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Everything posted by vincymum

  1. Totally understand. Just really nice that you, and Slick have the energy to keep going as you do, and much appreciated. I'm still catching up on a few threads myself. Take care vincymum
  2. So will I, and not just for me but for everyone else aswell:-) Nice to hear from you again saintly_1 vincymum
  3. Hi Slick, I made it as clear as I could by to the Judge that was the case. Then he asked me if I had incurred any more charges since my claim, to which I answered "no". Then he said that he could of ordered Barclays not to add any more charges to my account while OFT case was being decided. But hey ho that's the way things go. The waiting and not knowing is sheer agony!!! Must take up knitting. vincymum
  4. Hi Slick, I believed that I was arguing against the imposition of a stay in my case due to hardship. I handed in the CAG letter adapted to my situation saying that I was on benefits about 5 mins before my hearing. The Barclays rep handed me a letter roughly 5 mins b4 the hearing saying that he was asking for a stay. That was the first I knew! So I argued against it on the grounds of hardship (well over my allotted 10 mins). In the end the Judge said that "my lord" someone or the other said that he would be "surprised" if such a case went ahead while the OFT case was being decided. I argued that I was not "most cases" due to hardship. But he said he was not having a jot of it and that I would not be getting my way. I expected a letter giving me the opportunity to apply for the lifting of a stay, but got the afore mentioned letter instead. My take of the whole event was that at least my case was not thrown out/dismissed. So in my eyes that was a positive to come out of the whole day. Meanwhile, I am trying to sort out a PPI that has been created on my account, premium taken without my permission, all whilst I was away)which has been accepted verbally, (which I know is not worth the paper it is written on)! So I'm following this one up. As they say, if it don't kill you it only makes you stronger!!! But yes, MOST charges taken out of benefits. My statements proove it. I do have seperate accounts for each benefit now. vincymum
  5. Hi, I'm back at last. Would like some help. I got a letter from my county court, dated the 10th September 2007 with post mark of 12th September 2007. It arrived through my letterbox on 14th September 2007, which stated the following: "Before DEPUTY DISTRICT JUDGE XXXXXX sitting at Reading County Court"......blah blah blah "IT IS ORDERED THAT - The Claim be stayed until 4.00pm on the 1st April 2008 pending the outcome of the case of the Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National Plc and Others, Claim No. 2007/1/86. Either Party may apply to Court Office to reinstate the claim. Dated 07 September 2007" Now I've not been sleeping too well lately (Not what you think!) and I'd like to know just what this means in plain English? Does it mean that I cannot apply for my stayed claim to be lifted now?, Or does it mean that I have to wait until April 1st 2008 inorder to re-instate my claim? It was clear that the Judge was going to stay the cases and not alot was going to ch change his mind. Anyhow, it was also clear that the only person who did not know that the hearing was about applying for a stay was me. I am of the opinion that my hearing was a hearing about applying for a stay. Having given both sides the letter about objecting to a stay to both sides I was hoping I could apply to have it lifted. Does the letter mean I cannot do that? Also, is there any irony in that last date of my stay is April 1st? What say ye goode people???
  6. Well done linda, I'm so proud of you. I was up in court today aswell and my case went similar to yours. I see things differently. My worst case scenario is that it would get thrown out. It did not, so I'm happy. I made an argument about benefits being inalienable and most of the bank reps seemed unaware. I said they could not put a prior claim on my benefits before I even got the money as not even the Inland revenue can do it automatically like the banks do. I confess I like the sound of my own voice and I paid £120 to have it heard, and heard it was. Have a few days relaxing, cos that's what I'm going to do. xx vincymum
  7. CASE STAYED. Well at least it's over for now. Had a good time really. Barclays sent a rep and he said he would be asking for a stay. I said that I would be arguing against it. I went prepared with objection to stay letter, non compliance with court directions letter, and current SOC's. Several of us went in together and the Judge said that he had orders to stay these kind of cases. I said that I had heard most cases were stayed but I was not most cases,I was a case of hardship. Judge then asked if anyone else had any other issues, and 1 other person did, so he said 'ladies first' and you could not shut me up for love nor money. The Judge liked the processing costs list that I directed him to have a look at. The fact that I could name and describe the folder my court bundle was delivered to Barclays in impressed the Judge. The Judge and I both had pink lever arch files with "100% winnie" written on the front. I explained that the one Barclays got was a deeper pink with a different message on it which he seemed to find amusing. I then went on about excessive charges enriching the Defendant, produced a different leaflet my daughter found only yesterday entitled "Our bank charges explained" fessed up to understanding the Australian report, and how such charges hit low income customers hardest and most frequently, and how this cross subsidised those who could deposit a certain amount per month, and how this was unfair. I directed him to the processing cost page of my bundle and fessed up to having read all the bundle from cover to cover. The Judge said that but for the internet there would not be so many claims. I said that I lauded the internet because it helped me to understand how banks really made their money and helped me to stop being so vunerable. I told him that since the claim I had not incurred any more charges, but that Barclays had by having togo to the B.o.E for the emergency loan. The Judge told me, after I had eaten up over 25 mins of my allotted 10 mins that I was not going to have my way and that the case was stayed. (I can see the arguement from the Judge's point of view). He gave me back his copy of the court bundle,and said to hang on to it because he feared that it would get lost in court somewhere. So I took it back. He addressed Barclays rep. and said that the rep had a formidable opponent!!!. I smiled, thanked the Judge, thanked the Barclays rep, and left. Great day out. I'd do it again tomorrow (but got a footie friendly at 9.00am). Looking forward forward to a good night's sleep at last. Thanks everyone at CAG for all your help and support. I will be back on in a few days so you ain't getting rid of me that easily. vincymum
  8. Thanks slickwilly. Got back yesterday morning. Trip went smoothly but glad to be back. Especially as we missed the tube strike. Still need to get my objection to a stay letter done, (printer is out of ink!). Just finished getting the rest of school uniform 2day. Hope to get some sanity back by tomorrow.
