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Everything posted by jolajo

  1. Still not heard from court regarding judgement i'm going to ring them later. Probably delay with the bank holiday...ill keep you posted when I hear
  2. Cheers Karnevil, love your pink thingy bob? Thanks Ms Robinson too, Anyone no how long takes aprox once sent judgement back, court would of received today? Just so I have an idea, ie whether 6 days, weeks, or months??
  3. Hi again, Im on the ball now as I get a email alert when received a new comment, good eh? Quote "you need to have gone through the housing association/groups complaint procedures." It is Manchester City Council my complaint is with. The complaint procedure, yes I did that, The principal local service manager investigated my points raised and answered them individually in a 3 page report. These are the main points, what does anybody think regarding, well ! I think it says it all?? Quote; "the housing office failed on a number of occasions to provide you with clear communication with regards to your case" "a delay in a warning being carried out, it is clear there is a time delay" "their is no clear action plan agreed" Although i have a full 3 point plan signed and dated? "failure to ensure the case was managed effectively" "you were unclear and that is our fault" "You advised me that john (the h/o manager) was abrupt, arragent and displayed a lack of interest " "He accepts that he could of resolved the issues in a more appropiate manner with a different approach" "It is my oppinion that a better approach should of been taken by John " "I uphold your complaint to the lack of support, clear communication was not at all times provided and was not always aparent to you" "The officers failed to support you during this time, as you were not given the confidence to believe that we were acting efficiently" "you were not kept informed or listened to properly" Regarding the h/o manager John, "his approach and communication skills should of been more appropiate" "In my opinion with appropiate support you may not have had to terminate your tenency" The LGO is that the Local Gov Obmidsmun? I ll let you no what, if anything has been advised soon as, cheers
  4. Hi again, not been on line still having fun and games with ntl... thats another story? I've come to the library to be able to post my update? Today was the final day for them to file a defence, rang court, they said had received a reply pack i think they said? anyway whatever reply thingy they sent to the court....they sent it blank!!! So the bloke said that's classed as a not acknoledged the claim so file a judgement...WHOOOO HOOOO? NEARLY?? not got cheque yet, IM NOT COUNTING NO CHICKEN'S.... Sending judgement off tomorrow...and wait !!! Let ya no when hear anything post you's soon as?
  5. Verry sorry folks for not thanking you for your advice before now!! I have been tying up the loose ends of my "reclaim bank charges claim" and have submitted to court, so my mind was focused on that... To be totally honest i had forgot all about it until found just now...!! That's depression for you, it spangles your brain??? I had posted this query while i thought on, due to my terrible memory so i tend to do random things once they've come to mind!! It is next on my agender to tackle once bank claim done and dusted. I hadn't been able psycologically to deal with it up until now but i'm sure I read somewhere there was a 3 year time limit?? A short time ago I looked for info on the Ombudsman site but they only deal with situations within the year?? Thank you once again much appreciated
  6. Hi karnevil, Sorry not been in touch sooner only with children being off....say no more!! went court on monday last week, only they needed a very recent letter for proof from Incapacity ben,came home rang up and requested 2x copies of proof...Took a week to arrive...but... Today thurs 3rd August they are in the post box on way to the court....... Thanks for your patience karenevil and simplistic explanation, you managed to get through to me, after setback a couple of weeks ago i thought I could not go on. Vampiress and katiesagie too a special thanks for your help and time, and any others that posted help on my thread. Well all i've to do is wait in anticipation... I wish , all my direct debits are up the wall and im worried now my new account with All + Leic will tip over funds available, starting the whole process again. I have requested a small overdraft of £100 to cover myself but no reply yet. A couple of my utility bill companies have took 'outstanding balances' out of my account unexpectedly!!! My o/d with N/W was for £1,250-00 so its hard to adjust to nil. Ill post as soon as hear anything, fingers crossed ~jo x~
