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  1. I will send them each an SAR then I'll contact you once I have a total. How can I calculate interest I have been charged on the charges?
  2. I guess I'll have to send an SAR request to get the statements? Would I need to send 3 letters and 3 £10 postal orders? 1 for each account?
  3. Littlewoods, Choice and Additions. I don't have an exact total, I have a rough estimate for 2 of them, about £150 each excluding interest. I really need to get hold of the statements.
  4. Thank you for posting in my thread about these (Edit). Please PM me with details how I can reclaim my charges.
  5. As stated earlier, I do have most of the statements for Choice and Additions (I am missing 2 per account). It's the Littlewoods/Lowell statements I really need. I can see from the statement I do have that Additions have been adding interest (both before and after the account was sent to NDR). Additions was an interest bearing account and we knew this when the account was opened. My question is whether or not they would be charging interest on the charges? If so, I would also need to claim this back and would like to know how to work it out. Also, both Choice and Additions should be cleared by Friday. Should I make these final payments to them? Or would it make it difficult to claim back the charges on a settled account?
  6. Thanks for your reply. What would be the best course of action to try and reclaim these charges? Firstly, I need to get hold of the missing Choice/Additions statements and all of the Littlewoods (Lowell) statements. How can I get these without paying over the odds? I was told over the phone that I need to pay £5 per statement. I know this is rubbish, would a SAR get my statements? Then, once I have all the statements together, I can calculate the charges. Do they charge interest on charges? If so, how do I calculate this also? Finally, once I know what I'm claiming, do I just write to them threatening court/FOS action if they don't pay up? I don't know what my chances of getting them back would be because the total amount would more than clear the outstanding balance, they would owe me money.
  7. Just to add some further information, I have figured out the charges added on 2 of the accounts. Since the 3rd is with Lowells, there is no way for me to look and calculate charges on this account. Additions: 3x Late Minimum Payment - £12 8x Missed Minimum Payment - £12 4x Debt Collection Letter - £12 So that is £180 total charges (not to mention interest charged at 49.9%) Choice: 6x Missed Minimum Payment - £12 4x Late Minimum Payment - £12 2x Debt Collection Letter - £12 That's £144 in charges on this account. I am also missing 2 statements each for these accounts so there are potentially more charges. What can I do?
  8. I am currently trying to get my head around why my girlfriend 'owes' Shop Direct so much money. She opened 3 accounts with them just over a year ago. She fell behind on payments and didn't ask for my help until the debts had been sent to NDR for recovery. I am trying to sort out this mess, but it makes no sense to me. I have paid them so much money and still owe more and I don't see how. My partner initially thought all 3 SD accounts had been merged into 1 debt with NDR, but we later discovered a second account and then a third (which by this time had been sent to Lowells). NDR promised no interest would be charged and agreed to £30 per month payments. On NDR website, when I make a payment, it says we are up to date with agreed payments, but yet they are still asking for payment in full and charging no end of £12 charges and interest and all sorts. We apparently owe Lowells over £500 which I don't see as possible since the original credit limit was only £300. How can I figure out how much we actually owe these cowboys? (If anything, I feel they probably owe me!)
  9. Well I now know what I did was stupid but at the time I didn't. What I'm saying is a believe that Paypal should be doing more to stop this happening. What is to stop me getting a mate up north to access my Paypal, buy thousands of pounds worth of goods, then I claim it as fraudulent and get my money back. I know I can't be arrested because the police don't care and I now know how easy it is to get my money back from Paypal. See? It's just too damn easy. Paypal is meant to be safe and until now I have believed it is. Paypal should take responsibility for this.
  10. I recently sold an iPhone. I listed it on eBay and a member messaged me asking if I would accept collection if he offered me a good price. I told him collection would be fine, and he gave me his phone number to contact him. I called him and we struck a deal. He sent me the money through Paypal and I met up with him and gave him the item. Everything was fine until a few hours later and surprise surprise, monies gone. Luckily I had already withdrawn to my bank account but now my account is negative £365. The sale wasn't eligible for Seller Protection because I hadn't posted the item (so no tracking number) and the transaction page clearly said 'Not Eligible' for the protection. I called Paypal to ask what had happened and they explained that it was a fraudulent transaction and both the eBay and Paypal accounts were hijacked and didn't belong to the person I met up with. Great. They explained that since it wasn't eligible for seller protection, I would have to take a hit on the loss rather than them. I contacted the police who told me it's not a police issue and that techincally, it's Paypal that owe me that money since they have allowed somebody to carry out a fraudulent transaction. I agree with this because while Paypal did make it clear that I wouldn't be eligible for seller protection, they still let this transaction go through fraudulently and they know it, yet they have no interest in doing anything about it. They know that their website isn't safe and that this is going on. They are making it easy for [problematic] to get away with this by doing nothing about it and letting it happen. I still have the serial and IMEI for the phone so I managed the get it blocked so it's useless to the [EDIT] who stole it. So.. I have made the decision to not resolve my negative balance. I don't care how many debt collectors they send to me, they aren't getting a penny off me. Do you think I am right? Or Paypal? Any advice?