  9. Thanks for replying to Nicolina slickwilly. I've been a tad busy since my last post. I finally got my bundle finished on the very last day of the deadline. I filed it at court first, then got a receipt. Then I headed down to London with the kids to Canary Wharf. Got my bag checked through Barclays security and went straight to the reception desk to ttry and hand in my bundle. I did not have an appointment with anyone on level 29, and had to wait ages for someone to receive it. They were really busy that day. Anyway, a very kind person there took my bundle straight up to the person I had named, and I got it receipted. I have realised that I have not received anything from Barclays. Now I just need to prepare letters about non compliance, and objection to the stay, and I should be finished. Off to Italy for a few days but not on holiday. The kids, paternal grandmother passed away, so lots to help sort out. I was content with my bundle. What took me so long getting it together was understanding what was in it. Got to pack and be out of here by 11.00. Ciao
  10. Oh, also, as I had already filed my PoC with the court and the Defendant, I do have to file form N244. At least it put my mind at ease, and it is only fair I suppose.
  11. That is exactly it! :) Thanks very much for such a quick reply. Do you think everything is more or less covered in my bundle? When it says bundle needs to be bound, does this mean spiral bound??? (sorry for being so thick) or just held together somehow in a folder? Is it ok to paginate the bundle manually? (I have no other way at the moment). (Have had so much bad stuff going on at the moment that night time is the only time I get to do some work). Any feedback gratefully appreciated. :)
  12. Please could I have a link to the BBC Commission Report?. It is NOT in the basic court bundle. Only the OFT & Early day motion is! Thanks in advance vincymum
  13. Have tried every link possible to get the Norther Irish Personal Banking Report printed out, but at this late stage I'm just going to leave it out. My court Bundle consists of: Case Summary - attachments SOC's and copy statements Statement of Evidence - attachments in support, OFT /summary Report, House Of Commons Early Day Motion, Automated Charge Notification Letters, BBC Commission Conclusion, Whole of Australian Default Charges Report, Transcripts of McNamarra interview, All Correspondence from Barclays, Court, and Myself, Social Security Admin Act, Section headed Miscellaneous (inc s. 187), copy of dp company list of fees (from advanced court bundle), Relevant Case Law Summaries- (as per basic court bundle), DG of FT v. 1st nat. bank judgement.(advanced court bundle) copy terms & conditions List of settled case Guess everyone is busy doing their bundles. Goodluck people. I'm sick of doing this now.. just want to get it in tomorrow, so i can get some sleep!
  14. Thanks shinobi jones for asking that question. The checklist you did was great and as ever, saintly_1 has answered my questions by answering yours. Thanks saintly_1
  15. Will the OFT Sumary in Bookworms's courtbundle suffice, or do I need to print out section 4.21 of the report bit. Also is the Northern Ireland report essential? The final report has been published now dated May 2007, and is a pretty hefty report. Then, I plan to submit a statement of evidence. Is it advisable to include a witness statement and that other list? At the moment my bundle is taking on Biblical proportions!!??? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  16. Panic over, I've found it in the litigation section. Now to check over my list again, and again, and again. (Well at least b4 9.00pm. The Bourne Supremacy is on and I ain't missing that!)
  17. I could kiss you! Thanks for that. I've spent so many late nights reading the Australian Report from front cover to the last page trying to understand the issues. SOOOOOOglad I did. Now I know what the NI report has got to do with it. If you, or anyone else could help me, can you direct me to the list of settled cases please, the one where you get a list of claim No's, and then you can select if you want a list of concluded cases, or all cases, so that I can put them in my bundle. Many many thanks in advance vincymum
  18. I am still going through the court bundle! I have printed out the basic court bundle, and the full copy of the Australian Bank report, and my statements of charges, I've found the statement of evidence to use, as my defence referrs mainly to T&C's. Why do I feel physically sick about the whole thing now? My date is 7th Sept so I need to finish by today. Can't stop shaking for some reason. Is this normal?
  19. Hi Kay, thought I was the only one experiencing this problem. Glad I'm not. Yes, thought this would have changed to WON by now. WOT NO CHEQUE as yet. Terrible! I spoke to a really nice chap called Andy Benson in Customer Services. Maybe he can help you. Give me two ticks and I'll see if I can find the No.
  20. Nope, something amiss there. The very first question does not allow you to pick a bank froma selection of banks, because there is no list. Perhaps someone could have a look at this please?
  21. Money has cleared, and donation willingly made. I have to confirm to the court and A&L receipt of the money. In the letter to me that came along with the cheque A&L naturrally said that they disagree with my view of the situation, but have decided to settle the claim in this instance. I have written a letter back thanking them for the cheque in the amount detailed on the Judgement of Default letter that I faxed to them. Will fax it tomorrow. When I try to fill in the survey at the top, I can't put in the name of the bank. It says 'select one' but there are no options to choose from. I'll try it again in a minute. Perhaps I just got it wrong.
  22. NICE ONE:D :D I would have loved to be a fly on the wall! ENJOY YOUR MONEY! And that's an order vincymum
  23. Morning all, Sorry to be so stupid and slow, but I have a question regarding the court bundle in the template library, and the bundle that runs to just under 200 pages. The main difference that I can see between the two, is that the bundle in the template library makes reference to all the pertinant parts of the case laws, and the other one is a fuller document, that gives you all of the info leading up to why decisions have been made (ie the full reports) and the conclusions/summaries. Is this correct? (My hearing is supposed to take 10 minutes!)
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