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Everything posted by Fringer

  1. I apologise if this has been covered on another thread, I have tried to scroll through to see. My husband stood as guarantor for my niece for her rent on the promise she would put £100 a week into a savings account we set up for her should she ever falter on the rent. She hasn't been doing this and I am trying to find out if he can be released from the contract. Does anyone have any information on this please?
  2. Thanks for your responses. I've an appointment tomorrow with the local cab. I also spoke to the company who were to do the damp course again and was told they were still going to do it but will do it when the complete the re pointing after I've had the windows replaced. This was something I was looking to do but not yet so I've told him that and now he's said it can be done this week. I'll be back with more news when I get it. Thanks again
  3. Hi This is a long one!! Sorry in advance My husband and I purchased our leasehold property 9 years ago come this November. We have had a constant problem with damp, especially in my sons bedroom. I've contacted the company who carried out the damp course over the years as in our leasehold contract it stated there was a 30 year guarantee and twice they have been round to re do it only the damp keeps coming back. I had them round for a third time and was told that the black mould growing up my sons wall was only condensation and told to move all the furniture away from the walls! How anyone can live with all their furniture in the middle of the room is beyond me but still... I done the best I could and washed down the walls again. (His room has had to be decorated every 9 months to a year because of the smell of damp). The walls are black again now. In June of this year I called a damp expert round to have a look. He put his damp detector thing on the wall and said there is definitely rising damp and the damp course needed re-doing. I sent the managing agent (who is also a local estate agent...) the copy of the damp report and quote. He in turn got his company round (the ones who had originally done the damp course) and I was told that yes the walls were damp. I would need air vents fitted and the damp course would need to be redone as our walls are 12 inches thick and they had only gone in 3 inches and never filled up the holes hence water was still getting in. This was back in June. August 21st two men turned up and put an air vent in my sons room and my bedroom and I asked about the damp course. They didn't know anything about it. We've also got a problem in our dining room which we believe has been a pipe coming from the upstairs flat that has been leaking. (Our place is a house spilt into 2 flats, we have the ground floor, the managing agent is the freeholder who has the upstairs flat) either that or the pipes in my bathroom (which was only renewed in January this year) are leaking (which we are not sure about) but decided to try and claim on the buildings insurance, this has to be done through the managing agent. I've been emailing the managing agent every few days asking what is happening as I am waiting to re decorate my sons room AGAIN and have now been told that the damp course doesn't need doing at all. Also the damp in my dining room cannot be proven to be coming from the pipe in the wall therefore he will not allow me to claim on the insurance for the water damage from the pipe or bathroom. We have paid a maintenance charge every month for the last 9 years and all we have ever managed to get him to pay for was a new gutter at the front of the building as my room was damp and that was caused by a leaking gutter. Do I have a leg to stand on if I get the work done in my home ie another company round to carry out a PROPER damp course, the re-decorating of my sons room and through lounge diner and charge him for it?
  4. Sorry for the long delay, this has all been going back n forth between the HR and my solicitor. The solicitor put forward a counter offer which was refused and they came back with an offer in the middle of their original offer and our counter offer, plus they have offered to pay me 6 weeks maternity pay at 90% tax free. I believe I would be entitled to full mat pay so am now querying this. Does anyone know for sure??? I know if they refuse I could try and claim from the government but they require payslips which I dont have as they were online payslips which I no longer have access to and payslips from my previous employer from August last year which I no longer have and the company has since closed down. The claim form (MA1) also requires the original MatB1 form which is what the employers are expecting me to drop through their door tonight. Are they just trying to make things difficult for me?!?!?! Haven't they already put me through enough?!
