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Everything posted by MagneticStrawberry

  1. A loooong time ago, I had a PAYG phone with Orange. About Christmas 2013, I received bills for it. Since it was purely PAYG, I complained to them. Orange insisted I had signed a contract with them -the store they claimed I purchased it at had never heard of me or had any of my details. They could not produce any contract of any sort and I told them I would not pay their bills for a PAYG phone unless they could do so (which of course they couldn't). Roll forward to April this year. I received a letter stating that EE sold my account to Lowell Portfolio I on 31 March and that EE has registered a default against me. I complained to Lowell (I have never had a contract with EE at all) and they insisted that the letter they had sent names Orange as the creditor and Orange who had placed the default. (I have them recorded! -they are adamant that their letter names Orange as the entity who sold them account and registered the default, and have no idea who the letter I have received comes from -despite it having their name and details on). I've put up the letter (incriminating bits blacked out)- I think we can all agree that that states EE clearly and not Orange. What's my next move?
  2. Just to bump this up to catch up.... I got quotes of between £150 and £200 for hard drive,installation and labour. I've Put in a MCOL claim against Oik the Offender -it was acknowledged as having been served on 14 May, so I think I have until 28 May-is that correct? Have not heard a pip in the way of defence from the other side at all.
  3. Good news! The computer has returned from its travels minus the hard drive -and apparently the CPS has an area on their site that I can use to submit a claim for compensation from Oik the Offender as a civil claim.
  4. Not sure if this is in the right forum,I'm sure it will be moved if not Last year, some charming specimen of humanity hacked my computer and downloaded a virus which filled it with child porn and then remotely took pictures of it. They then demanded money or the pictures would be sent to the police. I reported everything to the police and he was tracked down, arrested and charged in July was sent on a nice 5 1/2 year holiday as a guest of Her Majesty. After the case, the computer (which had been seized as evidence) should have been returned to me -however the police have said they may not return it if they cannot guarantee it to be clean (it seems that part of the virus is that when it's shut down and restarts, it sends more images...). It seems rather unfair that I should be out the cost of the computer when I haven't done anything wrong -is there any way I can sue for the cost of replacement? I did mention compensation to the prosecuting team ,but it seemingly wasn't brought up at the trial. Any advice gladly welcome!
  5. Having read this through,it's apparent Peopod's difficulties are because Vodafone are doing exactly what they said they would- 'we won't discuss it,contact us again and we won't reply to you'.Vodafone simply will not reply to anything,like they said. Because Vodafone said if you tried to contact them,they would not reply Because Vodafone said if you tried to contact them,they would not reply Because Vodafone said if you tried to contact them,they would not reply Because Vodafone said that if you contacted them,they would not reply Because Vodafone said that if you contacted them,they would not reply Because Vodafone said that if you contacted them,they would not reply Because Vodafone said that if you contacted them,they would not reply. Oh they're getting through-Vodafone are just refusing to reply to any of them There's no way you'll be able to-Vodafone has stated they not discuss anything,not reply to any contact,not even acknowledge any emails you sent. The problem is Vodafone have said do not communicate with us-we're not interested,we couldn't care less,we won't even do the courtesy of replying.It's like a kid sticking his fingers in his ears and saying la-la-la can't hear what you're saying,so it doesn't count So it doesn't matter what Peopod does,if they send emails to Lee,if they reply with the automated reference numbers,Vodafone will continue their 'if you contact us,we will refuse to discuss it or reply to it' stance. That might be helpful if the debt collectors get called in-first thing will be to tell them 'the phone was stolen and used fraudulently-I reported this to Vodafone,who refused to discuss anything at all about it'. The phone companies have a duty to assist customers with difficulties-in fact they will bang on about it in their literature-'if you have a problem,we will do our best to help you' so Vodafone's silent treatment goes directly against that.
  6. OK Shoe Zone have not it seems been authorized yet so I still can't see the comments they posted-and there's no sign of the boots having been returned as requested...