  7. I had to move with my 2 children out of my home due to anti social behaviour with a number of neighbours. To cut a very long story short i received a letter from The principal local service manager admitting quote "the housing office failed on a number of occasions to provide you with clear communication with regards to your case" "a delay in a warning being carried out, it is clear there is a time delay" "their is no clear action plan agreed" Although i have a full plan signed and dated? "failure to ensure the case was managed effectively" "you were unclear and that is our fault" "You advised me that john (the h/o manager) was abrupt, arragent and displayed a lack of interest " "He accepts that he could of resolved the issues in a more appropiate manner with a different approach" "It is my oppinion that a better approach should of been taken by John " "I uphold your complaint to the lack of support, clear communication was not at all times provided and was not always aparent to you" "The officers failed to support you during this time, as you were not given the confidence to believe that we were acting efficiently" "you were not kept informed or listened to properly" Regarding the h/o manager John, "his approach and communication skills should of been more appropiate" "In my opinion with appropiate support you may not have had to terminate your tenency" Does anyone think i may have grounds to sue and what area of solicitor would i look for (north mcr area) Any advise appreciated
  8. Hi, think ive got it just need to total,then hopefully take down the court tomorrow as on line the court wont accept my new bank card, as it is a electron visa, i had to send my cheque guarentee back. will let you no tomorrow thanks ~j~
  9. Thank you i shall get back to you to let you no how i got on thanks again
  10. No im not sorted, shall i pm you or spice as state on angryprincess (is it?) posts. It may be later by time get together what need to send, obviously i dont expect a reply tonight, be it in your own time, much appreciated
  11. CONRATULATIONS and WELL DONE, only wish SPICESKULL had been more patient and understanding with me? A dogmatic and rude email (not post?) he sent me making incorrect and untrue allegations has left me deflated and totally gutted in what was my FIRST ever request for HELP on Any site! Sorry dont mean to put a dampner on your success honestly and i really am pleased for you. WELL DONE again
  12. Hi Tim... Ive just been to 8% calculator, i entered date opened account, todays date, amount of claim? It told me how many days 1863 and Interest was 1,231.97 total amount to claim £4,438.39. Surely it isnt that easy after ive been round the world and back? I have £700+ in monthly interest alone i added up from my statements, charged to me do you no an easy way also to work out what to claim reg them? Thanks for your help
  13. Hi again, not going to believe this but still not sorted claim, not for WANT of trying BELIEVE ME!! Question 2: Go to the library section and download the excel spreadsheet. It will work it all out for you in you put in all your dates and charges Ref to above comment? All figures on spread but what is/what do you do with this formula?? cheers
  14. SPICESKULL I have PM'd my figures of spreadsheets to you cheers
  15. Thanx Karnevil, Sorry not replied sooner ive been having help via PM/E Mail so havent been on forum for a few days. Unfortunatly my on going probs with excel restricted my claim being any further on? bank rang today regarding being sent to recovery agency but she gave me a week to file,which i thought good of her??? take care n cheers j
  16. What would happen if you admitted your claim and unknowingly had worked out interest at the wrong amount? Im in a pickle and not very confident in what i am doing although been trying for 2 months!! Could i enter my total figures for someone to check?? please
  17. Hi, I hope you can help? Firstly can I say, please dont get the impression by my questions that i am lazy! i have been struggling for 2 months with the process.....blame it on the depression!! I seem to of hit hurdle after hurdle!! The problem i have or problems, should i say are....? I have never looked at/seen a s/sheet before let alone used one? I have been library but the 2 books completly baffle me? I cannot find your s/sheet with the notes on?? When I attempted to download from exel it read....file cant open due to lack of disk space???? Defraged still wont? Another member has been trying to help as i pasted figures to her to apply on sheet....she got same message.? Her advice was to contact you, which i have sent a pm explaining my history. I have had a number of late pay charges from my utility company's over a £100 can these be claimed for as the bank had refused to pay them? My Inc Support/Incap Ben/Child Benefit was completely took for their charges 3 weeks in a row and quite a few weeks where they took a large portion of my benefits? Can the absolutely genuine distress caused by their illegal actions be compensated for? Sorry changed topic oops! Any help offered I will be eternally grateful, thanks to' KATIESAGIE' for trying x