  11. I just saw this section and thought I would post my great experience using the FOS. I find it strange that most of this section is filled with complaints about the FOS since they were so helpful with my case. I applied for a loan with the dreaded Yes Loans UK and stupidly paid their £69.50 admin fee. Of course, I never received the loan and my money was nowhere to be seen. Numerous letters and phone calls to them didn't help so I went to the FOS. 2 weeks later, I had a cheque in my hand for the full £69.50 and a grovelling appology from Yes Loans UK. They didn't even take the £5 they were entitled to keep by law. I don't know what they did, but the FOS definately scared this company into paying up quick. I was very impressed with their service.
  12. Well I have spoken to the HR manager about it and also asked her to move department. I have a meeting with her tomorrow about it. Fortunately, she isn't fond of my manager either so she understands my situation and is also the only person who has actually witnessed the distress she has been causing me. Do you think I have a case for a grievance? I have no solid evidence and no really big situation, it's just little things that amount to something bigger. But it would be quite hard to explain that to somebody else, I fear the may just laugh it off?
  13. I have found no reference to anything of the sort in any contracts or materials. Nor has it ever been mentioned. I genuinely didn't know what I did was wrong at the time. They based the case on the fact that 'it's common sense' and I should just known that it wasn't acceptable. I don't share this view at all, but I don't know what I can do about it? With regards to which licence they lost and from whom, I have no idea. Bare in mind this was hear say, it wasn't mentioned in the hearing. I heard later from another colleague. Though it does make sense considering the harsh action they took.
  14. I need some good advice on what to do with a situation at work. I work for a large retail company and have worked there for nearly 2 years, it is my first job. I started at the bottom, working on a checkout. After about a year I trained to work on for customer services and have been doing since. A few months ago, the store manager announced he intended on training some of the colleagues for managment positions. I applied for it and I was selected and am now training to be a team leader. That's where all the problems started.... Ever since I have started this training, I have had several problems, mostly with my department manager. I get the impression that she doesn't want me to do the training or take up the position. Every time I mention it or ask to go and do some training, she gets weird. She is often in a mood and can be quite rude and arrogant. It's getting to a point where I'm actually dreading going into work in fear that she might be there. I feel like she is always watching me, waiting for me to do something wrong so she can either dismiss me or take me off the training. She never lets me go to do any training and when I talk to her about it she changes the subject and makes excuses, the problem never gets resolved. I have asked to move to another department now because I can't work for her any longer. I really like my department, but I have no choice. I am now facing being taken off the training and/or dismissed from my job. She has taken me upstairs and told me that she has seen me going outside for cigarettes when I should be working and if she sees me doing it again, she will take it further. I understand that I shouldn't really be going out for a cigarette when I should be working, but all of the managers (including her) and quite a few colleagues often go out unchallenged. I don't think me smoking is the problem, she knows that is the only thing she could get me for. I think it's unfair to tell me I can't go out a smoke, yet it's fine if everyone else does, surely that is a type of discrimination? I'm only on a final writen warning (one step from dismissal) for another reason that I also feel was unfair. I didn't appeal the decision at the time because of advice from a union rep. I'm fine with it on my file, it will be removed after 12 months, but it also means one step out of line, and I loose my job. Basically my actions resulted in the company lossing their licence to sell video games. I bought a copy of a game a few hours before it's release. I'd seen other colleagues do it before and nowhere in any contracts or company materials did it say anything about that being a misconduct offence. Other colleagues bought the same game at the same time as me and they didn't get any disciplinary action at all. I think the manager was pressured by the company to make an example of me. In fact, I was told the only reason I wasn't dismissed is because a manager was involved also, and they didn't want to dismiss her. So I need some advice. I feel like any time now, everything is going to come down on me and I'm going to loose my job. What do you advise I do? Do you think I have been treated unfairly?
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