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  1. Thanks for all the responses. I seen somebody elses chat, how had been through a simliar situation and it stated the person should be given a chance to pay back the money for the fares they have travelled and it was apparently stated in paragraph 4, section 7 of a document - does any1 happen to know which document this person was thinking of? I tryed researching it but had no luck. I thought this would be good to highlight if i went to court???
  2. Yes, i recieved a copy of his report and yes i signed it. Although i also wrote a report stating the facts of the situation, and they slightly differ. The inspector's summarise their recordings. I only signed it because he told me - i never really thought about it. He also said all this legal jargon and i just agreed to everything he said - i was scared and they will hold this against me if i attend court
  3. They haven't proved it was me on the other occassions, but i suppose they could check CCTV cameras and yes theres a consistent pattern in the history
  4. Yes i've informed my uni...there not sure whether or not it can affect my degree, it's up to the General Teaching Council (GTC)as im training to become a teacher. I have spoken to the GTC and i had to fill out a declaration form an they will assess the situation. But, do i go to court or not? Have you been in this situation or know someone who has?
  5. hmmm....theres been several letters that i've been sending back and forwards. i wrote to them asking if i could get an out of court settlement and they refused. The thing is if i plea guilty by post i will be convicted of criminal record and a small fine. if i go court and fight it i have 10% chance and most likely i will convicted of a criminal record and a bigger amount of money bcoz i would have been found guilty. At the moment am i uni and i can't afford to be convicted of criminal record bcoz it could ruin my future career path
  6. Hi, thanks for the reply. Well, when i was questioned on the day they did not ask me about previous journeys - he just asked why i was using it and i said to save money. In the summons they have sent me they have also attached the inspector's conversation with me and the history of the freedom pass and because I've used it on more than one occassion - i am certain that they will question me about this in court. What do you suggest?
  7. Hi, i am in a similiar situation to you and i was wondering what to do? how did you go about the procedure?
  8. Can someone please help me becuase i've got caught using my aunt's freedom pass and they have asked me to come to court, and they are holding me against the history of the pass as i have used it on more than one occassion.
  9. can you please give me some advice as i've got myself into a simliar situation as you? thanks
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