  5. My line manager is in office A but the director I'm responsible to is the director of office B although the overall director is the one I went to with the problems I was having. The separate offices are all new to this company. They took over a company (office B) in the August last year, I started in the September. They've since taken over another company as well I've had an email from HR today chasing me up with an answer as I saw a solicitor today. Apparently I have a really strong case for unfair dismissal as 1. I am pregnant and things got relatively worse after I got pregnant 2. I was not given any training I was promised 3. I informed the director of the difficulties with this person in office B yet nothing was done about it and I was not removed from the situation 4. Lack of concentration / tiredness has not been taken into account during pregnancy My solicitor will be speaking to HR tomorrow and will battle out the offer....
  6. I have the offer in writing now although there were no notes from the meeting. I was given a leaflet in the meeting from ACAS called Settlement Agreement in which it states I should be given a minimum of 10 working days to make my decision. I was asked at the meeting on the Monday to let them know of my decision by the Friday of the same week, I have since had 3 emails from the HR dept asking me to inform them of any outcome of meeting with my solicitor. I emailed the main director of the company the day after this settlement was offered telling him how devastated I was and of the issues I had encountered during my employment. (I had gone to him in person twice before this had happened and said I had been told I was losing the company clients and that I was worried about this and the fact that the woman in Office B was very difficult, he told me he was aware of her behaviour and that she was difficult and told me to stand up to her.) He didn't answer the email for a week (probably as he was getting legal advice) when he did reply he said I should have brought the issues to him for him to deal with. I replied that I had indeed done that and being that I had lost 2 surrogate babies before due to stress at a previous employment, I was not in any state to fight. I have not had a reply to that last email. I know it all seems a bit much but these are the events that have happened and I do believe I have been asked to leave unfairly
  7. I dont think the fact that I am a surrogate is relevant but do they? I had previously had 2 rounds of IVF as a surrogate during my last employment which resulted in miscarriage. Because of this I had said I wouldn't try again. This was the state of play at the time of interview and as soon as I decided to go again for 1 last try, I informed my employer of the past situation and that I had decided to try again
  8. Office A & B are part of the same company, just different locations and different directors run different offices My line manager was in the meeting with me and was as stunned as I was as she said there were no issues with my performance in office A
  9. Hi all I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and have been working for my employer since September 13. I am a surrogate and underwent IVF for my intended parents. I had a lot of problems with bleeding during the first 12 weeks which was really stressful and worrying. I work as a bookkeeper in 2 offices (Office A&B) using different software in each, in one of the offices (A) I have had no problems at all, in the other (B) I have been told I am making constant mistakes and clients are complaining about me. The director in office B and the manager talk to each other but not to me and have made me feel completely like an outsider. I spoke to the main director of the company saying I was concerned I was making these mistakes and I would lose them clients like I kept getting told. I told him of the issues with the manager in office B, he told me to not let her get to me and to stand up to her. I was called to a performance review meeting in office B where the director said I would be monitored for 6 weeks and to think of why I was making so many mistakes. I told him I had not been given sufficient training on the software in office B and was doing perfectly fine in office A. I was also given written instructions on each bookkeeping job by the manager in office B which every time I completed a job she would give the job back to me with a long list of review points saying I had done it wrong and the written instructions would have to be changed time and time again. I was told in this performance meeting to write my own notes and to think of ways to improve my performance. I emailed this director and asked if we could change the software in office B to what I used in office A to eliminate problems. I never got a response. My employers are aware I am pregnant and that it is a surrogacy and of the problems I have had and the numerous emergency scans due to bleeding. I was called in to the directors office 2 Fridays ago and told that my performance review would be on the Monday and that he would be bringing the HR and I was entitled to bring a representative with me. I asked him if I needed to, he said No. I took a colleague from office A with me and I was offered a settlement agreement. It was stated that as they are aware I am pregnant it would probably be hard for me to find employment therefore have offered me a tax free lump sum which would not total 4 months wages therefore not enough to cover me for the last 4 months of pregnancy. They did say I do not have to take the offer but if I dont, then if a vast improvement in my performance was not evident in the following 2 weeks they would start formal proceedings on me. Sorry for the long winded post but needed to inform of the background. I'm now to see a solicitor but don't want to go in with no knowledge at all. Can anyone help please? Thanks
  10. Thanks dj I'm not sure about the 3rd loan, she hasn't given me any other paperwork. Do u know how to go about reclaiming that amount?? Does she write back with that figure and ask them to confirm it before she signs anything?