  7. Has this been authorized yet?I've had a reply asking me to consider their comments on 'Customer Reaction Group' [sic] and it's a bit difficult if I can't see them
  8. * Bought some pixie boots from Shoe Zone in January for £20.Been buying them for the last 3-4 years as they proved to be strong and resilient-I'm a LARPer and these beauties have been through mud,rock,fields,all sorts and lasted over a year before having to be chucked.Each time,I've replaced them and never had any problems-hell I danced on a bonfire in them and they lasted another 8 months after. * This last pair didn't.By early April,the stitching had pulled off on one of the boots and so the upper skin had started to rip away and when one piece had started to go,the whole lot started ripping away.The other boot was fine.Because it was winter,I hadn't been LARPing so these had just been for everyday wear. * Took them back to the store,with original box/receipt.They refused a refund.The manager's reason?He'd just bought a £50 pair of shoes that had fallen apart after 5 months,so I couldn't expect a £20 pair of shoes to last any longer than a couple of months. * I complained to Head Office.They asked me to send them back This took them three weeks to find a person to send a bag and put in the post to my address... *Customer Service have now replied that :this is normal wear and tear :that 'their shoes were not to be worn on grass,or in wet or damp conditions or on damp surfaces'.I asked them to put this statement in writing and they refused. Two Shoe Zone managers have confirmed there should be no issues with wearing this boot in normal wet weather. We do not have acid rain here.I do not walk across bubbling green toxic lawns.They should be able to cope with getting wet-if that is the case-without disintegrating. *I paid cash for them-the guarantee was for 28 days,but more than 3 months of reasonable everyday wear is not beyond reasonable expectation surely?Customer Service told me I could have them returned or they would be destroyed-I asked for them to be returned so at least I have them in my possession if needs be. What's my next step? Many thanks MSB
  9. Since B&Q don't seem to be making any attempt to reply,it might be worth using their Facebook page to post a short summary of what's happened..Since they post things on there each day,there is a good chance someone will at least reply to it-and if not,it's been displayed in a public place so other people can see.A post telling how they left your kitchen unsafe,refuse to supply the goods you have ordered and paid for and not replied-even from the CEO-would not be good for business,and will hopefully kick someone into action...
  10. Nope,it's India since he's talking about lakhs and rupees and the Base Station is in Pune,India. The names are Indian,but then that doesn't mean anything these days with call centres...
  11. Hi guys,hoping someone can help me escape the torture that is Tesco Broadband. In short: February-transferred over to Tesco Broadband for broadband and phone. mid-March-broadband disappeared.Rang to ask what had happened and was told it was my line had been disconnected for nonpayment of bill.Pointed out I was actually calling on the 'disconnected line' and was told they would have to investigate. end of March-was told broadband had been cut off in error.However,was told instead of reinstating it,it would have to be set up as a whole new order,despite my protests that all it needed was the broadband being switched back on. April-phone line disconnected-now was told there was no record of the new order and a third one would have to be set up and it would take 4-5 weeks just to give me the date for an(unnecessary) engineer to attend,which could be another 4-5 weeks.(this was Tesco policy) May-Order finally confirmed and go live date of 6 June given. Jun 6-Service not active,rang to be told it was BT's fault as they had cancelled the May order back in January(!!) Was then told it was because there was BT Openreach work taking place and it could not go ahead until this was clear.Kept receiving 'service updates' but no date. start of July-call from BT stating there was a mistake and Openreach was not working at my property,but at a new building down the road.Rang Tesco to inform them,told there was no trace of order and no contact from me since March,despite having receiving calls from their staff regularly to deal with problems. next week-called Tesco again to be told they had no trace of my address on system(even though it was on the existing order). This week-rang again to be told they had only just confirmed my address(1 1/2 weeks later!) and that 'some time in the future,someone would get in touch with me to confirm a date,but they could not tell me how long-days,weeks or months'.Their only comment when I complained about this was that 'I have to learn to be patient'. Today-go live date of 5 Aug given. I have been paying for a service I have not received since March-Tesco have stated if a payment is missed,then I will have broken the contract and it will be terminated. By the time they go live,I will be moving in the New Year.Since the contract began in February 13,I took it that it would finish in February 14.Tesco are now insisting that the go live date of August is when the contract begins and I will be responsible for February-August payments next year or have to pay an early termination fee. Any ideas for how to untangle this web?
