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Everything posted by Pupter

  1. Hi, Last November I paid almost £600 to Britih Gas for my Gas bill. Then in March I received a bill of £1250. I immediately disputed this and chased up a complaint going back to the previous November which they still haven't dealt with. The BG person said it sounded wrong and he would investigate. I heard nothing more. Recently got a bill for £700 and still think its wrong because we only use gas for the heating and that's only the evenings. I paid some but still disputed the rest. Today I arrived home to find my husband in, he said two men had just knocked to ask for me, when he said I wasn't in they said could they read the meter, he let them (didn't ask for ID) they read the meter then headed for the door, with one of them giving him a letter with my name handwritten on it. Inside was a letter saying they were charging £54 for the visit and "because they can't resolve the matter they are off to apply for a warrant to break in and fit a meter" I phoned BG to say this bill is still in dispute and why is no one resolving the issue to be told they don't know who Resolvecall are or having any idea why they came but that it's not to do with them and now say I owe £550. What is going on? What can I do?
  2. I parked correctly in a street bay in the local High Street, paid my £2 for 2 hours parking and put my ticket on my dashboard. Came out of the first shop ten minutes later to find a yellow penalty notice on my windscreen. For "not displaying valid ticket" Well the ticket was still on the dashboard but due to the hot day I'd left my window slightly open and I can only think some air had blown the ticket up slightly so it was leaning slightly forward. Can I appeal this? I've never had a ticket in my life but this feels so unfair.
  3. There were three, but they have chosen one as the person to deal with it all. We are worried they are contesting or planning something. If they contest will we be informed?
  4. I am asking for advice on behalf of my Mother. A close friend of hers died a couple of months ago. My Mother was left the lady's house in the will, it was listed as free from taxes because the old lady was weathy and would have enough money to cover IHT etc from other assets. The remaining estate is split between 4 other people mainly plus another couple of small bequests. One of the four is an executor. The house has been rented out for some time providing an income. My Mother called the solicitor on Thursday last week to be told that the executor hasn't even applied for probate yet. Why would he not have done this? We know he and the other beneficiaries are unhappy that my mum gets the house, but none of them are blood relatives, none bothered with the poor lady in years and if it is her wish, stated clearly in the will what can they do? Also the issue of the rent from the property. I take it that the rental income is going into the estate every month, can the executor access that income? Will my mother get the rent backdated when probate occurs or every month the a Executor delays my mum is losing a very large sum of money. Any advice appreciated.
  5. CitizenB - would I have any grounds to have it set aside though? There maybe some charges in there, but I am not disputing I must owe them the money, I just want them to agree to a payment plan. Probably the biggest reason this happened was that we had a suspended possession order on our house for mortgage arrears which took two years to pay off (now completely paid) so other money was scarce, I could argue the point that i now have more money available again to work towards clearing this amount.
  6. Thank you for merging, i really wasn't sure where to post this. I will have to request a breakdown of the amount they quote but believe around £340 is the 2014/2015 charge the rest is from previous years though I had made some payments so this amount seems high. As I say i paid £75 today, I should be able to pay another £50 later in the week, but after that it would have to be paid off over a few months i would think unless I can sell something quick! Do I have to wait for them to actually issue the demand? Can I not resolve anything before then? Won't waiting mean they will add on charges etc?
  7. Just to add, I have gone online today to Affinity Water and paid £75 because that is genuinely all I have available right now. I would be more than happy to clear the rest over the next few months but will they even consider it. I paid the money direct to Affinity, I haven't contacted Inter Credit at all.
  8. Sorry, in reading that back there were typos and grammar errors. I was a bit stressed. The letter dated May 22nd says, " NOTICE OF STATUTORY DEMAND IN BANKRUPTCY SECTION 268(1) (A) INSOLVENCY ACT 1986 Dear Pupter, Having now given you every opportunity to resolve this matter we now give formal notice of our intent to issue a Statutory Demand in Bankruptcy against you. In 5 days we will instruct our process serer to attend your premises to personally serve the demand. On expiry of the Stat notice we will present a bankruptcy petition to the court to obtain a Bankruptcy order. there is a bit of waffle after that but that is the main bit.
  9. Hi, Long story short, a cancelled direct debit a few months ago which wasn't picked up for some time meant we got behind with our payments for Affinity water. They transferred the debt to Inter Credit, who have now added on this years amount and want the whole lot in 5 days or they are going for this bankcrupty thing. The total amount is £906 which I cannot pay in one hit. Is bankcruptcy a big OTT or is this normal? Is there anything I can do? I am happy to do a payment arrangement but I cannot afford this amount within the next five days. Help, I'm very scared here.
  10. Thank you. I'm now in a position to move on this. What is my first step please?
  11. The premiums have just sat there while the arrears were being cleared. Each month I paid the amount I agreed with the SPO to clear the arrears but they were using £51 of that each month to pay off these premiums, which I don't think can be right. So could I actually claim any interest back or just a refund? Another question actually now I think of it. Now the arrears are cleared do I need to do anything/should they do something to show the arrears are cleared? I mean does this mean the Suspended Possession Order is now voided and do I need to get proof of that so they can't ever try anything in the future? I don't foresee any future problems as this was from a time when we were both on reduced salaries. I am so pleased we are arrears free at last.
  12. Thank you, I was sure this couldn't be right. Plus they are charging me £51pm for just buildings cover. I'm getting insurance including contents and accidental cover for half that! Greedy, grasping idiots! I'll take your advice and get writing. Thanks.