  11. Sorry it's taken so long, couldn't find the paperwork! Hope u can help me now as my mum is worried she only has a certain amount of time to tell them if she's agreeing or not :? MH02 pdf.pdf MH01.pdf
  12. Thanks D I'll get onto that tomorrow from work
  13. Hi All My mum is having trouble trying to reclaim her mis-sold PLI and has now been sent a letter... She took out 1 loan, then another which paid off the first, then another which paid off the second... all of which she was mis-sold her LPI I sent off the initial letter asking for a refund and she has now received a letter only for one of the loans saying 3rd June 05 you purchased a loan for £3000 with a further borrowing of £821.90 for the insurance. The loan was settled early on 8th July 2006 and she received a rebate of £460.38 in respect of the insurance. Then it goes on about the concern and decision... and then onto the calculations... Calculation 1 I will calculate the difference between the settlement balance you have paid on the loan and what the settlement would have been had the PPI premium not been added. I will then calculate an 8% interest payment on this sum from the day the loan was settled to the day the calculation is completed. Calculation 2 Blah blah blah... but has NO settlement figures! It then says if you agree to this settlement please sign the acceptance on the back and send off. Is there a letter I can write back to them asking them for the figures? I have been through lots of different posts and I may have missed it but cant find one anywhere. I am also sure they should be taking all 3 loans into account, this was the first she took. Any help would be really appreciated Thanks Kelly
  14. Thanks dj... I'm on to it http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?272886-Lloyds-PLI-Claim
  15. Hi All I've been reading through these posts as my mum is having the exact same problem as Mikey. She took out 1 loan, then another which paid off the first, then another which paid off the second... all of which she was mis-sold her LPI I sent off the initial letter asking for a refund and she has now received a letter only for one of the loans saying 3rd June 05 you purchased a loan for £3000 with a further borrowing of £821.90 for the insurance. The loan was settled early on 8th July 2006 and she received a rebate of £460.38 in respect of the insurance. Then it goes on about the concern and decision... and then onto the calculations... Calculation 1 I will calculate the difference between the settlement balance you have paid on the loan and what the settlement would have been had the PPI premium not been added. I will then calculate an 8% interest payment on this sum from the day the loan was settled to the day the calculation is completed. Calculation 2 Blah blah blah... the same as your letter Mikey.... but has NO settlement figures! It then says if you agree to this settlement please sign the acceptance on the back and send off. Is there a letter I can write back to them asking them for the figures? I have been through lots of different posts and I may have missed it but cant find one anywhere. I am also sure they should be taking all 3 loans into account, this was the first she took. Any help would be really appreciated Thanks Kelly
  16. Hi All I've been reading through these posts as my mum is having the exact same problem as Mikey. She took out 1 loan, then another which paid off the first, then another which paid off the second... all of which she was mis-sold her LPI I sent off the initial letter asking for a refund and she has now received a letter only for one of the loans saying 3rd June 05 you purchased a loan for £3000 with a further borrowing of £821.90 for the insurance. The loan was settled early on 8th July 2006 and she received a rebate of £460.38 in respect of the insurance. Then it goes on about the concern and decision... and then onto the calculations... Calculation 1 I will calculate the difference between the settlement balance you have paid on the loan and what the settlement would have been had the PPI premium not been added. I will then calculate an 8% interest payment on this sukm from the day the loan was settled to the day the calculation is completed. Calculation 2 Blah blah blah... the same as your letter Mikey.... but has NO settlement figures! It then says if you agree to this settlement please sign the acceptance on the back and send off. Is there a letter I can write back to them asking them for the figures? I have been through lots of different posts and I may have missed it but cant find one anywhere. I am also sure they should be taking all 3 loans into account, this was the first she took. Any help would be really appreciated Thanks Kelly
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