  12. Psychical damage? Call in the ghostbusters! Someone's been damaging it telekinetically!
  13. Hi folks-moved into a new place just before Christmas.There was a BT line already in existence and I decided I wanted to go with Tesco Homephone and was promised this would be done after Christmas.When I returned after Christmas hols,sure enough the line was now up and running and had new number.However it wouldn't connect to the Internet,so I contacted Tesco to see what the problem was. And that's where the fun begins.Tesco do not have any trace of me as one of their customers. BT do not have any trace of me as one of their customers. Having checked with the operator,they are showing it as a BT line,but when I'm put through to customer services it will not acknowledge my number as a BT one. Tried operator again,this time it is showing as 'line not in use' and sure enough BT are now saying that although this is one of their lines,it was disconnected in June 2012-not resolving the question of how I could be talking to them on a disconnected line. So I still have no Internet access and nobody can help because apparently nobody owns this line.BT's suggestion was to ring every telephone provider and ask if my number was with them... hmm... Any ideas would be gratefully received-I haven't received any literature or bills from anyone yet-were I so inclined,I could ring up pounds worth of charges and nobody is claiming the money..
  14. OK guys,a rather unusual one here. I was travelling on a FGW train from Exeter-Cornwall. Just before Plymouth station, the cleaner came through the train asking for any rubbish to be collected. As I hadn't got anything that needed to be taken, I just said No and went back to my book. I turned back in time to see him taking a paper bag out of my holdall which was on the seat next to me and throwing it into the sack. I yelled at him to stop but it was too late-it had been put in there . By then,people were getting up to get up at the station, and he got to the doorway before I could .I managed to get hold of the Train Manager and explained the situation, and was told that there was nothing they could do-once it was in the sack and had been taken off the train,it would be incinerated. 44 Besides some odds and sods, it also had in my wallet with my onward ticket and railcard and about £30 in cash. I've put in a complaint, but I've been told that even though it was their fault, there is nothing they can do unless I can provide proof of purchase for the railcard and proof of what else was in there. It was not just left unguarded, but was actually inside my property sitting next to me when it was taken. What to do next?
  15. Got a letter from Westminster(nope,never heard of them either) threatening me with 'we may take legal action','we may send doorstep collectors''this may affect your ability to gain credit in the future'... as the amount on my account overdue(doesn't even say what it's for) is.... ONE POUND. Let them take me to court-I'd love to see the judge's face at legal action for that.I'm sure I could pay off the debt in full there and have enough left for a choccy bar on the way home... Anyone else had ridiculously small amounts of debt?Since it cost them almost as much as the total amount of the debt to send the letter and buy the envelope,I'm ahead of them financially already!
  16. Hi guys -have now received 3 bills from EDF stating my electric bill is overdue and if it's not paid, it will be passed on to a collection agency -or they may have to come and fit a prepayment meter. Well,that would be worrying if I didn't already have one-it's up to date and in credit, so I don't know where they're getting this overdue figure from. Contacted EDF. Prepayment Meter department said it's a billing problem, contact Billing. Billing said it's a prepayment meter problem, contact Prepayment Meter. EDF have not been able to explain how a meter that is not in arrears, in credit, with no outstanding debts can run up overdue bills ,but insist that they have to be paid. What do I do next?
  17. OK gang see if you can help me sort out what to do with our favourite sharks. January-received letter dated 16th December from Lowell Portfolio I stating outstanding balance with Capital One was sold to them on Oct 1 2009 and they would be now be recovering what they owe .Also in same mail(I'd been away for Christmas) was one dated 25th December(aw bless the poor little things,they don't even get that day off... ) stating that as I had not cleared the balance or set up a repayment plan with them,it was being contacted by Lowell Financial. Since I have never had a Capital One account and have no idea what this is for, I sent off a letter dated 3rd Jan asking them to provide further details-especially since I am Mr. B who lives at S House, My road and this was for Mr P B who lives at S,Number 1 My road. 9th Jan-received another letter saying you need to set up a direct debit or we will ask one of our agents to visit you at home(good luck finding me-we're very well hidden here!) Still no reply to letter, now have received calls on mobile. For entertainment value,I answered one and told them I had indeed contacted them querying the account and was waiting for their reply. Their reply-'the only acceptable forms of contact are to offer payment in full or to set up a payment plan. Any other reason for contact will not be considered ) And so now on 9 Feb, I have received my latest letter telling me it will now be passed on to our friends at Red. I still have no idea what the debt is for and even whose debt is it, since it has not only my name, but someone else's mixed in there too. Another letter was sent at the end of February repeating account in dispute and demanding details of this alleged debt,but no reply. Seems they will just ignore all my letters and send it on to the next little shark in the chain... Do I just keep ignoring them and send Red the account in dispute letter if they get in touch?