  18. I have finally managed to put charges onto a spreadsheet but am having continuous problems making calculations etc to get my final figure to submit in my claim. Any Help very much appreciated
  19. Originally Posted by katesage Hi jolajo sounds like you have a clogged up pc. try doing a disc clean up on Control Panel (My Computer) also try going to Add/Remove programmes, take off stuff you dont need esp pictures/graphics/games. "ok shall do that" But i must say an excel spreadsheet is a small doc and there could be something else (virus? etc) that is mucking up your pc. try the simple stuff first. "In openoffice.org calc i have come accross a spread sheet where ABCDEetc along top, 1234etc downwards. Is this it? I presume if is i put date, charge etc in each of box's. As for the 8% apr, you really need the spreadsheet. cos it calculates the interest due from the day of the charge. ie a charge of £30 in 2001 is going to have more interest added to it than a charge in 2005. the spreadsheet makes it simple, borrow a friends pc if necessary! "ok, ill go library if need be, as for other interest most people seem to not bother trying to calc it as it is difficult to do if you were overdrawn most of the time (like me!) i left it off. i'm way behind you but have done the spreadsheet to get prepared. just post or pm me if your still stressin! "Cheers Kate Your Help Very Much appreciated.
  20. If/when all goes well ? and i am refunded in full !! I will be making a donation to this site, kept forgetting to mention it??
  21. when i try to open excel it wont let me due to not enough space on 'my disc or memory' Tried office doc no joy there neither?? Can you add any light to the interest prob, what i believe is charges on authorised o/d could not be added but on unauthorised could as jumped sky high. Problem there is, sorting what can and what cant claim?.
  22. Everthing is going wrong I just spent half hour doing post only to loose it! I think im cursed every time i attempt to get further on I hit a problem? Can somebody help PLEEEEZE, and check these claims and ans bits where stuck? Ready to submit two claims ; 1) open 25/9/01 closed 8/3/02 charges £119-00, Interest(on statement)?? £4-57 total £123-57 plus 8%= £1-38, total £124-95 plus court cost?????? 2) open 6/12/01 -on hold at present. a)charges £ 3278-42 Daily Interest x 0.0002= 0655684 would this be b)£ 655-68p ?if so total c)£3934-10 using calc for 8% entered start date, amount= d)£1086-44 Total interest (on statements) £676-69 court cost ????? I promise i am not being lazy, I have read procedure until blue in the face, spreadsheet cant open!!!!!! other option problems!!!! money claim on line...problems!!!! I have filled out form to hand in at court but just need these final figures......PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP ME?
  23. Exact same letter received 4th May off the Infamous' Mr SPEWy PIGly,' Next had my cheque book and cards recovered, charging me £130 for the pleasure for a man who came to collect. I hadnt gone over time given to return and were sealed ready to post!! 11th May received 'Notice of Intention to file a default....?' Sent a Letter before Action again to the 'delightful'.....NOT!....... STUART HIGLEY(.PATRONISING PONCE!!) isn't in it?? 25TH May he replied, 'NOT REFUNDING'. Quoted 'some words' that were written by the Financial Ombudsman for a customer complaint 'in a similar vein' !!!! I've never been vein in my life? Informed me he had alerted their lawers and Litigation Dept to expect my claim through the courts? Very nice considering back in Feb I beared my Life and sole to him regarding circumstance; divorced, 2 children, Incapacity benefit due to depression/anxiety. Another time couldn't help it when, sobbed my heart out after the 3rd week they had took EVERY PENNY OF BENEFITS FOR CHARGES, only then to offer me a 5 yr loan to pay them off.....Cheeky bleep,bleep,flippin BLEEP! Now doing the sum bit which for some reason is doing my head in, as want to make sure spot on and not appear haven't a clue??? which i aint. SO I'm right there beside you going through the same , Hope n Pray be celebrating victory very soon and not 'made an example of' n loose which would be my blumin luck, Take Care j
  24. Thanx cia363, says it all really doesnt it? Gotta laff or else I'd cry ha ha
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