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  1. Thanks for your reply imucky. I didn't admit the other journeys, the inspector said that I was obviously lying and playing naive and that based on the journey history from my pre-paid oyster print out, he believed I had made other journeys on the freedom pass, and that they could prove this with CCTV. Whether this was to force a confession or if it's true, I'm not sure. I was asked whether I was a student or working and so my response was that I'm looking for work, so yes that is sort of intent. Are there any steps I can take to avoid having the mark on my CRB or not have this go to court? I understand I will have to pay a fine and completely accept that willingly, but really, really want to avoid the CRB mark..
  2. You're right SPRO, I should be heavily fined and I completely accept responsibility for these actions. However I disagree that it should be as 'serious' as to be prosecuted, possibly leading to a mark on a CRB which seems rediculously excessive. After all no one or no property has been harmed and with a heavy fine LU would be getting back more than they lost and I have definitely learned my lesson. My main question was whether anyone else has had CCTV evidence used against them..
  3. I've a few questions I really really would appreciated the answer to I was stopped using a friends freedom pass the other day and went through the entire interview process (an hour!) and gave all details correctly. I said I mistakenly thought it was my pass that was being used, which I surrendered along with the freedom pass, which had money on it (despite not being what I now understand as being 'validated' or swiped in) and evidence of my past journeys made, which they printed out. The freedom pass didn't have a photocard with it, which I guess makes me look more guilty. I take care of my friend occassionally as he is disabled, and this was my excuse as to why I had it in my possession. Admittedly I have used this pass for the past two weeks (maybe 5 times in all) as am unemployed and just don't have the money at the moment. I really didn't think it would be this huge a deal or taken this seriously and really didn't mean to cause this much offence.. The officer said they would bring up CCTV evidence as he believed I had made other journeys on it other than the one in which they took the pass. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, how far back are they able to go? Since I didn't admit to the intent of evading a fare and disagreed with the officer, should I still write to them asking to settle out of court or will this be taken as me admitting everything? I haven't received any letters yet but would like to sort this out as soon as possible. It was a plain clothed officer who showed me his badge - is this the metropolitan transport police or who would I write to? I really, really don't want this go to court and be on a CRB, despite this being my first offence. And most definitely last too. Since I am disagreeing with the officer and didn't admit to everything does this automatically mean it goes to court? Also will my friend whose freedom pass it is get into trouble - will he be questioned? And will it affect him? I would hate for him to have any trouble as it's entirely my fault. Thanks very much, really appreciate all your answers and advice on what to do.. A quick addition- would it be better at this point to admit everything or stand by the original claim that I had used it in error.. Thanks
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