  18. Hmm that's odd...looking at it,it has Provider:Cabot Financial UK Ltd. Account type:Credit Card Account status:Default Date updated:31/08/11 and then repayment details and Default Date 31/08/11. No mention of who the original creditor is...
  19. Ah now we have a problem. Checking my credit file today,a default has appeared from Cabot. It states the account was defaulted on 31/8/11 even though it's only appeared on my file in the last day or two(and 31/8 is one day before the letter they sent me wanting copies of my signature).No reply to any of my complaints,no CCA,no proof I ever had this card or the debt-and no reply from OFT or TS yet What to do now friendly folk?
  20. Good old Sky- Direct Debit due in August-since account was well in credit,amount actually due for payment was zero.Direct Debit came back as failed since zero had left the account. Sky stated the correct amount was not what it said on the bill or on my account but a random amount of £42. something or other.They couldn't explain how they had got this,but helpfully told me that this figure was not on the bill and not on the account,so I would have had no way of knowing how much it would be. When I complained,their only solution was 'we'll send you a bill with this amount on so you can pay it'. Eventually,I found the one with the brain cell there who agreed that if the bill and account stated zero,that should have been what was taken out.The other balance was returned under the Direct Debit Guarantee and a new Direct Debit was arranged for September.It was also agreed that the charges that were incurred by the DD supposedly failing would be reimbursed to me. Direct Debit in September rejected-instead of the amount of £44 due,it was almost twice that. Now I am told that I have to pay the entire amount or my services are to be suspended. The extra random amount was brought forward as an 'outstanding balance' and added on. I have now been told that this will happen every month unless I pay the complete amount(including the extra payments) and if it continues,services will be restricted.They have also changed their mind about paying the charges now I have sent the statements to them. This is very annoying-I am happy to pay the amount shown on the bills and pay what I owe each month.I am not happy to have random amounts added on and told that's what I really owe and it will be added on each time to the Direct Debit so I either have to pay or have the DD fail every time.
  21. Nothing from this lot yet,but I have now acquired over 30 email invitations for a Vanquis card-including 20 in a week.They REALLY want me to sign up for this...
  22. From the Daily Mail... this is how to keep your customers happy "Bill Bennett had written to M&S asking for a refund after he was mistakenly charged £3.00 for a £1.90 salmon sandwich at a store in Taunton, Somerset. Mr.Bennett received a reply offering him a gift card,but a few weeks later it had still not arrived-son he wrote again-asking for a 'hand-drawn picture of a smiley dinosaur' to compensate 'for the inconvenience'. He expected his request to be ignored-but he reckoned without Steve Jones,a customer adviser who seemed to share Mr.Bennett's sense of humour and sent him a £5 gift card,the sketch and a note reading 'Please also find a picture of a smiling dinosaur,hand drawn.Unfortunately art was never my strong point but I hope you will appreciate it' The dinosaur appears in all his glory here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2036663/M-S-customer-service-sends-disgruntled-shopper-dinosaur-drawing.html Isn't it nice to read about a company that knows how to deal with a customer's complaint-give them exactly what they requested and show their staff are not mindless drones,but are capable of brightening up someone's day and making us all smile a bit Oh and dinosaurs ROCK!
  23. Hmmm one day later(2 September) and they've sent another letter stating 'We've previously advised you that if you didn't repay your outstanding debt to Cabot,we'd take further action.Therefore,unless we hear from you immediately we'll instruct one of our debt recovery agents to call on you to collect the debt.You must call 0845 0700 769 urgently and speak to one of our customer advisers'. Well,account's in dispute,they haven't provided compliant CCA(I haven't had time to receive it let alone verify it) and I have no intentions of contacting any of their trained monkeys. Comments on their 'agreement' and letters welcome...
  24. This is my wonderful singing dancing credit agreement And this is their response to my Prove It letter
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