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  1. I'm in exactly the same position. I've had a Cahoot flexible loan since 2005 with a £4000 limit. It started off at a reasonable APR but got hiked up to 21%. Since the account moved to santander at the end of January I haven't been able to access any details of my account. The last time I checked the balance was back in January just before they withdrew online access and I had a remaining balance just under my limit (it was something like £3,990). When I phoned Santander at the end of May I was told my remaining balance was £3,910. My monthly payments were roughly £100 so in the space of four months I paid £400 to them but only £80 was taken off my remaining balance - surely something is wrong there?! When I was told over the phone what my balance was I asked them to send statements from the very start of my loan, including payments made, charges, interest rates etc - I was then told they couldn't do this as they had the wrong address for me on their system (it was an ONLINE loan so I never updated my address). I then sent them a letter informing them of my change of address - with proof. In the same letter I also asked them to send me all my statements as requested before in my telephone call. This morning I received a letter from them confirming my change of address but no mention of my request for statements. I have tried to phone several times but every time I do, after going through their menu system, I just get an engaged tone - not even put in a queue or phone ringing, just an engaged tone. So, I can't access my account online as they have taken that option away and now I can't even phone them as they are constantly engaged! I have no idea how much I owe, what the APR, what charges (if any) they have added to my account - they only thing I know about my account is the number! I want to at least get the APR down to a reasonable rate but I also want to see if what they have been taking out of my account is unfair - paying £400 in 4 months but only having £80 count to balance seems highly unfair - but at the moment I can't do anything. I know lots of other people are having similar problems so can anyone advise me on what to do next? ps: sorry if this is hijacking your thread but we seem to be in a similar postion so hopefully we can all work together to sort out all the problems people are facing with cahoot/santander
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