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Everything posted by ehake

  1. Hi. I have been successful in claiming my money back from HSBC getting £423 after sending the 'notice before court action' letter. I am now beginning my claim with Barclays for £1195. When I recieved the standard stalling letters from HSBC I just ignored them and sent my next letter as per my schedule. Barclays have stalled for about two months in passing over my account/ charge details, but this is partially due to me not chasing them. As soon as you persevere they begin to help out. Also occassionally you speak to a kind soul who just prints out your details and sends them straight away. Getting to the point, could anyone help me? I want to find my account details for a Barclaycard I had which I closed the account for in 2003. They have got back to me after much arguing, and told me that they do not have any details on my account as they were deleted when I closed it. Has this happened to anyone else? I am going to send the 'Data Protection' letter and see where it gets me. Please respond if you can help. Ed
  2. I am going to send a first letter to HSBC Ombudsman to ask for my Overdraft charges back. They are in the region of £1000 over a year. Please could you advise me of anything important to include in the letter. EH
  3. Hello i am about to ask HSBC for my overdraft charges back. Could you help me with advice on how to/ what to write in the first letter. Should it be to the Ombudsman? Do you have a copy i could use? Thanks Ed
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