trading standards if you wish...
  19. What they failed to mention about the Halifax is that they dont just charge £1 per day, they charge £5 PER DAY as well Every Halifax branch should be sealed off and declared a major crime scene.
  20. I think its safe to say from watching this that..............the banks are complete & utter ****
  21. Here we go....programme about to start on BBC1 now. Message to the banks - ITS PAYBACK TIME AND THE PUBLIC ARE VERY ANGRY!!!!!!!!
  22. Looking forward to this programme very much tonight. Hopefully the banks will soon be made to repay ALL the money they owe the taxpayer. I hope the programme will also mention the in-house debt collection companies that work for these banks and the misery they cause people.
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