  13. Hi, Please can someone just confirm whether a mortgage company can add anything to the arrears balance other than actual arrears? I was in arrears (now cleared) so had to additional balance amounts other than the main mortgage account, one fees balance and one arrears balance. Each month I was paying off the arrears then suddenly the balance was going up each month slightly. It seems even though I have my own buildings insurance they were charging me for their own version. As I refused to pay for this insurance when I made my monthly payments and arrears payment they decided to add it to my arrears balance. Is this legal? I have sent them several documents proving I have the insurance which they were happy to accept last year. Are they in the right!
  14. Thanks. I was concerned by the washe was talking to me and the way they wanted card not bank details. I fully intend to pay it but not at a rate I can't really afford.
  15. Help! How I have missed this I really don't know but it seems at some point in the past my water Direct Debt got cancelled and I never noticed. Unfortunately neither did I hear from the water company to alert me to the fact in the same week I've now received an outstanding water bill and a threat-o-gram from PW Moody's . I contacted them today saying I've now investigated and can see that this cancelled dd was the problem but that I genuinely can't pay the balance in one hit. What I'd like to do is set up a dd to cover this years bill and then organise a payment plan to deal with the arrears amount. Moody's say No, they want the whole lot cleared in monthly instalments by January which firstly makes the payments really high and they want my debit card details rather than my bank details, I'd be happier paying by direct debit as continuous card payments make me feel nervous some reason, or does this not matter? Can they force me to clear the whole lot by January? I'd really like a little more time.
  16. Just had a phone call from them. No mention of their letter, they said they just wanted to check all out details are the same. So they are sending it off to the team to confirm our arrangement is still in place...er...it's a court supported judgement so how can the mortgage company not agree to it? Then he asked me if we had ever tried to sell or were planning to sell in the future. Why suddenly mention this? What are they planning by asking this? We're they trying to see if I'd say, "no but it would be easy to sell" and then they would try and evict me. I don't know what to think now. Do they think their threat-o-gram didn't work so they will try a different tactic? Any thoughts?
  17. Thanks. It is worrying to receive a letter like this, especially when we have been vigilant in paying every month since we got back on track. The end was in sight of all the arrears business until this letter arrived. Makes me wonder what their next attempt will be!
  18. The reason we got behind originally was because we had both within the space of something like two months been forced onto reduced hours at work on a temporary basis. We always made clear that it was short term due to the needs of our work in the tough financial times. But we paid the CMI and arrears then and haven't missed a payment ever since. So we have proved it was a short term problem and we're ok but £170 is a lot to find each month so I can't really afford more than that, even though I'd be happier to clear the arrears even quicker. Quite bizarre, to me there must be people far easier to chase than us! So I should write to them within the 5 working days they mention just to be safe and state the above? Thanks, I will get onto it right away.
  19. Thank you, as far as I remember there was no review on it and the first I heard there would be was when I phoned to make my payment, it was almost has if they though 'oh this person has been paying without problems,we can't have that' and decided to fiddle around with it. I am confident that having paid it for so long without problems we will make the final 5 no problems, so what are they trying to do? Grab my house now before they lose their chance AND they aren't exactly playing fair Re they, only giving me 5 working days to write and send them an I&E or pay the full arrears?
  20. Hi Sometime ago you all helped me get a suspended possession order. When I went to court the Judge looked through our finances and said what I was offering per month was a little too generous so he fixed a figure of CMI plus £170 per month. We have been paying this faithfully ever since and have never missed a single payment if CMI or arrears amount. The mortgage company have been absolutely fine until end of last month when I went to pay my mortgage. Suddenly I was told my agreement had come to an end and they were looking at us to increase our payments to clear the arrears sooner. I said nothing has changed I cannot pay any extra. The person said I would have to fill in new I&E forms and they would review it. I have now received what I would call a threat-o-gram. In it they state fill in the forms and return with supporting evidence within five business days or "we will expect a payment to clear the remaining arrears within 5 working days" They then mention about me incurring a fee for every month I'm in arrears, well we haven't been charged one all this time, but it does add "Where a performing arrangement fee is in place we will waive this fee" Can they do this? Surely the arrangement, as put in place by the judge, stands until and unless I either clear the arrears or I default on payments? Can they suddenly demand more if the Judge set the figures as per our I&E which hasn't significantly changed? I must add the arrears are due to be cleared completely within the next 5 months so this seems a bit daft to start fussing about it now. But what should I do! Thanks
  21. They said that the account was up for review and we should look to up our payments to clear the arrears sooner. Well if our income hasn't changed then surely what the Judge decided in his judgement still stands? ~Certainly the way I see it but will that stop them wanting the info? Doubt it!
  22. Hi We used to have a mortgage with Mortgages PLC. They added lots of charges over the years, so awhile ago I sent a SAR and realised there was substantial charges i could possible reclaim, maybe between £500-£1200. I sent a letter asking, they said no and that I had six months from the letter to take it further. Due to various reasons I didn't carry on at that time. Now maybe 18 months later I would like to know if it is possible to try again or does that letter mean I have lost my chance. Does the 12 years still apply to reclaim charges too? Because I am probably looking at fees from around 2004-2007. Thanks
  23. Reviving an old thread as I was with them and would like to know whether it is worth pursuing. How did it go?
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